The mushroom returns for a tall tale!


Well-Known Member
hey guys..
lol i know last time i won biggest dueche for title contest. haha

the story of a beautiful mushroom.. haha LIVES

and we have run in to some S. African Transkei Spores. gonna innoc tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Today is the day. We are gonna be innoculIng 10 jars. And growing them in a tote. Haven't decided how big yet.

Essentially sterilization is key. No mold or bacteria can be present for what I'm about to do. We will take pictures as we go along.
Yes it takes awhile, like he said. I did this in the past and its very exciting but patience is an absolute bitch. The suspense is worse than budding just because you are expecting fast results.


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh I want to jump through the moniter I'm so excited.
Is this a fairly simple process?
Yes an imbecile could pull off pf tek. Its soooo much easier than budding (And just mere dollars for eqipment). Talk to ralphster about spores.... which are legal for obersvation only...hint. Google ralphstersspores or I bet someone can remember the web address or otherwise. My memory is terrible go figure......remember be careful in your "observations" and you should only observe in a safe environment.


Well-Known Member
Lol these south Africans
I'm excited man. Sooner or later they will fill me on on bow to get a bone in my nose
FYI prints are kinda not as good as buying ready to inoculate syringes, again ralphster my friend. That what you are ready to roll...


Well-Known Member
Nothing like seeing that first tiny explosion of white in a jar or bag - except seeing the whole thing explode in those tiny luminescent hairs. Keep at it, and yes, patience is needed for that tek - no way around it I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a fun ass project man. Make sure to keep everything sterile, I can imagine how bad it sucks if that shit gets contaminated.