The Octopot grower

Chempacitor by cultivated choice genetics. Rick's pupil, prayer pupil and 3 mystery plants, mix pack mass medical strains.IMG_20190326_190839.jpg
Yesterday I started to use botanicare nutrients in the reservoirs of the Octopots. 45 ml. Of pureblend grow. 20 ml botanicare cal/mag. To 4 gallons water from local spring water. Giving my water bill a break. It was a $112.00 the month of January.IMG_20190328_124516.jpg
I'm thinking about pressing some bud here pretty soon. I want to find out how many grams of rosin to once of dry bud. It makes with each of my strains I grew this last time. I'm going to way out a once then press it then weigh the rosin.
This looks fuckin insane. I was reading on how to get 3 pounds of bud per light. 1000 watt. You do this every 21 days?IMG_20190328_233529.jpg. My next option was to move them to the flower tent and begin flowering. I am planning on growing some huge plants. Not going to flower till May 1st.
I didn't buy the expensive book 3 a light or something like that.
I love these guys that just want to give something back to the community then slap a $300 price tag on defoliation techniques people have been using for years. I'm not saying free, but affordable would be a step in the right direction lol. I would have bought his book right now off of amazon for 29.99-49.99 (granted at 50ish I would have thought about it a bit harder) at 300 he can suck eggs lol

I hope it works out for you. I wouldn't buy the book either.

I'd be afraid of herming the shit out of my plants from stress and ruining everything. I think a lot of this equation is going to be genetics, but I know nothing of defoliation techniques to make an educated guess. I'd wager your entire grow needs to be dialed for it not to have bad effects.

There was a guy on here years ago, sadly no longer with us, but he was defoliating much like this years ago and people were constantly fucking with him for it. He was growing bats of bud. His name was Raiderman, if you can find his grows you will see what I'm talking about. Dude was a legit badass grower, everything he did was impressive as fuck. I miss the information he used to put down. People give folks like him a hard time, even when the proof is in the pudding so to speak dude had pics upon pics proving his techniques worked.

You get this figured out and you'll be happy :):) It works, there's something to it. But there's also a reason cash croppers aren't doing this, I'm sure the man hours in a commercial setting has a lot to do with it.
I agree with you 100% about the price of the book. Three a light. 30 bucks don't care if it was paper back doesn't have to be fancy. Some guys are in it with greedy intentions. Making loads of money. For me it's been a fun hobby. It's one of my coping skills. Just like hiking. It would not hurt my feelings that bad if they hermed out on me. Fuck it another lesson learned. Just don't grow those strains any more.
Yesterday it took me two very heavy token sessions to finish that kief I had. All late yesterday I felt like I was on the edge of a bad headache. Got pretty baked to. That wasn't all I smoked I was doing dabs too later.