The original MTF

She lives and is thriving with a select few growers.

drgreenthumb has an mtf....its fairly sativa looking like your photos
the leaf shape is fairly similar
i have the mvtf and drgreenthumbs is not near the same..
docs mtf will not finish up north here but i will say its way up there on the bling and potency
and tastes kind of lemony gets tons of resin
i grew it in early y2k selected a clone and ran it for a few years then lost it due to a mixup
i am starting some more beans i had in the freezer
i like it better than the gsc.. ogkush type plants..though ilike them too
this mtf has what i like which is creative uplifting energy and sativa leaning
i don't know if he sells it anymore i haven't checked his website in quite a while
but these mtf seeds are up there in my top 5 all time plants yielded very good but is a bit tall not your average short squalt grows like crazy
thats all i can add..good thread..
I grew a crop of some MTF a few years back that came from an old fart in Sutton, Ak. He was quite proud of his original Thunder Fuck and I paid him handsomely for his cuts and spider mite friends.
The crop yielded well and finished in 9 weeks but it's potency was mid grade at best.
Either I was ripped off or things have improved since I was a teen smoking the mtf with friends being so stoned I could hardly walk.
The crop yielded well and finished in 9 weeks but it's potency was mid grade at best.
Either I was ripped off or things have improved since I was a teen smoking the mtf with friends being so stoned I could hardly walk.

The real question is.. do you still have the cut?..
So the stories go it went underground....

For those that are really in the know; MTF has been around in select circles. It started as any great strain from the valkey but evolved, like many; to develope its own identity and genetics. I have had the pleasure of getting seeds from a guy in his 70's that acquired them from Chickaloon back in the late 80's. Plants are healthy even though the seeds were 3 decades old - amazing plant.

I have two different plants, one for sure is a female and the other is yet to be determined.

For those interested in clones, pm me please.

I'm not interested in debate; authentic seeds are on my word and if that's not good enough then please don't bother. I'm only interested in sharing with other serious growers that remember the flavor & the daze of MTF days.
Got any seeds?
I believe ATF started out due of the lack of MTF and Ive also heard the weak buzz story. ATF isn't bad, like bakersfield said, the backstory and legend may be a tad stronger than the buzz, lol
One is a five leaf indica dom and the other is a seven leaf indica dom. The taller and develop females haven't blossomed by me yet: as yet anticipating finish on that from another producer. I haven't completed either yet and I'm slobbering while they develop. The 7 leaf (unsexed) is stacking hubs like a champ. I intentionally extend the amateurs previously putting the light nearer to get hubs; yet she/he began doing everything all alone. Light was 30" away and they (hubs) came up symmetrical and stunning.

The females prepared to clone/bloom are mammoths in their very own right. They do extend. Super-editing is actually a snap with her. She enjoys the reprieve and pops beat very quickly.