Well-Known Member
Ok Bucket, I guess the Bingo answer meant...hhhuh more overall energy (nutrients) will be going from the roots up since it has a better canopy to collect light .. I just answered myself too!
I got 2 Dr.Grinspoon that were topped twice now, one is well main-lined and the other has a third leg coming off the hub, should I cut it? (I am guess yes but I will wait for the plant to recover from stress)

The good Dr. Grinspoon

The one with the branches growing off of the hub.

I got 2 Dr.Grinspoon that were topped twice now, one is well main-lined and the other has a third leg coming off the hub, should I cut it? (I am guess yes but I will wait for the plant to recover from stress)

The good Dr. Grinspoon

The one with the branches growing off of the hub.