The new QB 648 Diablo from Horticulture Lighting Group

Can somebody help me out with building my own fixture? I just need to be pointed in the right direction. I know how to follow directions so even if this is my first build I know I won’t screw it up. But I have 2 electric sky es300 v2’s right now. I want to build something equivalent or close to the electric sky using hlg diy kits. Basically I want it to cover a 4x4 for flower. Thx

Those Electric Sky lamps are very nice.

What you could do is go to the HLG website and look through the options available. You can choose to source your own driver/s and wire/cable, and marry up to a chosen board/heatsink combo.

Or buy a complete kit and assemble.

Go on over to the DIY with Quantum Boards thread. A million views and 16000 replies. Theres lots of folk there who have done what you want to do.
I came to this thread to see what others were doing with their new QB's and all I see is a handful of members calling names and trying to attack the other. You are no different and apart of it as any of them. You have given just as much attitude and your response was anything but innocent. Crying wolf you are, but seems to be the trend on this forum.
An example perhaps?
What's this acronym supposed to mean, Sethimus?
I looked it up and I think FYP means fix your post Then I looked up POS and it said the meaning was point of sale and that didnt make sense but when you look in the urban dictionary it says piece of shit
looks like that one hit done is trying to get threads shut done again like he always does
I choose to act like this thread hasn't gone to shit already. Sooner you fuckheads realize working together is easier and more productive than this bs the better off everyone will be.

Next question is why is HLG not making these boards? Seems silly to let their new (less than 2years old) picking robots and reflow ovens sit idle. Are they just going to run prototypes for samsung? Are they changing format? Did they find another diode not manufactured by samsung? One thing is for sure @Grow Lights Australia and others are pushing the evolution led horticulture lights.
Are you gonna be able to get growing again homie? You should be proud of me running some organic soil at the moment and gotta say I'm liking it :peace:

Yes, I'm proud of you, LOS is stupid simple right?....... Grow room is still on the back burner, I'm not even close to finishing this house + work. I'll get there, thank God for the black market! It's some diesel cross but still.... Lol
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So using a 4K diode that renders @80cri + red, then setting the sphere up to read a 35K source and having the unit land @ 92 cri seems like moving the goal posts a little?

No @Higher Authority its was the 4th question I have asked in this this thread. The one above which was kindly answered by @Rocket Soul an individual whos responses are not motivated by brand loyalty and to the best I can tell provide honest answers. Those that have the motivation to advance horticultural lighting know who they are just as the fuckheads (not tard, transfer negative energy much?) know who they are. If you are a new member you will soon find out who is who, if not then well, if 1 in 3 get sick and the person on you right is healthy and the person on your left is healthy.....