The "OFFICIAL" cast your VOTE on PROP 19 thread

PROP 19 - tax and regulate cannabis in California

  • YES

    Votes: 152 66.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 78 33.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So everyone who has a 215 card has back pain, insomnia, etc? mmmm. Dunno about that.
everyone who has a 215 card has a DR's recommendation. if you have an issue with that than you should question the DR's. like a good cop would. ;)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
everyone who has a 215 card has a DR's recommendation. if you have an issue with that than you should question the DR's. like a good cop would. ;)
I don't have an issue with it. I support people gaming our unjust cannabis laws any way they can. I'm just saying that the idea that California is in the middle of the biggest back pain/insomnia outbreak in world history is pretty lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't have an issue with it. I support people gaming our unjust cannabis laws any way they can. I'm just saying that the idea that California is in the middle of the biggest back pain/insomnia outbreak in world history is pretty lol.
people take aspirin and ambien, daily. you said yourself it helps. the law clearly says "any ailment". i don't understand your gripe. :neutral:


New Member
These new thc tests are total shit. They are giving false positives for unknown reasons. Just read an article about a women in Florida who was meditating and burning sage. A cop decided she was smoking weed (even though she works at a job that has monthly drug testing). They "tested" her, the test came up positive. They showed up at her work and arrested her. Later she had to prove her own innocence by submitting to further testing. She did the hair test and it revealed she had no thc in her system what so ever.
I know when I was consuming pot, there was a point where I could not drive safely or work safely, although being young and dumb, I did both with abandon. There needs to be psych studies that determine the average THC content that physically impares people, probably by weight. Since THC stays in the body for a long time, smoking the night before work is enough to show up on a drug test and get you fired, When I worked at the concrete plant, I saw more than a few drivers get the ax, most swore they hadn't smoked for days.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
people take aspirin and ambien, daily. you said yourself it helps. the law clearly says "any ailment". i don't understand your gripe. :neutral:
I'm just saying not everyone who's claiming to have an ailment is being 100% honest about it. As I've said like 4 times no, I have no complaints with people doing this. I've said many times I think it's great people do that, because it's fighting an unjust system. Not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying not everyone who's claiming to have an ailment is being 100% honest about it. As I've said like 4 times no, I have no complaints with people doing this. I've said many times I think it's great people do that, because it's fighting an unjust system. Not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand.
because you keep throwing out words like "working the system" and "gaming". as if getting a script were a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Why not allow everyone over 21 the ability to grow their own without the sham of the medical MJ law,
WHAT SHAM!?! are you in legislature, or do you have a law degree to poke holes in bills that you had no say in?

I realize it helps a percentage, but lets be real, most user/growers are in it for the high, period,well that and the hugh profits growers like you enjoy.

WHEN YOU ASSUME YOU ONLY MAKE AN ASS OUT OF YOURSELF! Don't speak for people that you don't know.
We are being honest. You just won't see the facts on how much money is already invested in this single bill by so called "officials". So that THEY will be the ones to benefit, the poor get poorer while the rich get richer.


Well-Known Member
med man are just jealous you "had" to quit growing because it was too hard for you to sell it? if your ganja was so good it would of sold itself. That's how you know fdd is good at what he does look at all the haters lately on here.[video=youtube;ZxxPLDZnqwA][/video]


Well-Known Member
med man are just jealous you "had" to quit growing because it was too hard for you to sell it? if your ganja was so good it would of sold itself. That's how you know fdd is good at what he does look at all the haters lately on here.[video=youtube;ZxxPLDZnqwA][/video]
straight up dude, making fun of someone is the highest form of flattery XD


New Member
DUDE HE NEVER BRAGGED!! he said that because you are the biggest head ache in the world and you said he drives the HIGH PRICES OF NATURAL SUBSTANCES.
Then you say that he sells shit weed cause he sells it cheaper then YOU sell at $200/oz ?

What a hypocrite
I don't sell anymore because in Nv. it is a felony with a 5 year mandatory and I have my very inquisitive 8-10 year old grandaughters living with me most of the time. When I was selling, it was to my neighbors that I trusted. BTW the weed was white widow, grown by the numbers and harvested at precisely the right time. It was very potent and a great high, as told to me by my neighbors. Also, I gave them a few OZs just because I had made my investment back and didn't want to hold the stash. I never grew to retire off the pot. It was an exploratory venture. I loved growing. The only pain in the ass was the trips to the water store bringing back 15 gallons of pure water about once a week, other than that it was a great experience. Yes I had a microscope to check the little pollops. I actually had 2 grows, one original WW and the second one a hybrid of WW and Kush, very nice high and taste.


Well-Known Member
Then let me flatter you. You seem to not be the brightest bulb in the box. Maybe you should learn to be objective instead of extremely subjective. All I was referring to was FDDs constant I'm better than you attitude. Check his signature, "I'm the person I've always wanted to be". Rather braggadocio wouldn't you say? I am not jealous of FDD, in the least. What he is doing, I already been there done that. I had a greenhouse in Chino Hills Ca., Grew 30 8 ft plants, for 3 years I cropped that greenhouse, somewhere around a hundred pounds total, sold pounds for 300.00, people begged to get it, I consumed a bunch and shared a bunch. I had a long and hearty relationship with Ganja, been there, done that.
I'm glad your in love with me and FDD XP.

But now your bragging your ass off and you really are a hypocrite now.
Your not even a dim bulb, your off ahahahaha

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I'm glad your in love with me and FDD XP.

But now your bragging your ass off and you really are a hypocrite now.
Your not even a dim bulb, your off ahahahaha
This whole thread as gotten way out of hand. It has degenerated into a shit talking festival. Why don't we let all this nonsense go and try and keep it to the advantages and disadvantages of prop 19?

I'll start by apologizing for my role in the degeneration of this thread.