The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread


Active Member
Hey jberry it starts at the top of the plant at the leaf edges and tip then moves down the leaf and down the plant.It starts on the old growth and my leaves are not growing small and there not brittle the leaf edges curl up after it gets worse on the leaves as you can see in pics.The L.A women is the most affected but my blue widow is showing signs now but the buds are still growing fine on both.PH is 6.0 and E.C is 1.4 i use canna coco nutes 150ml in 40l of water with 100ml of cannazym and i gave them pk13/14 after 2 weeks at 60ml for 1 week.My water has 47mg/ltre of calcium according to water company this is slightly hard.
I hope this is the info you need i have answered questions best i can to help you make your diagnosis
many thanks for your time



Well-Known Member
Okay so that is 47 ppm of calcium in your water. That isnt that much...Your gunna think im crazy but you have a calcium deficiency, which is what it looked like to me at first glance (boron can look a little like the first pics u posted).

Go get some cal/mag plus or magical ect. and add 150 ppm's to your water before youadd the rest of your nutes... if you dont have a meter then useit at half strength (2.5ml per gallon)... this should clear everything up.

fyi, a compost tea always helps when things are off.


Well-Known Member
so i guess im kinda alone on this issue huh? even though yall are the canna experts yall have no idea how to solve my problem? yall probably havent even ran into my problem.


Well-Known Member
okay , if you want i can post pictures but they arent necessary. could anyone help me with a ph problem? i have been putting water in at ph 6 and its been coming out a little above 5. im still using the drops. it seems like even though i flushed a few days ago , and ive been watering with good ph water the ph just WONT GO DOWN? has anyone had this problem and does anyone know how i can fix it? + rep for help , im just speechless on this one. musta flushed each 3 gallon pot with 8-9 gallons and still PROBLEMS! one weird thing is when i leave the phed runoff in the tube , 5 hours later itll be yellow instead of orange. hmmm . help!

im confused... what wont go down? the ph? did u use plain water or a weak nutrient solution?

if you flushed a 3gal. with 9gals. of water then you should be done flushing... return to using a half strength solution and be patient... I wouldnt be too worried about what your runoff is doing unless its just way way off.

hopefully you didnt wash away your buffers.


Well-Known Member
so i guess im kinda alone on this issue huh? even though yall are the canna experts yall have no idea how to solve my problem? yall probably havent even ran into my problem.
If your ph is drifting up then my first question would be: are you letting your nutrient solution sit for several hours before using it? If you mix and use it right away then it usually drifts up over the next few hours.

pH buffers are added to the coco to keep the pH in acceptable range... when the coco is new and you flush with plain water then it messes up the buffers and can even wash them away. The coco is able buffer itself based on what water/nutrients the growers gives it.


Well-Known Member
these are them from a few days ago. i did flush all of them real well but its not that the runoff ph wont go up , its that it wont go up. it stays at 5-5.5 constantly , i just wish the damn stuff would come out 5.8-6.0. I realize i flushed pretty well but the runoff is still givin me issues. they are bigger and more spread out now than when i took this , this is like 4 days ago . thank you again berry!



Well-Known Member
it looked like some of the top leaves on bj 2 and bj 3 were getting rusting too . i figured that was a result of the damn ph locking out nutes. the problem seems to be solved but it seems that the problem is never really solved.


Well-Known Member
the plants look fine but it looks like you could start increasing the nutes again before they get pale.

your run off numbers are totally fine... dont even try to do anything because theres nothing wrong.

I would plan on getting some cal/mag.... probably your rust spot issue and it is commonly needed with canna coco grows.


Well-Known Member
jberry , you have just put my mind at ease. too bad you have to worry about everyone who knows your address robbing you or else i would send you a fruit basket or something. I guess the rep will have to do for now. thank you friend! will get cal mag tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
word... I noticed you are about to start getting a N deficiency fyi... easy fix...just raise the N and keep an eye out... peace.


Well-Known Member
shit shit shit ... how do i do that with canna nutes? they are 5 weeks in veg , after this whole ph thing started i flushed and restarted nutes at 2mla per gallon - 2mb - 2ml rhizo - and 1ml cannazym .

I have since then upped to 3ml a+b pg and 2mrhizo and 2ml cannazym . Im not sure how to raise nitrogen in canna nutes. or in coco ... thank you jesus berry.


