The Making Of A Monster!


Well-Known Member
here are the hydro clones we did yesterday allready under HID that is causing a bit of yellowing but i am pushing them



Well-Known Member
Thank you thank you

Everyone loves the bud shots and there will be more in a few posts, but we have lots of work every day to make lots of buds.

here was the tray with all the plants we just veiwed

like i saif the back 6 are ready to flower this week




Well-Known Member
andto give you aover view we repotted these a few days ago the stems are bulking up andthey are starting to get tall. it will be timeto cloneand sex within the next 24 hours



Well-Known Member
We have to be careful it is very easy to get backed up and with all these fresh genetics we dont want it to get out of control

in less than a week they will double in size

Now when we have the clone conditioned we will have more control of height

but from seed they have alot of vigor


Well-Known Member
this clone is from the same strain but different genetic pool (breeder)

this clone is the same age as the seeds and you will see it get left behind. so make sure your new seedlings dont over crowd your good clones.

remember you wantshort and tight clones and plants !



Well-Known Member
you know they dont all do wonderful but i love the runts too

here are three runts @ day 16 lol yes day 16 !!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
so the runt above is the same age and strian as this one they were germinated together

this is nirvana's

Fem Snow White



Well-Known Member
ok ok its late and another day has gone. i have lots of work again in the morning so lets end today with a few more close to finish bud shots