The mouse that dropped dead from my weed


Well-Known Member
No it died from Being Baked. My buddies dog ate an entire brownie once. We made the brownies with like 2 oz of grand daddy purple shake. We had to take the dog to the vet because it was almost having a heart attack from being so freaked out. The vet had to sedate the dog and make it fall asleep so it wouldnt freak out anymore. It was like walking into walls, falling over. Luckily we had been going to that vet for years, and were able to be honest to the dude. We could have gotten busted for animal cruelty I think, it wasnt intentional though. Good thing we didnt eat the brownies that night. We did the next day, and were so baked we all passed out on the couch, my buddies chick came home from work and snapped a few pics of us. ITs so hilarious, two couches with four guys on each, all heads back passed out, you could see the rest of the brownies on the table. so funny


Well-Known Member
They'd have to eat more chocolate than what is contained within a brownie... Anyway, as to the mouse and his last supper, that is interesting. I am still wondering whether or not it has to be heat activated for it to have an effect.


Well-Known Member
Mice don't live very long (2 years on average in perfect conditions, 3 months in the wild) they drop dead all the time, sounds pretty coincidental. Could have been previously poisoned and just happened to be there when he expired.


Well-Known Member
FYI Chocolate toxicity (theobromine) in dogs is 100-150 mg/kg.

An ounce of milk chocolate has around 50mg.
An ounce of semi-sweet morsels has around 150mg.
An ounce of bakers chocolate has around 400mg.

So 2oz of chocolate could be fatal to a small dog.


Well-Known Member
lol i dont think its the weed man sorry ... Like the dude said earlier, mice dont live that long anyways, it was probably just a coincedence... i found a dead rat hanging upside down in a patch of IVY i have but I dont think he died from eating the IVY :)


Well-Known Member
yea theyre are test in labs where scientists gave thc to them for an experiment. and it can kill mice, but in humans its non lethal.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to my buddies house tomorrow as he claims his digital camera is on the fritz, and I'm digging up that mouse, I'll then freeze it.

Then over the weekend I'll call my 1st cousin in Boston, he's a bioengineer for a drug company where they dissect mice all the time looking for cures for cancer and other ailments.

If he's willing to let me send him the dead mouse that's been in the ground for about a week, I'll send it to him, I'm not to thrilled about digging up decomposing rodents, but I want to know what he died from, especially if THC had any part in his demise. My theory is like some of you, I don't believe he choked, if I had to guess, I'd say he probably got poisoned prior to ingesting the buds like some of you also suspected, dropping dead within a foot of the buds just makes this kind of comical.

I've done crazier things than digging up dead rodents in the past. But I can probably get an autopsy for this rodent for free, my only out of pocket expense will be for some dry ice and shipping costs. I've paid for lab reports myself in the past for other reasons, and they don't come cheap. I'm really not willing to pay several hundred dollars for a mouse autopsy, but my cousin can probably facilitate this for me for free. I'm pretty sure he'll help me, after all, he send me a portable $5000 Zeiss Microscope to borrow a couple weeks ago when I needed a very close look at my trichs. My 30x loupe and 60-100 pocket microscope just wasn't cutting the mustard, although the Zeiss was nice, but the $10 pocket microscope concured with Zeiss and pretty much showed the same thing. But I gotta tell you, I've been looking on Ebay for a cheap Zeiss microscope, problem is, finding a cheap Zeiss is not so easy, even on the secondary used market.


Well-Known Member
stomach acid wouldnt cause the heat necessary for release, but it would transform the thc into a gas state and might release enough to let the mouse enjoy his last few minutes.. rodents hold food in their cheeks to soften it up and then use their forepaws to gnaw on it and only take what they can handle... as far as the mouse getting stoned first, then getting the munchies, then saying fuck it and trying to "bite of more than he can chew" ... possible!!!


Well-Known Member
anything yet??? eager to find out the results... i have my bag of popcorn and my I <3 mouses getting stoned fishnet shirt on.....


New Member
YOOOO That's the luckiest mouse ever!. He escaped from a marijuana testing lab with a dream. Fucking landed in that dream and ate it. Gj.


Well-Known Member
It probably wasn't the luckiest mouse, he probably choked to death on the buds because of the resin being too sticky to swallow. So much for the Dankness theory......