The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res


Active Member
Well my lids are insulated styrofoam, what's lining the inside of coolers, so a sharp knife was all it took for me.
thanks! Being that this will be my first dwc build I am kind of trying to figure as much out prior to buying random junk. As far as air to cooler size, is there a ratio we should be aiming for?

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
thanks! Being that this will be my first dwc build I am kind of trying to figure as much out prior to buying random junk. As far as air to cooler size, is there a ratio we should be aiming for?
Others think so, and they do to a CERTAIN extent.
BUT, the 4 port air pumps I use from PetCo/PetSmart are rated for 10 - 250 gallons and costs $20 each.
I highly recommend PetCo's black silicon hoses too.
They are very soft and flexible, but won't get pinched from the weight of the lid and plants.

I have 10gal in my 12gal coolers.
The insulated styrofoam comes 4ft x 8ft at Lowes for around $20 - $25.
I made 4 lids with 5 inch holes.
2 lids with 2 holes each ( 4 my clones and big plants after this grow).
2 lids with 4 holes each.
And I still have enough to make 4 more lids easily.
The chems from the nutes don't affect the aluminum nor cause chemical reactions with it.
Simply wash the salt build off after harvest and go at it again ! lol


Active Member

thank you.

Others think so, and they do to a CERTAIN extent.
BUT, the 4 port air pumps I use from PetCo/PetSmart are rated for 10 - 250 gallons and costs $20 each.
I highly recommend PetCo's black silicon hoses too.
They are very soft and flexible, but won't get pinched from the weight of the lid and plants.

I have 10gal in my 12gal coolers.
The insulated styrofoam comes 4ft x 8ft at Lowes for around $20 - $25.
I made 4 lids with 5 inch holes.
2 lids with 2 holes each ( 4 my clones and big plants after this grow).
2 lids with 4 holes each.
And I still have enough to make 4 more lids easily.
The chems from the nutes don't affect the aluminum nor cause chemical reactions with it.
Simply wash the salt build off after harvest and go at it again ! lol

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
be careful with that kinda tape, it'll cut yo ass too!
OOH WEEE........View attachment 1513824 been there done that ! lol
PW is right, be very very careful ! lmao
^^^Say that line with the voice of Elmer Fudd !!^^^

just made a cooler a few weeks ago. this thing is fucking awsome. no more shitty hot rubbermaid bins for me. never again.
Well where the hell you been then ! lmao
Welcome to the fam Sk8 !!


Active Member
View attachment 1513355 Look at what I found at Wally World for $9 !!

It's a 2.1 gallon Igloo cooler that I will use for clones !! View attachment 1513389

When the lid is pulled off, then top of the cooler is still nice and level for my styrofoam lid !View attachment 1513353

It will hold 12 - 2 inch neoprene inserts with no prob. :weed:

I will do like Subcool and only take clones, never keep mother plants.
Keep what I want to flower out and discard the others. View attachment 1513391

View attachment 1513422 Can't wait to clone these girls I'm growing right now.

Around the 2nd week of bloom is when I will take clones because there will less Nitrogen in the stems, which slows root formation in clones.

And taken from the BOTTOM of the plant and NOT the top. View attachment 1513424
More and older hormones at the base.
Therefore bottom stems generally root faster than upper new-growth stems.

It measures : 13"L x 9.5"W x 9"H

all them smiley facey, hmmmm i think someone been toking on the 99


Well-Known Member
thanks dude. i actually got the idea from this thread so really thank you. this thing works so great its one of those marine coolers. i love it.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
all them smiley facey, hmmmm i think someone been toking on the 99
I cannot tell a

thanks dude. i actually got the idea from this thread so really thank you. this thing works so great its one of those marine coolers. i love it.
No prob Sk8, bro !
Stay in contact, that's why we have this thread now.
Post any successes, failures, new info, ideas, etc..
My 2 coolers are Marines too.
Made to stay in the sun longer, therefore maintaining temperatures longer !! hehe


Active Member
ok i know this one is off topic but interesting i thought, & since we are sharing the the knowledge i'll ask you guys, what do you think, for a small tent or closet that suffering with the heat issues (as i am) i was thinking have this plugged into a small thermostat, i know its not perfect, but at a pinch & not too expensive, the only part that bothers me is that you need to add water, now i know in flower we don't want our lil or big nuggs getting moisture, what do you guys n gals think...

sorry the pics are so

oh & i saw this on ebay...

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
My prob is that it doesn't tell you what size area it can cool up to 30 degrees.

But peep what I did find at the bottom of your link :

Fill your empty cooler with ice and put this "A.C." on top and plug it in via USB adapter into your wall. It comes with the USB cord too !!

Some ppl will be able to use that in a tent and/or small closet.
I want one for my closet this Summer !! lol


Active Member
My prob is that it doesn't tell you what size area it can cool up to 30 degrees.

But peep what I did find at the bottom of your link :

Fill your empty cooler with ice and put this "A.C." on top and plug it in via USB adapter into your wall. It comes with the USB cord too !!

Some ppl will be able to use that in a tent and/or small closet.
I want one for my closet this Summer !! lol

the only it says is personal fan, so im thinking not super powerful, but for a 2' x 2' tent maybe

i like the one you saw there, only thing with that is you have no control over it, not like you can go work all day & leave it, possible though


Well-Known Member
i dont think it would stay cool for very long in a hot room. i dont think it would be powerful enough to cool any size room either. if only it was that simple.