The Omen's that we've seen...


New Member
OP i tip my hat to you for even attempting to remove that can from the snake. I wouldnt have gotten within 50 feet of that sucker! God i fucking hate snakes

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
I am sick about the snake guys and am afraid to help it. I am more afraid of not helping it. its cold and wet out and that fucking thing is further in the can! if I try and help it by cutting the can, it will jump at me when its free. should I film this circus for you clowns when I attempt to save its freaking rare to the exosystem...ecosystem...whatevers life...?... I helped a snake before and it hung around all year long. This one will too. If ya cant beat em join em. I better never see a mouse in my house again! I'm going to get the fucking snake!


you may be able to call some form of animal patrol, they may help you. Yo could tr to put it in a pillow case and work from there so its mot jumpy at yo. just a couple of thoughts.


Sector 5 Moderator
Char, you are a real trooper!! You're probably going to need some pliers (preferably needle-nosed) or some other metal bending / tearing tool to help. If nothing else just use a knife. You can do it! You might want to put on some gloves for when you get him free.


Sector 5 Moderator
He can't hurt your arm by constriction. He just wants to be free. Hold him behind the head and let him calm down.


Well-Known Member
You said he's gotten farther into the can... that implies his body is thin enough to fit in the hole... I think you should just take a can opener, a serrated knife, or a big saw and cut the very end of the can off. (the bottom, the end opposite the end he's stuck in...) He will back his head away when he sees the blade cutting in, I'd imagine. He MIGHT strike at you, but I doubt it... besides, someone already pointed out he's harmless.

Stop trying to get his head OUT of the can, and instead open the other end of the can for him. Basically.

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
ya I know guys. I got a razor blade to cut the bottom of the can open. He would never come out the other way just like potpimp said about the scales. I imagined holding the end together until the whole thing was sliced because I know he will get at me. But I could not pick it up. It is such a crazy site! I am a coward! I can't get my mind over it. if I just had some whiskey, I could definitely do it! My neighbor can get it.