The most fucked up night ever!!!


New Member
Last night was fucked! I am usually a home body but i got talked into a party last night, all was well to we went to leave. Good food, good smoke and good company. I am new to the area but my girls family is from the area and they know everybody and i had met the host before a couple times, so i went along with my girl and her uncle who has been my friend for years. I don't really drink so i was the driver.

When we got there the host invited us down to his basement to smoke, dude had cut plants drying on a line down there and there were people everywhere going in and out. I thought to myself, Wow this dude has some nuts. Like his plants were just hanging there for everyone to see. Seemed like a bad idea to me but dude was really cool and it's his place so his call right. Well I have to admit it i was checking out his plants from a distance while we were there, hey i grow so i'm intrested in what others grow, If it weren't for alot of people thinking that same thing we wouldn't have sites like this one to enjoy would we?

Well anyway i talked to the dude and we made some plans for a later date, I own a set of bubble bags and he said he had alot of trim laying around and we were gonna get together and run it at a latter date and split the goodies, it's a deal i have done in the past with a mutual friend and this dude saw what we got and wanted me to do his to. So we stayed till like 12:30 and at this point i have been eating dudes excellent food and smoking dudes excellent weed for like 4 hours plus, so my belly is full and my eyes are heavy, my girl was thinking the same way and we decided to leave. We told her uncle we were about ready to go and that he should finish his beer so we could go, he had been keeping the kegs company for as long as we had been there and was pretty drunk but after a few minutes he agreed that it was time to go.

At that moment i realized that i had made plans with our host but had not gotten his number to call and set up a time. So i told everybody we should go say thanks for the awesome party to our host who was still in the basement and i could get his number before we go. So we all go downstairs and there is still probably 10 people in the basement smoking, well i got the number and we said goodnight. Then on my way out i helped myself to another piece of cake and we walked to the car. Just as were closing the doors and about to pull off some kid runs up and says "Just hold on a second" so were like WTF but hey whatever rightmaybe they were lighting off more fireworks behind us or some shit i thought.

So we are all sitting there asking dude WTF and can we go yet as i notice a crowd approaching the car. Then our host appears.....He looks pissed. So he runs up to us and says he has shit missing and thinks we took it. Dude jumped on me while i was still seatbelted in and all i could do was duck and cover. He is a stocky dude and i'm sure if he had wanted to he could have hurt me but i don't have a mark.

Then a guy shows up that says he saw my girls uncle stuffing it in his pockets when i was getting the dudes number. My buddy says he's crazy but they empty his pockets and search the car, then somebody found weed under the car where he was standing. Our host decked my buddy in the face and then the hosts wife jumped on my buddy to keep her man from beating his brains into the ground. I am convinced that if he was trying to hurt either one of us we would be far worse off this morning then we are. They even gave my buddy his wallet back that he dropped when they were searching him. Proving what i had thought about these people from the get go, they are really nice bunch. They let us leave without further incident.

So now i feel like a real asshole, what the fuck can i do, I didn't do shit to start with but i'm sure that EVERYONE at that party thinks i'm a theif now, Been trying to call the host and afew other people that were there that i know but nobody answers. I really think that i have been black balled for something i had little to do with, I didn't take shit, nor did i even know that shit was taken, but since i was the designated driver everyone saw me driving the asshole away and now at least 50 people i have never even met before think i'm a thief.

I NEED TO FIND A WAY TO FIX THIS!!! I am just not ok with being thought of as a thief. I'm gonna give the dude some seeds and offer to run his trim and let him keep all the hash, but i don't know if i will ever even get the chance to offer. It was made clear that we were not welcome back and i wouldn't want to till shit gets straightened out. Nice guys and all but that doesn't mean that they won't bury my ass if they think i'm a thief. I am attempting to contact a mutual friend to hopefully have him help me talk to the dude so we can fix shit between us.

My girls uncle, well i don't know what to say about him. He fucked up major, and i just don't think being drunk is a very good excuse. I could really care less what happens between him and everyone else. It's me and my girl I'm worried about. If this story sounds familiar to anyone [hey its a small world] Let me know, I'm also open to suggestions on groveling technique.kiss-ass Feels realy fucked up aplogizing when i did nothing wrong but somehow i still feel really bad. Just being associated with a thief sucks.

