The Octopot grower

Planted the clones that I wanted to keep. I threw out 80% of them. I chopped down my mother plants the other day. The only ones were smoking mirrors and triangle kush. I didn't get rid of them. I just made bunch of clones out of them. And kept 1 of each to keep my strains going.
When my mother plants get taller then I wanted them to get. I just start over with them. Clone and replant.
Second seed I found in the smoking mirrors. IMG_20190331_225207.jpgThe males that I used. That's right my plants got tag teamed, not to hard by two different male mass medical strains mystery pack. They had a mystery pack they just chucked a bunch of limited release seeds 2015.
I like things to be sum what a mystery when I'm growing. I don't want to say o that's Bruce banner. Or what ever. I like to wonder what is then to know what is. Mystery plants are kinda fun. Brother See's pic's says that kinda looks like?
Fun growing Game. Open the seed package that you want and how ever many seeds of each. Then mix them up before germinating them. Be interesting come close to harvest time.