Well-Known Member
I guess if you want your yard to look like shit...i'm ordering this one for the lawn today:

I guess if you want your yard to look like shit...i'm ordering this one for the lawn today:
Do they make a Shillary??
I'm sure they do you got to check that out.Do they make a Shillary??
You are out of your mind if you think the bank crisis is entirely a Republican fiasco.This is a reply to a post from a thread on Trump. It made more sense to reply here.
- Hillary is racist? really? Do you have some proof to put forth here?
- The bank crisis is entirely a Republican fiasco. It was within Bush's administration that banks were given the authority to self regulate those financial weapons of mass destruction that led to the credit default swap melt down. Also, do you really think Hillary created the real estate bubble by herself?
- Can you give me some details about Clinton's policies that specifically affect black people and their children in a negative way? I searched and checked your posts for references on this and couldn't find anything other than your unsupported theory that Trump's jobs policies will somehow make inner city black people's lives better. But could find nothing about Hillary.
Remember, she is not running against herself. She is running against Trump, or will be after the conventions are done, unless something really big happens between now and then. The violence and racist authoritarian rhetoric coming from Trump's camp is pushing me towards Hillary. Also, Trump has no experience in political office. He's not even a good business leader, witness his bankruptcies and fraud investigations, not to mention his treatment of women.
As far as the matter of trust is concerned, well, that will be decided in an election. Polls say she is much more trusted by the people of this country than Trump.
Do I like her? No
Would I rather have Sanders as Prez? Yes
Will I vote for her? Maybe but I don't have to make my mind up on that just now. Trump will not get my vote.
Thanks! I pride myself on doing a good job.You are out of your mind if you think the bank crisis is entirely a Republican fiasco.
Thats the most ridiculous thing I have read in atleast a year. Good job.
I don't agree with you, but I do like the Zappa reference.If this beast ...becomes President, I'm moving !
To Montana.
To raise me up a crop of
Really, you accuse me of ridiculous posts?In 1999, Democrats led by President Bill Clinton and Republicans led by Sen. Phil Gramm joined forces to repeal Glass-Steagall at the behest of the big banks. What happened over the next eight years was an almost exact replay of the Roaring Twenties. Once again, banks originated fraudulent loans and once again they sold them to their customers in the form of securities. The bubble peaked in 2007 and collapsed in 2008. The hard-earned knowledge of 1933 had been lost in the arrogance of 1999.
There are actually people who fall for the scam that one politician is different from the other politician. D and R are both politicians and the one thing they worry about is themselves. Dont fall for the scam. Everything that happens is a joint venture involving politicians.
Oh I am sorry I should have explained it a little better...Really, you accuse me of ridiculous posts?
Bush and the Republican Congress held power for the entire 8 years that led up to the credit crisis and the Great Recession. They made the decision to let banks self regulate the CDS market and looked the other way when phony sub prime mortgages were inked. As such they are responsible and accountable for the results of their decisions. Why would you give them a free pass?
In your mind, Hillary, who didn't even hold office in 1999 when Glass Steagall was repealed and later on was a member of the minority in the Senate is to blame when all the cards fell? That's simply hate fueled deranged thinking.
Idiot, the topic of this thread is about Hillary not Bill. What does Bill's signing of Glass Steagall have to do with Hillary?Oh I am sorry I should have explained it a little better...
when I quoted "President Bill Clinton" it was referring to the ONLY Bill Clinton to have ever been president.
So, please explain to me where Hillary comes from or wait, dont bother...... you screwed up got it.
dropping a few of trump's merkens around your yard would be exponentially more effective if you wanna look like a filthy hillbilly shit collector.I guess if you want your yard to look like shit...![]()
True entrepreneurship!
who has more foreign policy experience than her?Who is more qualified than hillbilly I would say anyone
Oh shit this realllllly disqualifies her for being prez!Who is more qualified than hillbilly I would say anyone, just one more blaring example of what a pile she is