The Mettrum Spectrum


Well-Known Member
What a joke. Apparently their meds are crap anyway based on the reviews. I have yet to be impressed with any of the LP's thus far, from what I've seen nothing but inferior product and ridiculous branding. Canna Farms is looking like the lesser of the 7 evils right now. Too bad we won't know how their product is til May.


Well-Known Member
I just got this email from Mettrum.


Tell us what you think!

We'd love to get your feedback
Because you signed up on the Mettrum site, we are extending you this offer to complete our quick survey and receive 30% off of your first order when you register as a Mettrum client before April 1st.

If you complete the survey, but aren’t ready to register as a client before April 1, we are happy to extend 20% off your first order between April 1 and Friday April 18.

Thank you for your interest in Mettrum, we are very much looking forward to providing you with unparalelled product and service!

Give Feedback

So...I get a 30% discount on my first order if I register before the deadline and 20% after. Hmmmmm, more perfect product made just for me.