The Mysterious Stranger


Well-Known Member
Pashupati is the first representation of a "God" that we know of, and he is a combination of Pan and Shiva. (Wilderness and Man/Marijuana)
This is him, and the animals around him are thought to represent tribes.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Ok, I will keep them coming :)

Did you know in ancient Egypt, age was respected not out of respect for what the old person had done, but for what they had experienced. It was believed that the dead were the closest to God. So reading a dead persons words is "better" than reading a living persons. And talking to an old person is like having a link to your own ancestors.

and the significance of the scarab was amazing. They saw the scarab go from egg, to larva to dung beetle and they used that observation to note which young people were going to go on to do great things. So instead of punishing young ambition, they would feed it. Because they new that Egypt came from a little shit village on the Nile. And they new the future would come out of rambunctious little shit children. Because those who believe they can change things, do.
Where'd ya read that?


Well-Known Member
Where'd ya read that?
I have a few books about the meanings of Hieroglyphs, Daily life in Ancient Egypt and one about Imhotep, Ptahhotep and other "Philosphers" before the Greek ones. Ptahhotep was said to be 110 years old and was highly respected in that time, because people did not live to be that old.