The Main-Lining Thread


Well-Known Member
Nice lights, dude. Your greenhouse is a great place to shoot with all the white you have up around there... it makes for great fill. I can't tell, did you end up going with strobes or constant light sources?


Well-Known Member
Main-Lining from Seed Day 8

....Bay-11 was born with one cody, but now leads the jill is the little one, and she is growing really slow.....


Well-Known Member
Hey Nugs!

My father lived on Maui untill he passed away last year. I spent some great times on that little Island and smoked some amazing Sativa. I am in Orange County CA now and trying to find a good Sativa for me and my fellow patients. I may try some of the Mexican, Colombian, and Panama strains next. We will see what I can find for next year. Nick at Holy Smoke Seeds has some other strains I would like to try and a Maui connection sent me some Swazi seeds.

I also have the Mozambique Poison male clones (from my perfectly mainlined plant I had to chop) that I will cross with the Mulanje and Malawi to see what I can get those genes to produce.

Please visit if you make it to Southern CA on your trip. My girls would love to be photographed by you :)

Harvest looks like it will be on the traditional CA Sativa harvest day. (12th day of Christmas).



Well-Known Member
This was the perfect Mainlined plant. Too bad it turned out to be male :(

I wish I had taken a wide shot of him before I chopped him. He looked like a Nugs plant.



Active Member

What you got there?
Its a strain me and my wife got on vacation in the smokey mtns...the growers son hooked me up with a bag....the next day i found him ill give anything for some of them seeds...he called his dad and his dad brought them to me...he called smokey mtn haze...had 6 seeds all male but htis one...first time flowering her...she is stretching way to much for my setup...but gonna go the distance...she cloned very ill do better next time...didnt know she would stretch like that


Well-Known Member
When I lived in NC I had the pleasure of smoking some killer hillbilly weed that blew away the Humboldt pine skunk I had been smoking. You are a lucky grower :)

Here are some better pictures from today of the stretchy Mulanje Mainliners:

It was 96 degrees in the shade today! :P



Well-Known Member
Decided today i was going back to scrog! I am not getting enough bud for my space and i know for a fact this shit works.but post couple pics first is the mainlined og 32 head,it's also the back left in the scrog,back right is the shark attack mainline.The rest are plants i already had in bud, i tried to get them poked through the cage but was doing more damage than good so i quit and left them below it.Flipped the switch on the 2 mainlines so they should be about right.100_3475.jpg100_3476.jpgView attachment 2357363100_3478.jpg


Well-Known Member
What's up nerds?

Here are some updated pictures of my main-lined Cheese Quakes.

What'ya think, another 5 days or so then flower? They will of course be rearranged to fit the square shape of the cab, and the tower fan will be back on it's wooden shelf against the rear wall. That'll give them some more room.

I'd much rather be under-vegged than over-vegged this round. Going for quality first, quantity second.



Well-Known Member
Mohican - Are those mulanje flowering at all yet? Seems like they better get a move on if they're gonna finish this year!

Edit: On closer inspection, I think I see some little nug-lets starting to form :)

And your "96 degrees in the shade" comment stuck the Third World song solidly in my head.

"96 degrees... In the shaaaaddee
Ten thousand soldiers... On paraaaade!"

Ok. I'm done now.

Happy Tuesday, nerds!


Well-Known Member
What's up nerds?

Here are some updated pictures of my main-lined Cheese Quakes.

What'ya think, another 5 days or so then flower? They will of course be rearranged to fit the square shape of the cab, and the tower fan will be back on it's wooden shelf against the rear wall. That'll give them some more room.

I'd much rather be under-vegged than over-vegged this round. Going for quality first, quantity second.

View attachment 2357782View attachment 2357783View attachment 2357784View attachment 2357785View attachment 2357786
yep 5 days.....they look great...


Well-Known Member
Decided today i was going back to scrog! I am not getting enough bud for my space and i know for a fact this shit works.but post couple pics first is the mainlined og 32 head,it's also the back left in the scrog,back right is the shark attack mainline.The rest are plants i already had in bud, i tried to get them poked through the cage but was doing more damage than good so i quit and left them below it.Flipped the switch on the 2 mainlines so they should be about right.View attachment 2357361View attachment 2357362View attachment 2357363View attachment 2357364
your scene looks tight is when the ML'ing begins to shine!


Active Member
I run aero but, I'm going to do some test runs with mainlining using dirt and don't really want to do the supersoil at this time! I have a bail of pro mix and would like to use it up. Anybody using pro mix and if so, I would be ever so grateful if you were able to share your mix and nute schedule!