The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

Which ONE Of The 7 Freebies Is Your Favorite?

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Well-Known Member
420pit- i only grow in soil
never tried anything else
only at it a year and a half there is a lot of new systems out bubbles hydro vertical circuler all kinds of shit me im old fasioned
but i noticed growers that go for the cups grow in soil

good luck


Well-Known Member
cut and paste from another post


Able To Roll A Joint Able to roll a joint
Join Date May 2010 Location lower canada Posts 58 Journal Entries 5

Originally Posted by RichED
im not going to add much to conversation except that all the cup competion is grown in soil and they have a choice
go figure
1 Luv

This is very true. Chemdog himself speaks on it in the 2010 June issue of HT. Also there is a video from GreenHouse Seeds I believe about Arjan's Haze with Arjan himself and Neville i believe with the actual haze that won that years cup and discuss why they use soil in competition grows. Several local growers have a makeshift underground canna cup around here and all the connoisseur crops are soil grown....interesting​


Well I'm going to do a comparison. I'm going to do a couple OG#18 and Headband in 5gallon buckets of FF soil. And I'm going to do 1 of each in a hydroponic system. I believe that soil is better, I've never done a side by side tho! Will be interesting!


Well-Known Member
To do it properly it should be clones from the same mother otherwise different phenos will make a comparison impossible.


To do it properly it should be clones from the same mother otherwise different phenos will make a comparison impossible.
Good point, thank you. I plan on picking one each of the soil grown OG18 and HB and use as mother plants. At that point I could make a much more accurate comparison between the both.


Active Member
Got my seeds today that makes it 10days from order thats not bad at all lol guess i was nervous my first time buying from the tude but all is well and im getting growin lol ill be doing a auto lowryder2 to start just to get some buds then its on to my Quads


Well-Known Member
I have a Ceres purple growing now outside. I'm about six weeks in. So far it's one of my favorite plants. Don't want to deviate from the OP, but you can check it out in my sig.

I didn't partake in the special, but I'm gonna pull up a chair anyway if you guys don't mind. I'm really interested to see how Serious Seeds Chronic turns out.
yeaa man pull up a chair. love to ahev ya along. =) the more the better!

View attachment 994301 Sour kush left and Chronic right showing tails today! going into BX pro mix tonight. I also harvested my sensi star today, wish the picture was scratch and sniff.
Niiice. yea im lookin forward to that sensi star myself!

Got mine today.

I was supposed to get Rocklock and Sharksbreath but instead got another Sour Cream and a R.P. Cole Train. ( was kinda wantin to give Rocklock a try but what can you do...)

And I got an extra Warlock but no Sour Kush......

But thats allright I got me 10 TGA Dairy Queen ... and if they smell half as good as the Jillybeans do at 45 days flower then fuk it!!!

But for the Freebies I put The Chronic, Sensi Star and the Cole Train in the paper towel.
I got 2 Jillybean males and i'm gonna do some pollen slingin!!!

Jillybean x Chronic ... I just in-vision big ass Orange flavored Chronic bud.

This is a great thread idea. btw!!!
wow... thats wierd? ur the 2nd person that said they're freebies came all fucked up like that... thats wierd. the promo stated that they would NOT run out of stock.. but they must have..

and thanks. i hope this thread keeps up the pace its at. its fuckin crazy i wasnt on for 1 days and theres 3 pages of catchin up to do! lol.

i made an order of res priv OGK #18 on 5th gotto me on friday the 11 th

i got to wondering asked in post what people thought about trying a second order got a lot o negative even got one that said it plainly states that it will be one promo per address and card so many said it would not work i had to try

so i ordered a pack of res priv Headband it came on saturday the 12 th with a second promo order i should have tried again for a third promo

we can not believe everything we see and hear must try ...some things are just to discourage... i now have twopacks of promos ... so many beans .. oh well
i had wondered that too.. if i wasnt so broke.. i woulda tried it for the hell of it. lol

Now i am starting to worry a bit. I still haven't received my package yet :( When i try to track USPS said It was being prepared. But it has said that for 5days now. I live on the east coast so normally should be here already. I wish there was a way to check if it said customs yet or not.

Is anyone else still waiting for there package?
damn... =/ that stinks. idk wat to say man.. wat day did u order it?? i did it the 1st day.. and just got mine yesterday.. soo if u did it 1-2 days later.. then it will most likely take another day or 2. if its not here by the end of the week.. then deff be worried. lol. good luck!

I have read that few others did this as well, I wish I would have attempted it myself.


Well-Known Member
like someone said of corse its from the tude towards the end people were getting all kinds of combonations but getting

on one of my promos a the staple went right through my worlock and smashed it up so i wrote to rachel she said just send it back so i said at the cost of the beans i coud cover ship fee shold be about 6 days each way and one in between i heard worlock is serrious

peace out
1 Luv


Active Member
Finally got mine.. 12 days later but who cares wasn't gonna germ for another 2 weeks anyway... Can't wait, all I've grown is bag seed from a shitty bag this'll be a HUGE learning experience


I started a grow journal on a couple of the freebies. So far I got a SharksBreath and a ColeTrain going.. Bubblelicious is germinating right now..


Active Member
Im going to grow all of the free seeds in bubbles. Im custom building the res now and seeds will be in water tomorrow if all goes well.

IM thinking of flowering them in a Aeroponic system and All CFLs.

IM subscribed and ill start posting photos once these babys take off!


Well-Known Member
I will be starting a journal on a scrog in a few days. It will be 3 plants Warlock (QT Freebie) Motivation (QT Freebie) both from Magus and a GHS White Rhino. Should a great grow. I see the Sour Kush running away with the poll so that will probably be the next 1 I start.

Killer Bud

Well-Known Member
I ordered on 6-4 around 4pm EST. Hopefully customs is just behind and thats the hold up. Would be great if it showed up today, So far tracking is not looking that way but might end up changing.


Well-Known Member
I ordered on 6-4 around 4pm EST. Hopefully customs is just behind and thats the hold up. Would be great if it showed up today, So far tracking is not looking that way but might end up changing.
im wishin ya luck man.. just try to be patient till the end of the week.. then.. if its not here then... i would be worried.. =(