The Official Ghetto Growers Group


Well-Known Member
i took a few pics of making the kief chips. i dont think ne body understood wut i typed, cuz i couldnt? hahaha

but you can still see jeffersons face in the chip... haha funny shit
presidential grade hash my friends :-P hahahaha
Love this, simple and about as ghetto as an ally cat.


Well-Known Member
heres the hydro clones :eyesmoke:
i didnt expect em to start budding so quick...
im still fighting algea/root rot but i think iv got it under control.
they stink soooooo good. they make my room smell more potent then it ever has. im goona have to do something to cover the smell or my neighbors might rob me lol


Well-Known Member
damn jumbo.. thats looking real good. i might have to try my own hydro some time after seeing this. Also, Im gonna post pictures of my new little grow I got going soon


Well-Known Member
yea bro, i think im leaning more toward going full hydro if i can pull off this grow should search around a bit, its ALOT more simple then i expected. thanks tho man!!
and hell yea, lets see it :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
DWC is the only way i grow, just use a nutrient that buffers the ph of the water. do yourself a favor and buy a tds/ec meter. it's truly the only way to know your nutrient strength. it really makes hydro easy. no more guess work.

project 3-1-2010 007.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea my nutes buffer the ph also, if it drops add nutes. the life span of my nutes are about 15 days, so i change my res ever 14 days, not much guess work :P
but yea i really do need to get tds/ec metter, but as you can see im one cheap mofo.... haha for now just reading what my plants are saying is working out pretty well.
im deffinatly upgrading for the next grow tho(tds metter, beneficials, better line of nutes, maybe a bigger system also), this run is basically to see if im capable of learning enough to make it work haha

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
damn jumbo.. thats looking real good. i might have to try my own hydro some time after seeing this. Also, Im gonna post pictures of my new little grow I got going soon
and this from the guy that got me to switch to soil, LoL. j/k prebs, im wanting to give it another try too.


Active Member
ARRRRGH!! They won't stop getting taller!! lol They are growing like mad in size, but the buds aren't really forming yet.. I've had white hairs for 2weeks now.


Now my brother has two plants grown at the same time in the same soil with no extra nutes and we both put our plants into flowering at the same time. His have stayed short and already have buds starting on his. What could make a difference like this?0616101425-00.jpg0616101424-00.jpg0616101424-01.jpg


Well-Known Member
well light intensity,strain, enviroment. pretty much ever single factor in the grow space will affect the plant. but those are MAJOR factors.


Kinda like Jumbo, I got bored and took some pics. lol. It doesn't look fantastic, like many of the other grows on this board do, but... it's doing it's best. lol. Probably end up being a male and a waste of the last month and a half, but oh well. It's helped me learn alot for next time.


Is it getting big and sturdy enough to start LSTing, ya think?


Well-Known Member
jumbo- you continue to amaze me

and yeah malphator, thats all you gotta do with your first grow.. just learn from it

attention all.... so in that grow that I had going that was found and destroyed... well before it was ruined, I planted the one baby outside in my garden.. or course someone wanted to till that area with a new toy and since there were a bunch of weeds and grass in there.. so being awesome, i dug up my baby and saved her. planted her in a nice big ol' bucket and is now back in the closet with some lights.. im saying shes two weeks into the closet itself and was maybe a week outside.. She was stunted pretty bad for a bit but Im seeing lot of growth now although its a little slow but shes getting there, and hangin on. Her name is Sally btw.. gonna lst the shit outta her and watch her grow.. not giving up :P



Well-Known Member
hell yea prebs! tht lil plant is a survivor!! lol
dont let tha man (or mom ;]) keep ya down bro. thats badass man

malphator, ur plant is looking good bro. alot better then my first......... haha at 3 months vegg it was about 11 inches tall.
you deffinatly could start LSTing her, just be careful. u shud secure the bass of the stem first, and then tie down the top. it'll act like a pully system and wont pull her outta the soil.


Well-Known Member
i just noticed these pics didnt make it in the last post lol
this is my first seedling with NO problems bongsmilie i started LSTing her 7 days ago cuz she wus stretching, she exploded with growth!!


ur plant is looking good bro. alot better then my first......... haha at 3 months vegg it was about 11 inches tall.
you deffinatly could start LSTing her, just be careful. u shud secure the bass of the stem first, and then tie down the top. it'll act like a pully system and wont pull her outta the soil.
Ha. After this one's first month, it was maybe five inches tall. It didn't really start to flourish until I repotted it into the 2.5 gallon bucket. (Cause it was the biggest thing I could find around the house. haha.) Still, it strikes me as pretty impressive. From maybe five to six inches tall to over almost a foot in just a few weeks.

As for the LSTing: How would I secure the base, exactly? I know, I know, this isn't the LST thread, but still. Heh. The more tips and info I can get from all across this board, the better.


Well-Known Member
well what i do is wrap a string around the low base of the stem, and thumbtack the ends of the string to the pot. barely pulling on the plant, but strong enough to hold it. and then do the same but at the top of the plant, and pull this one tighter untill the stem is bent. the force will pull on the bottom string, not the roots of the plant. every 2 days or so tighten the top string a bit as the stem adjusts. and continue tieing as new growth comes. this will also encourage your undergrowth to shoot up.

srry if this isnt making sence.. im not the best at explaining stuff hahaha