The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

Another advantage to linking them up is being able to run a large amount of water and never have the level in your grow coolers drop (cause they are constantly feed by the control cooler). When I do a res change, I put in 80 litres for two plants, and during stretch in flower, they're drinking down 10-15 litres a day. Without a control cooler to feed the grow coolers they'd be half empty every day and running dangerously high PPMs with all that water taken out.

I put up a thread for my RDWC closet cooler grow with some pictures:
FreeSki what size hole did you drill? It's no big deal bro, just go get yourself a bulkhead fitting. My coolers are RDWC, and now I'm setting up a med grow for a friend with 16 coolers all connected in an undercurrent system.

I cut a hole in each cooler's lid for pot, then a 2 more holes drilled in the lid for feed lines, another 3 holes in the side. 1 DWC for drain, 1 for air, and 1 for rez changing drain. You folks who cut no holes in your coolers, how do you flush your res? Unless you get a cooler with a spigot. You have to take all your shit out and then go dump your cooler upside down somewhere? That's ridiculous.

No offence to anyone who does it super simple, that might work for your little closet grow, but you're not gonna be topping off 20 different coolers and checking PH and nutes in every single one. At some point, you have to link your coolers together and go with RDWC or UC to connect them all. This makes for a way more efficient system with much more DO, your plants will love you for it.

I hate to see people shitting on someone for taking things one step further. RDWC or UC is better than any number of non-connected containers, so get off this guy's back and help him out, he's taking cooler growing to another level.

I'll take some pics of my RDWC cooler closet grow when the lights come on tonight FreeSki. I'll also snap some of my 16 cooler UC setup once it's built.

P.S. Hot-Glue and a glue gun is an amazing adhesive/sealant for us folk. It's a thermoplastic, you just heat it up until liquid, apply, then it hardens. There are no solvents or offgas curing with Hot-Glue, so it's perfectly safe for use with plants.
Very well said and couldnt agree more. Looking forward to your UC Cooler pictures.
P.S. Hot-Glue and a glue gun is an amazing adhesive/sealant for us folk. It's a thermoplastic, you just heat it up until liquid, apply, then it hardens. There are no solvents or offgas curing with Hot-Glue, so it's perfectly safe for use with plants.

You use this as your only sealant? It's not that flexible, no?
How do you guys change the res? Do you use pumps to get the water out? Im just thinking with the top of the cooler attached to the base, it would be harder to do, unless you detach the lid.
Now that I'm back, I see more ppl running coolers but acting like they haven't seen it done on this sight for A WHILE now !!

"I'm running coolers that are linked/not linked. Anyone seen this ? "

Give credit and join the Club !!

I got my inspiration from BB57 !!
A few ppl know what's up and are posted in this thead.
What about the rest of you ?

Join the Deep Water Cooler Club and let's make this thing GROW !!!

Wow!! What product did you use and how long did it take you to grow your hair out so that it looks like DWC roots?
I know dreadlocks take some serious dedication to pull off, but you just take the cake!

That hat that looks like a mature cannabis plant conneted to a bubbler bucket netpot is nothing short of pure genius :-)

My 2012 Halloween costume is sorted for next year!

But seriously, I researched hard and if you are living in Australia then get your DWC reservoirs/coolers from

I did the research, and these guys sell very affordable but quality Australian-made coolers with threaded drain plugs that allow you to fill and drain the res by connecting a standard garden hose connecter to the res drain hole for fill or drain.
I am on my 2nd grow with a 60 liter (15 gal) cooler and it keeps temps down and pH constant like a champ!!
You can get big ass roots easy peezy with DWC the key is long veg times... I ran into so many problems with my 5 gallon igloo sport cooler because I let the girl veg so long the root ball literally took up my whole res and gave me PH problems. Looks like 907 used some big ass coolers. I know Home Depot sells 10 gallon jugs..
Man theres a poster on here who took it 10 steps further..That mofo uses 50 gallon drums for his res, I forgot his screen name but his avatar is methed looking Bert from Sesame Street.