The M/F Blues


Active Member
1st full week into flowering, and Ive got the Male/Female blues.
Just had 2 rip 1, the healthiest too (just my luck).
Out of the 4, his calyx's were the first to develop, quickly turning from empty inter-node spaces into clusters of 2-4 balls per internode.
Now, 2 of the other 3 left show promise of being female, with only 1 single calyx and not clusters at each site, but time will see tell.
Too bad one of the 2 is droopin all over the place, leaves curled down heavy after last transplant too much root loss pretty sure shes a goner.

More depressed than anything. So much time, effort, money (2 of those being in VERY short supply) spent. And just a week ago i was king shit, 4 beautiful 2 foot tall girls to tend to every day.
Super bummed, My 1st order from the 'Tude was placed over the weekend so i got some Fem WWxBigBud coming, one thing to look foreward to i guess.
Idk man, just bummin hard from having to destroy something so beautiful. And to see the other, potentially only female faring so poorly.

1st grow, and a month an a half went by like -Poof- no trouble at all. Now this.... Need words of encouragement, i suppose.


Well-Known Member
There-there.... Its gonna be ok honey! There will be plenty more little girls for you to play with/trim/manicure/molest/cut/ crop/cure/smoke!!!!!!!

Joking aside, that def sucks. Thats why when dealing with regs, u should pop at least 10 seeds to start. Figure the worst case scenario: 70-80% germ rate, 50% males. So lets say out of 10, you will end up with 4 females!

(doesnt always work out that way, but thats just an example!)

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
I planted 7 bagseeds, 6 germed. 5 male, 1 female... and then it was both. Got some nice seeds and hairy airy buds. Oh yeah, and who knows how much pollen scattered everywhere. So, you're doing just fine.


Sector 5 Moderator
Hate to hear it but not surprised. Life does that to us every chance it gets. You just gotta grab life by the balls and take it where you want it to go. So you've got 3 healthy females. Nice.


Active Member
Thanks for all the love mates, I was tired and depressed from a 10 hour shift at work right before i wrote that, and just bummed in general. Add to that having to rip one of the plants, twas a bad feel.
I've wanted to grow all my life, and make horticulture my career. A few plants on my first grow not turning out 100% as i hoped isn't going to dissuade me from that, lol.
Though i am watching that Royal Mail tracking like a hawk for those new seeds... Its almost like now these 3 went from being my girls... to step children. I learned LOADS from this first grow, but it was just a "Dry Run" so to speak. I'm just waiting to pop those fem White Widow, god i hate how slow international mail is!