The Mother Questions


Hello folks,

So right now I am about 4 weeks into my first ever grow! Here are 2 pics for you:


Now I know they're maybe not perfect specimens but this has been a learning experience. They are Domina Star for those that are interested, I have never smoke it myself but have only heard great things. One thing that I am learning is that I might want to start from clones next time. Seems to be quicker, cheaper and with one of the X-Streams maybe even easier. So I guess I am probably gonna need a mother to cut them from and I have some questions. Keep in mind I would like to take between 6 - 20 cuttings each go?

The first three surround lighting, ventilation, growing medium.

  1. Will a 125w Blue Spectrum 6400K CFL be adequate? - it produces 5500 lumens roughly, no ballast required and most importantly I own one already
  2. Can I maintain her without fans - I would open up her tent a couple of times a day
  3. What should I grow her in? - I use Hydro and would prefer something I can use the same type of nutrients with

So that's really my main questions but I do have a couple of additional questions if you could help with these to.

4. To get the 6 - 20 cuttings I desire how large does she need to be?
5. How often could I take 20 cuttings off of her without her dying?
6. If constructing a box specifically for her what size would I need to make it?

If you have any other advice that would help feel free to comment because any and all constructive comments are welcomed and obviously +rep where deserved.

Thanks folks



Well-Known Member
Well its not so much hw the big the plant is, its the fact you want a mature plant to be the mother. plants mature around 5-6 weeks of veg. by then the plant will be plenty big and full of clones for you to chop, sure take 20 it will take about 2-3 weeks to grow them back. Box for mother plant? Well it all depends on how big she gets to be honest. you can make a box 2'x3'x3' Then top it to control the height. The box really depends on you to be honest. Then just manage her size. Guide to cloning to get an idea


Hi Jeffdogg,
Thanks for the reply. Appreciate the comments. Good to know about veg time. I would have probably started cutting around 4 weeks. I'll watch the video I'm sure it will help. What you think about the first 3 questions. That cfl alright?


Well-Known Member
1. CFL will do just fine as long as you keep it close to the plant, a good rule of thumb as long as it dont burn your hands it wont burn the plant. Usually CFL's can be 1-2 inches away from the tops of the plants. It will also keep it from stretching that way. Preferably you would want at least 2 maybe 3 for the mother. That way you can get more light around the plant (plants feed off lumens that the lights prouce, more lumens = better plant growth)

2.If you use CFL's there wont be much heat, so a fan wont be needed to disperse some of the radiant heat that HiD's produce. However fans do play multiple role's for plants, the breeze can help strengthen plants as well as keep some pests away.

3. What type of nutes are you using? A lot of nutes you can use for hydro and soil. What type of hydro system is it? IMO keep the mother in soil or a soil-less medium they are very easy to care for and wont require as much attention as a hydro could, But like I said thats just my opinion.


Hi Jeff,

Thanks again I did see this last night but I was already in my nest so left my response till now. I think I might have to get another cfl then. I'll maybe use an oscillating fan to for strengthen the stem but I don't want to fork out for another can fan. Nutes I am using atm are Hesi hydro. I think I read somewhere that I can use them with coco would that be a good enough growing medium?


Well-Known Member
Yeah you wont need a can fan for the air movement bud, Hell even one of those smaller clip on fans should do the trick. Just go to a yard sale or something and get a cheap one. When it comes down to it for certain things i've learned yard sales are very good. Old lamps for $1-2 you can strip for the socket and cord(s) they have fans, and all kinds of stuff :D