The Making Of A Monster!


Well-Known Member
right now i am reseting this monster. the current genetic pool has expanded.

We will be adding

Mr Nice
Sensi Star
Hash plant
G13 haze
Snow Angel
PPP/ Skunk Special
purple widow
the purps
White girl
and a few home brewed mixes

i am also re running a few old tattered mothers.

Currently i am cutting and germinating almost on a daily basis. i have a few snap shots but going over the germination and early veg seems silly to me. if this is really important to the users i will go from day one give me imput!


Active Member
hey are you an experienced nurturer. Im wondering if my current setup is gonna do fine, and what kind of changes I can make to improve it. I have a 4ft by 6 ft grow room with 7 ft of hieght, built from 2x4's with white tarps stapled for cover. I have a 1000w hps light system suspended from chains on the fixed ceiling. white tarp on the floor. I have about 40 babies not yet sexed in 8" and 10 " pots, babies about 12 inches in height, bent over, and tied down to allow more light. they are getting fairly bushy, and I keep triming off the large leaves for more small leaf growth. they ere about 5-6 weeks old, but not as large as I expected, possibly from the slight lack of air exchange.I have a large fan inside room blowing under the light to cool down the area between the light and plants, but the only air going in is through the approx 1 foot triangle spot that the tarp is pulled open and pinned down near the top. so the only air that gets in is not blown or sucked, but just a corner allowed open, and when I go in once a day. and the only air is from my apartment, though I do get air in here from a few open windows. I water approx every 2 days, every second or third with cheap shultz tomato fert almost half strength 9-10-15. they are on day 3 of 12/12, and I just figure they should be bigger. they are starting to smell quite strong, but the fact that its been winter outside and that their room is in a street facing windowed bedroom, doesnt allow me to start a real air exchange. sorry to just bare this huge message on you, but I really need some advice. I need to get a large yeild from this and I need some help.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
sounds good to me abud. yeah it does get a bit boring seein the same old veg pics. the bud ones are what we wana see.


Active Member
I can't believe how much bread you spent on supplies such as bulbs and co2 tanks n crud. i hope it all works out

When i started my 1st garden, i dropped $2,273 building the grow room. that did not include medium ,seeds , or any nutrients. Total coast when all was said in done $4,370 (what can i say .. i like the really nasty lookin shit on the seed banks sights.) the set up was good for 2 flowering areas each holding 6 plants each. on avrage at harvest each plant yeilded 2.5 oz's of good good luv' n. Dont know prices in your area , but for me, 60-85 a 1/8 , 110-150 a 1/4 , 400 - 600 per Oz. So lets says we go $ 400 an OZ x 30 for my yeild = $13,500. Now i dont sell the stuff, but if i did. i would say it pays for its self.

Even if the start up coast seems steep to ya , think of the money you will save over the long run and its a no-brainer. If ya dont have that much cash to drop all at once, do it slow. Plan what your set up is gonna look like and what you will need, make a list , check it twice and then shop around for what ya need. Pick up what ya need when you can and sooner then later your gonna be telling us bout your smoken hot mama's and how you love em so. Good Luck Folks and Keep on Token.


Well-Known Member
enought talk its time to walk the walk!

i find it so so easy once i have all the goodies
so lets make way for the first wave of new mothers.


Well-Known Member
First i need a good new veg area at this location.

really all i need is 3x3 but i am going to cook em with a 600 watts if too small.

Another key factor is temps. i dont want teps above 75 F . if i get much hotter they will stretch out very quickly.

Here is the hole i picked.


Well-Known Member
With almost no effort, and some panda plastic... walla...... a completly covered closet now prime to grow. some old cardboard and a few staples and what a change


Well-Known Member
Yep it that easy to start veggin!
all i need to do is grab some resivors and the light!
i am going to use soil here so the resivors are to prop the trays closer to the light and off the cold floor



Well-Known Member
so we really dont need 600 watts for this small space. 400 would work well. But... i can manage the heat, and i want to max out the lumens. i will veg these @ about 12 inches from the bulb



Well-Known Member
gonna get crispy. But not if you pull some air. this fan pulls a little less than 700 cubic feet a minute. this is the 6 inch model



Well-Known Member
these fans move a massive amount of air but they make a lot of noise and vibration. i am ghetto so i grabbed a old 1/2 hose from aold hydro tray. i screw it to the studs and whala vibration free fan
