The netti pot!!


Well-Known Member
If you don't own one you should. I woke up with a horrible sinus infection and this thing has made my day 100% better!!
I mean wow, sore throat and congestion gone! NETTI POT FTW!


If you've used one and love it, post in this thread. SPREAD THE GOOD WORD!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
That looks extremely unpleasant. I don't even think we're allowed to do that to prisoners. I'm gonna pass.


Well-Known Member
yea that looks real fucked up Id rather deal with the sinus infection.I hate getting water up my nose.


Well-Known Member
its quite pleasant, a little strange at first.. basically it floods your sinuses with saline solution, and then all the junk i.e. dirt, pollen, dust, mucous, whatever is ailing your sinuses is flushed out the opposing nostril. it gives me INSTANT relief from the congestion and sore throat.



Well-Known Member
i should say though... i don't recommend the coffee or whiskey.
the salt packets that come with the netti pot make saline solution it works very well.


I don't taste my saline, that's stupid.



i should say though... i don't recommend the coffee or whiskey.
the salt packets that come with the netti pot make saline solution it works very well.


I don't taste my saline, that's stupid.


oh sweet nothing like some coarse grains of salt in my nasal passage


Well-Known Member
oh sweet nothing like some coarse grains of salt in my nasal passage
:lol: it's salt to make the water saline to match tonicity of the body. making isotonic, so that when the water is slightly warmed, the body treats it like its own fluid. same as the saline used in IV drips and to irrigate wounds, and clean your contacts. the salt dissolves, no coarse salt enters your sinus.

i'll say this to all you who are "afraid" I love it and my girl cringes and leaves the room. so sit on that and think for a bit. :mrgreen:

Nasal Irrigation Wiki



Well-Known Member
I love this thing. It actually feels soothing. Then you blow all that crap out that was clogging your sinuses.

It was even featured on Dr. Oz. You can actually do it twice a week to keep your
sinuses clean and allergies at bay.



Well-Known Member
i've been doing it 3 times a day since this sinus infection kicked up. glad to finally have some support!!
i was going to mention it was featured on oprah :spew: but shit if oprah does it "it has to be good"



Active Member
i see this working well! (and the other sinus products are highey addictive,this is just salt) next time im sick im mixing salt and water and using an old teapot-fuck paying some company for their version of a teapot(for the nose) hahaha
THANKS RUSTY! i guess nobody realized you put this here to help people,(and entertainment).as that guy with the whiskey!HAHAHAHAi knew that was going to happen,but i still thought the coffee was the best.


Active Member
i could see this being a once a month thing to do,just to better your body(by keeping that clean the body doesnt have to work to clean it)


Well-Known Member
I've used it and it works pretty well just have to be careful to tilt your head forward or the saline will run down your throat and make you gag.


Well-Known Member
the point of the "nasal tea pot" is for the size of the tip. it has to fit snug in your nostril, otherwise the water will out and not have enough pressure to push through your sinus.
my nasal breathing increases tenfold when i use this thing. which is incredible, my family history we are known for EPIC sinus infections. so my ability to breathe makes my father jealous :lol:

glad to see you enjoyed the post! (now stop by my grow, i topped my girls and started cloning yesterday! WTF?!)
