The naked chick avatars

what do you think of sexual avatars?

  • clean it up.

    Votes: 100 44.6%
  • i degrade women and like it.

    Votes: 124 55.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
this point has been raised time and time again throughtout history, and it is only in AMerica where nudity is considerd worse than violence, in europe nudity is an everyday way of life, they even have comercials with nudity on PBS :P
I once saw a european comercial that offended me but made me laugh like hell, a dude and his wife go to a sperm doner place, and the hubby gives the doctor and wife the sperm in a jar, and they go into a room, and the doc throws the sperm away, and unzips his pants, than it said, buy guidiva chocolate, or your wife will mysteriously get pregnant or some crazzy thing like that... ok thats not what it was about, I forget what the add was for, but it was insain

wow thats a butt plug... I thought she had one of those spinning wheeles, and was making a vase :P


Well-Known Member
Dont forget WHY people think the way they do. Its rarely a case of individual thinking. Its whats been passed on from parents, grandparents etc.

America has Puritan (sp?) values....still being passed on to this day. Even though much of the society is contrary to Puritan beliefs. Other countries have no problem with nudity. Pornography is different.

So nudity is just that....someone naked. Objects, insertions, penetration, cum-faces, spread lips etc. doesnt qualify as nudity.


Well-Known Member
I rememeber back like 20,000 years ago, when we had no cloths, and everyone was naked... yup, good times, good times, life was simpler than.


Well-Known Member
this point has been raised time and time again throughtout history, and it is only in AMerica where nudity is considerd worse than violence, in europe nudity is an everyday way of life, they even have comercials with nudity on PBS :P
I once saw a european comercial that offended me but made me laugh like hell, a dude and his wife go to a sperm doner place, and the hubby gives the doctor and wife the sperm in a jar, and they go into a room, and the doc throws the sperm away, and unzips his pants, than it said, buy guidiva chocolate, or your wife will mysteriously get pregnant or some crazzy thing like that... ok thats not what it was about, I forget what the add was for, but it was insain

wow thats a butt plug... I thought she had one of those spinning wheeles, and was making a vase :P
you are a funny man:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
dude on the ladder kinda looks like me. :)
Now thats totally unacceptable.....We need a Mod to Mod fdd.

This guy's outta control. Where's the dartgun? :confused::mrgreen::peace:

Now that we all have gotten your point.....Can you PLEEEEEEEEEEZE change your avatar back to the woman that would be happy to shotgun you if you step across her property line?


Well-Known Member
Oh no you did'nt FDD! and to think I was just starting to understand your last all your secrets are out ;)