Kartel Kriminal
Active Member
Who has read the old testament portion of the bible? I've read the adam and eve story in Genesis but nothing more than that really. I wonder why the old testament has a role in the Holy bible, Qur'an and the Torah. It seems pretty consistent within the three most dominate religions of world, don't you think? Are these words of true wisdom that begat from real events that actually occured during biblical times or nothing more than a script of outdated brain washing fairy tales?
At this point I feel indifferent about this matter, atleast until I do a bit more reading and research. I will say though that the Libray of Alexandria contained a great deal of information both scientific and biblical before it was burned to the ground. How would anyone feel if a holy text was meant to be written with proper scientific elements but never was due to humans' destructive nature? Would you be more inclined to embrace the idea of god or a religion? Evolution begatting from creationism seems to a viable compromise between scientific and religous beliefs.
At this point I feel indifferent about this matter, atleast until I do a bit more reading and research. I will say though that the Libray of Alexandria contained a great deal of information both scientific and biblical before it was burned to the ground. How would anyone feel if a holy text was meant to be written with proper scientific elements but never was due to humans' destructive nature? Would you be more inclined to embrace the idea of god or a religion? Evolution begatting from creationism seems to a viable compromise between scientific and religous beliefs.