Active Member
Thanks for quick reply jberry i will tell my mate to follow your instructions and inform you of progress we thought it was calcium locking out mag i think my mate has given them epsom salts thinking it was mag def am i right in thinking this could of made matters wosre and if so what do you suggest he do once again thanks for help as it can only help us achieve better results the more we learn


Well-Known Member
Dro, Just increase your base nutes and that should clear up the N def...

Im assuming you flushed because you burned your plants? How many ml per gal. did u use to burn them? They dont look burned anymore so I would start increasing your base nutes back up to a min. of 6ml per gallon.

If you can foliar feed with the rhizo (raise your lights or turn them off and use a household light bulb when foliar feeding to avoid burning) then that would help faster but you should still raise your nutes also.

The cal/mag contains 2% N regardless of what brand u buy, so that will help as well... use the cal/mag at aprox. half strength (2.5 ml) or 150-250 ppm's......... Always add the cal/mag to your water before adding the rest of your nutrients!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for quick reply jberry i will tell my mate to follow your instructions and inform you of progress we thought it was calcium locking out mag i think my mate has given them epsom salts thinking it was mag def am i right in thinking this could of made matters wosre and if so what do you suggest he do once again thanks for help as it can only help us achieve better results the more we learn
yes it could make it worse... did he apply it as a foliar?

-just get some cal/mag asap and dont use any more epson salt.

mag defs show as yellowing in-between the veins on the leaf and sometimes rust spots.... Calcium defs show as brown edges on the sides of the leaves and progress to what your pics look like, and eventually twist and curl up and die... calcium is important for cell density... a steady supply will increase yields.


Well-Known Member
jberry ... damnit i wish i could send you money or something for all the advice. Base nutes = canna a+b right? if im feeding at 3ml right now in 3gallon pots. should i do two feedings with 3ml , then water , then go up to 4ml two feedings , water , 5ml two feedings , water. or just skip the water? Ive heard that jumping a few mls can fuck things up. do i wanna walk the nutes up slowly?

thank you tahnk you tahnk you!


Well-Known Member
jberry ... damnit i wish i could send you money or something for all the advice. Base nutes = canna a+b right? if im feeding at 3ml right now in 3gallon pots. should i do two feedings with 3ml , then water , then go up to 4ml two feedings , water , 5ml two feedings , water. or just skip the water? Ive heard that jumping a few mls can fuck things up. do i wanna walk the nutes up slowly?

thank you tahnk you tahnk you!
never use plain water during the grow (that is a soil method)

I highly doubt 6ml per gal. would cause any problems... I usually would be using like 8-10ml per gal for a plant the size of yours at 5 weeks veg.

If your worried about the sudden increase, then raise it 1ml each watering until you are at 6-8ml... If you continue to get deficiencies then continue to raise it up to 10-12ml.

If you start to get micro defs that cant be shaken then you may need to add a micro supplement at some point.... canna's base nutes (A&B) dont have very many micros in them.


Well-Known Member
Hi Jberry. Im currently 61 days into flower and im about ready to do my final flush, I have flushed before using CANNA flush but think i may have done it wrong. Also a frend of mine Jondamon has just purchased some CANNA flush to do his girls with. Im Just wondering if you could help me out some...

I have 24 plants.
Each is sat in a 45 liter ( 9 gallon ) pot.
Coco pro for medium.

Im flushing with 120 liters per pot... So 10 pots = to 1200 liters. < just go of this and i should be able to work it out for the rest..

Now firstly do i flush without the CANNA F, say like 80 liters and then flush the last 40 with CANNA. Or do i need to flush the whole 120 with the CANNA added to it. This is how i did it the first time, but then i used alot of

Your help would be much appreciated...



Well-Known Member
no help on the label?

could look at the canna flush bottle and tell me what the ingredient is? that product is not available in my area but i can still help if you know the ingredient/ what is derived from ect.

Hi Jberry. Im currently 61 days into flower and im about ready to do my final flush, I have flushed before using CANNA flush but think i may have done it wrong. Also a frend of mine Jondamon has just purchased some CANNA flush to do his girls with. Im Just wondering if you could help me out some...

I have 24 plants.
Each is sat in a 45 liter ( 9 gallon ) pot.
Coco pro for medium.

Im flushing with 120 liters per pot... So 10 pots = to 1200 liters. < just go of this and i should be able to work it out for the rest..

Now firstly do i flush without the CANNA F, say like 80 liters and then flush the last 40 with CANNA. Or do i need to flush the whole 120 with the CANNA added to it. This is how i did it the first time, but then i used alot of

Your help would be much appreciated...
