The Outdoor -Videos Only- thread 2012 Outdoor Grows..


Well-Known Member
The Videos only 2012 Outdoor growers thread
(replies are fine as are any photos you want to add in a video-slide show type format)

Also.. you can only add 1 vid per post (RIU rules I guess)

Felt it would be a fun thread to have videos rather then photos all in one thread I will continue to update

my MMJ garden grow in the original post so others can see the progression from some RIU folk.

This is the 1st video I took on 7-4-2012

Strains are are said in order.. only one I speak on..

(tho one bubba and the agent orange are now composted whore shims )




Well-Known Member

Second Video-- Most Recent

This was filmed 8-9-2012



Active Member
heres my entry... i've posted it a few times already, but this spot seems like the most accurate.



Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;X6tsNrGU6kc][/video] this is one of my girls, compared to the other vids mines pretty shitty, idk how to do anything nd turns out my camera doesnt take the best vids


Well-Known Member
damn 1st vid was not working but she looks health in the last one.. need to update my vid too been a while and they look much nicer now!


Active Member
[video=youtube_share;aJzBcXEZ7Bc][/video] most of these we were just vegging or spraying for mites outside the bigger ones will stay outside.


Active Member
[video=youtube;7-2cFTyvwto][/video] organics, next year we have a site where we can grow in the soil


Active Member
[video=youtube_share;e4laqtzB-cU][/video] this is in the soil, hit the water table so all we do is feed it.


Well-Known Member

from about 1 hours ago today...

it's not gonna be fun to move these plants... any tips?? (ninja outfit aside)