I think I have an idea of what this RKS you all are talking about smells like...
Buy an expensive brand of Sesame oil through the mail, when the leaky bottle arrives in the mail, the center of the skunk spectrum is what you'll slightly detect through the box. Now imagine that smell so loud you couldn't bear to be in a house with it overnight. Thats a 4x6 grow of skunk weed with two carbon scrubbers. I cant smell the sesame but non growers can.
On the left end of the skunk spectrum is a trip to NHRA drag events: eye burning nitro fumes and purple clouds of burnout smoke, and the other end is more sharp, like space lemons squeegeed through a block of wet space cheese, if space cheese were made out of space lemons, after being shat out by an alien who only eats skunkweed and space lemons.
And skunk weed gets its smell from the same basic mechanism as sesame, a specific fatty acid being broken down.. The old skunks had multiple enzymes and enzyme catalysts that broke down the fatty acid in the plant into the skunk thiols. Skunk has literally nothing to do with terpene synthesis.
This is also how skunk weed gets you higher than high-thc trash, and is resistant to fungals. The fatty acid enzymes thatve been bred out of modern Cali trash weed in favor for lcd-marketable numerics has associated alcohols created by the breakdown of the FA that stimulate endocannabinoid activity,and are also able to digest fungal pathogens before they can multiply.
I wouldn't trust ANY of these Cali trash scammer breeders, not a damn one of them knows skunk, Cannabis, plants,nature, reality, anything about growing or breeding. They've purposely devolved the fuck out of their ornamental weed for the simple fact that the government told them "more thc = more strong"... How much more backwards can a scene get? Wasn't the government notorious for lying about put during the era of the DEA gathering strains for big pharma?