I think this might be helpful for knowing when to harvest outdoors without trying to figure out how many days you have left till harvest. Like the sun, the moon is just a important. Depending on what phase the moon is in will tell you when to plant, feed/water and when your girls are ready to be chopped down. Also the moon will tell you how old your girls are. No calendars needed. And the moon is right everytime. As far as my experience goes..
I'm only on my third grow, i grow one plant every long season. I grow with super soil. I only water and feed my micro herd with molasses water for the whole grow. No bottled or chemical nutrients. Keep it simple. And I've been watching how my plants grow according to the phases of the moon.
what I've notice is that planting on a new moon will give your seedlings a strong start due to the gravitational pull of the moon as the moon gets bigger to a full moon helping your seedling sprout and grow vigorously. While the moon starts to fade back to a new moon, the gravitational pull from the new moon pulls your roots down. This is when I like to give my plants beneficial fungi and bacteria to help her get that root mass that I want.
You can track how long she's been vegging by counting the full moons. So you plant on a new moon, the first full moon starts day one veg, as I noticed all my plants had their 3 finger leaves out by then. As the plants grow, every full moon after that is one month. The moon cycles every 28 days. Every week of the full moon your plant has a growth spurt as the pull from the moon getting bigger stretches your plants to the sky. This is when I like to feed molasses water for my micro herd. Keep the micro herd happy and your plants stay happy
BTW your plants grow at night and not in the day. She feeds in the day and grows at night. Jus like humans.
As your plant matures and starts to preflower which will most likely happen while the moon is going down. The full moon after that you will notice she has begun flowering. The next full moon(1 month into flower) she will have buds and trichs but have now yet start to swell.
Your almost there! The next
Full moon after that, which would be the second full moon(2 months) take a microscope and check your buds. You'll see that she's fully milky and perfect for harvest. And the buds are swollen than ever. Hairs have changed color and she's good to go!
If your look at your trichs and it's all still clear then wait one more moon. some plants like sativas could take up to three full moons(12 weeks) to be ready for harvest.
All in all. I noticed that the moon is your best friend.
I see it as the moon is my calendar. The moon tells me when to plant, feed/water, when to harvest. Hopefully you outdoor growers find this helpful. And use the moon towards your advantage. It's all apart of how mother nature works.
I'm only on my third grow, i grow one plant every long season. I grow with super soil. I only water and feed my micro herd with molasses water for the whole grow. No bottled or chemical nutrients. Keep it simple. And I've been watching how my plants grow according to the phases of the moon.
what I've notice is that planting on a new moon will give your seedlings a strong start due to the gravitational pull of the moon as the moon gets bigger to a full moon helping your seedling sprout and grow vigorously. While the moon starts to fade back to a new moon, the gravitational pull from the new moon pulls your roots down. This is when I like to give my plants beneficial fungi and bacteria to help her get that root mass that I want.
You can track how long she's been vegging by counting the full moons. So you plant on a new moon, the first full moon starts day one veg, as I noticed all my plants had their 3 finger leaves out by then. As the plants grow, every full moon after that is one month. The moon cycles every 28 days. Every week of the full moon your plant has a growth spurt as the pull from the moon getting bigger stretches your plants to the sky. This is when I like to feed molasses water for my micro herd. Keep the micro herd happy and your plants stay happy

As your plant matures and starts to preflower which will most likely happen while the moon is going down. The full moon after that you will notice she has begun flowering. The next full moon(1 month into flower) she will have buds and trichs but have now yet start to swell.
Your almost there! The next
Full moon after that, which would be the second full moon(2 months) take a microscope and check your buds. You'll see that she's fully milky and perfect for harvest. And the buds are swollen than ever. Hairs have changed color and she's good to go!
If your look at your trichs and it's all still clear then wait one more moon. some plants like sativas could take up to three full moons(12 weeks) to be ready for harvest.
All in all. I noticed that the moon is your best friend.
I see it as the moon is my calendar. The moon tells me when to plant, feed/water, when to harvest. Hopefully you outdoor growers find this helpful. And use the moon towards your advantage. It's all apart of how mother nature works.