P@ssw0rd [Maybe i should just go by "Mud" now, thats what i feel like]


Well-Known Member
Go over there with the bags one day and explain it to him in person... oh, roll a joint beforehand though, makes things more level. :lol:


New Member
Thanks for taking the time to read my rant. Shit still has me all fucked up. I don't even wanna smoke.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
To be safe, perhaps leave a note.Say you're the driver from the other night, you don't want to be thought of as a thief, and you'd like to make it right.Leave your number and ask if it's all right to have him come by and talk.If he doesn't call, there's your answer.Or leave a check in the envelope to reimburse him for the amount of the stolen property.Then get reimbursed by the uncle.


Well-Known Member
To be safe, perhaps leave a note.Say you're the driver from the other night, you don't want to be thought of as a thief, and you'd like to make it right.Leave your number and ask if it's all right to have him come by and talk.If he doesn't call, there's your answer.Or leave a check in the envelope to reimburse him for the amount of the stolen property.Then get reimbursed by the uncle.
I agree dude do your part and leave the rest up to him. Honestly the guy sounds like an idiot to me everybody knows he grows its only a matter of time until the police show up at his door I would stay away for your own security.


Well-Known Member
If you reimburse him that's like an admission of guilt, even though you've done no wrong. It's a fucked up situation. It seems the best thing to do is to talk to him face to face and sort it out. But if everyone at the party saw the plants hanging up them it would be best to keep your distance, aside from making amends, it sounds like it's a matter of time before he gets busted...
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Well-Known Member
I'd bring a gift to the guys place. Just show up and apologize for the other assholes shit and hand him a little hash or something.


New Member
The idea of going over makes me a little nervouse, dude lives out in the sticks and has a really long driveway, I would hate to catch him in a bad mood and get jumped on before i ever get a chance to get a word out.

Leaving a note is out of the question and i have no phone for him to call.

I have every intention of giving dude a peace offering i just want to make sure i get a chance to get a word out like i said. I can only imagine the rage i would feel if it had been my stuff, Frankly i'm happy the dude didn't just start dumping shells into the car as we drove off. Hopefully our mutual friend will understand that i had nothing to do with the theft and we can use his place to talk shit out. Still alot of Ifs in the equation.

Thanks for all the input, somehow it feels good just to know that there are people out there who know i didn't do it. Weird huh?



Well-Known Member
The idea of going over makes me a little nervouse, dude lives out in the sticks and has a really long driveway, I would hate to catch him in a bad mood and get jumped on before i ever get a chance to get a word out.

Leaving a note is out of the question and i have no phone for him to call.

I have every intention of giving dude a peace offering i just want to make sure i get a chance to get a word out like i said. I can only imagine the rage i would feel if it had been my stuff, Frankly i'm happy the dude didn't just start dumping shells into the car as we drove off. Hopefully our mutual friend will understand that i had nothing to do with the theft and we can use his place to talk shit out. Still alot of Ifs in the equation.

Thanks for all the input, somehow it feels good just to know that there are people out there who know i didn't do it. Weird huh?

hey buddy
dont be so hard on your self..
talk with your mutual friend about it.. than just play things by ear..
good luck dude

Green on Green

Active Member
Yo, just go over there. Like you said they are cool people so there isnt a chance of getting a hole stomped in your ass. Prepare a note in advance in case he isnt home. Bring your bags and a shitload of the dankest shit you have and explain your story. The worst that can happen is he tells you to fuck off. The best that could happen is you make a new friend and gain a friendship based on mutual respect....but try not to frequent his house, he's gonna get busted soon.


Well-Known Member
Since you had nothing to do with ANY nonsense, it lowers your character (IMO) to cower and apologize. He/they owe you any apologies necessary. Why would you care what they think if they/he doesn't have enough class to admit he was wrong.? Don't be a weinie.


Well-Known Member
I gotta agree with Fishy here,whats the point,the people you came with fucked him over & his 1st impression of you is of a person who hangs with a peice of shit thief,you could give that guy $10,000 in cash & he still wouldnt ever trust you again,infact he'd be leary of your preseance if he had half a brain because it speaks of moral charature.

It sucks that the uncle fuked him & you over but you dont get do overs on matters of trust.

If it were me i'd let it go & get used to the fact that i have an enemy,then i'd have to have a talk with uncle thief,giving the uncle a serious beat down & leting it be known why you beat his ass would go to speak more about you then you could ever say with words,it wouldnt be long before the guy knew you were not happy with the situation uncle caused & made him pay for bringing you into it.