The MYDX Beta tester thread.... Currently a Marijuana Analyzer

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
ultimately isn't any data gathered from the MyDx invalid until you can compare the same sample in a testing method that is known and proven to work? Basically this testing seems to be without a control group
also the part of the bud you pick, from where on the plant that bud grew, distance from light . . . etc. will impact the levels of what's being tested

Also it seems to be implied that the unit works by gases of the bud? That's possibly a simple mass gas spectometer (not exactly cheap) or it's measure volatile vapours which THC etc give off, the fresher it is the more there are in which case an older cured bud may give a lower reading than it deserves compared to something that's dry a couple of weeks

Perfect timing...

I have been researching steep hills results VS. SC Labs Vs. cannlab
Steep hill uses the Liquid/Gas Chrom. test equipment.
. . . .
the control of cannabis futures to the millions of people that began its movement.
Fascinating read, have you any more source material on the testing methods?
Makes me wonder if there is something to be tested for in the plants stems or leaves that might imply an average level of THC across all the buds, or a high and low of THC across the plant, the grower knowing where the better high or low THC buds will be

It seems like a nice idea but I don't think there is a cheap way to make a testing kit like this, but more a gimicky toy which really makes it as useful as one of those Xray apps on your phone


Well-Known Member

The MyDx solution has 3 separate functional components: the Knowledge Base, the App, and the Analyzer. Here are updates on each of these components:
  1. MyDx Knowledge Base: The Knowledge Base, which contains information that enables us to compare your results to reference known data, has been restructured and enlarged to be more accurate and robust. Some of these improvements include the following:
    1. THC Readings when no samples present – Resolved
      • In some cases Beta customers reported readings for THC when no sample was present. This has been resolved.
    2. 0% THC Readings with some samples – Resolved
      • In some cases, Beta customers reported getting 0% for THC when a sample containing THC was present. This issue has been resolved, with the exception of testing very old samples that don’t smell. The general rule for CANNA samples is, if you can’t smell it, we probably can’t measure it accurately.
    3. Improved Accuracy of THC Readings – Improved
      • The accuracy for THC has improved. Some Beta customers reported accuracy ranging from 5-6% using 10 different strains run 20-30 different times for each of those strains. Our target remains within 20% of GC for most samples. When you receive your new sensor, the consistency will also further improve.
    4. CBD Measurement – On Hold Pending Improvements
      • We feel that getting accurate CBD measurements is critical to our medical cannabis users. Unfortunately, our initial MyDx model does not provide that level of accuracy and hence CBD is not currently reported (you see it as a blank or N/A). We expect this feature to be fully functional after we release units to the general public later this year.
    5. Terpenes – This is our sweet spot – New & Improved!
      • We are proud to announce that we can now measure and report on 11 terpenes. Our goal is to target and report on 22 terpenes. Terpenes define the unique scent of each cannabis strain and our electronic nose technology is uniquely positioned to accurately detect them. They also work in synergy with cannabinoids and other chemicals to form the Total Chemical ProfileTM (TCP) of the plant, which causes the unique physiological effects of each strain on our minds and bodies.
    6. Total Chemical ProfileTM Feature to find your perfect strain
      • Our Total Chemical ProfileTM (TCP) feature captures the chemical signature fingerprint of each strain you analyzed and asks you to correlate it with your feeling or aliment relief. As long as you are doing that, even as we continually optimize our Knowledge Base in the background to generate better accuracy for each chemical, the TCP data you generate today (which you see a TCP graph in the App) can always be used and will always be yours as you generated that data. So feel confident to continue to use your MyDx unit and keep tracking and finding a strain profile that works for you.
  2. MyDx App: We made a number of enhancements to our iOS and Android mobile application. These enhancements have improved the speed, consistency, stability and robustness across various platforms in finding and connecting to your device. Please download the latest update so you can enjoy these improvements.
    1. iOS Feature Updates – New!
      • Camera Feature (now you can take pictures of your samples as you rate them)
      • Sharing Feature (share results on Facebook or via email)
    2. Android App - Improved
      • It is now fully functional and very stable. We got it right this time, so sorry about that Android users.

Remember, you can use the App as a standalone product without the Analyzer to find a strain using the recommendation engine, and as a simple tracking journal to keep track of which strains are working for you.
  1. MyDx Analyzer:
    • There are no changes to the MyDx Analyzer. The Analyzer is operating as designed, and has met all of our expectations.
Our Beta customers recommended that we provide information on their most frequently asked questions, so we offer the following.
  1. Question: Why can’t I use the UV light?
    • Answer: The UV light is not supported at this time until we do further studies.
  2. Question: Where can I find the answers and videos to FAQs that have been asked by other Beta testers?
  3. Question: Where can I order more Sample Inserts?
  4. Question: Can CDx create a Beta user forum?
    • Answer: Yes, so sorry for the delay, it is Coming Soon!
We expect the Beta Program to be completed in June of this year, so we would like to encourage you to continue to send us feedback in the coming weeks. It is normal to experience inconsistencies during the Beta Program, and we thank you in advance for your patience. Please feel free to contact us at or call us at 800.814.4550 if you have any support issues or concerns at anytime.
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Bringing up old dirt, but these things are a gag. I bought one to demo it. All cannabis is between 18-22%, even a spent, vaporized piece tested 18%. Hops test 19% THC, and hops are not cannabis.

The manufacturer cannot explain why this machine cannot be used with a control group. It's just the way it is. Don't get duped by this product; they are currently pushing it to hydro shops so you are likely to see more of them in the coming months.

Mr Hyde

Well-Known Member
Bringing up old dirt, but these things are a gag. I bought one to demo it. All cannabis is between 18-22%, even a spent, vaporized piece tested 18%. Hops test 19% THC, and hops are not cannabis.

The manufacturer cannot explain why this machine cannot be used with a control group. It's just the way it is. Don't get duped by this product; they are currently pushing it to hydro shops so you are likely to see more of them in the coming months.
Things are straight up bullshit lol... I can't believe it tested out some bunk ass purple trainwreck at 24% ... I am talking straight hay dude.