The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

Just saying. They have a place. And the world we enjoy could change tomorrow. Those that honestly know sustenance hunting, fishing and gathering will be okay. The gun boasting un aware modern folks will be a threat to all. Hate to think about it. Ignorant s killing actual gatherers to steal a meal because a gun makes them dumb. The old people kill thing. Dreading tomorrow night.
This too shall pass. A couple flair ups of violence that will get amplified to scare people with a constant barrage of propaganda, but our middle-class is too big (even with the recession) for too many people to go too nuts, people don't want to lose their cushy lives.

Best of luck to you and your family.

All this 'violence' and I bet the total bill still is not as much as the LA riots were post Rodney King.
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Looks like another radicalized domestic terrorist from the military attacking our police.

I would have guessed he was white from being brought in without being killed, but the camera is a little far away to tell for sure.
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Judging by the plywood, it’s shaping up to be an Election Day like no other.

In downtown Washington, the sounds of hammers and power tools echoed through the streets Monday as workers boarded up dozens of businesses. In New York City, businesses from Macy’s flagship store in Herald Square to high-end shops in Manhattan’s chic SoHo neighborhood had already covered their windows. Similar scenes played out in Denver and St. Paul, Minnesota, with business owners fearing that Tuesday’s election could lead to the sort of unrest that broke out earlier this year.

Just a short walk from the White House, construction workers were carrying large sheets of plywood. For block after block, most stores had their windows and doors covered. Some kept just a front door open, hoping to attract a little business.

“We have to be ready,” said Ali Khan 66, who works at a now-barricaded downtown Washington liquor store where thousands of dollars in merchandise was stolen in June protests. “They smashed the windows and just walked out with everything.”

Washington authorities pledged to keep the peace, with police officials saying the entire department would be on the job on Election Day.

“Some people would like to cause mayhem and trouble,” Mayor Muriel Bowser said. She also said she had never seen so many businesses being boarded up: “That all saddens me.”

Activists are preparing for another long-term occupation of Black Lives Matter Plaza, one block from the White House.

In New York City, a police department memo to officers called the vote “one of the most highly contested presidential elections in the modern era” and noted that the winner “may not be decided for several weeks.”

Police there have been holding tabletop exercises to prepare for potential unrest and shifting hundreds of officers to patrol duties.

“We want to be very careful not to either over-police, because that that could send a signal, or under-police,” said John Miller, the department’s deputy commissioner for intelligence and counterterrorism.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, speaking last week on a local radio show, said it was too early to predict what would happen, but that the city would be ready.

“We’re going to be prepared for a lot of protests, prolonged protests, potentially different protest groups confronting each other,” he said. “If anything turns violent, we’re going to move to stop that immediately.”
Yea out here in the Bay area of california there is riots looting and people being killed over the looting! All this shit needs to come to an end! Protest peacefully dont go and destroy ur community because you feel like ur not having ur way! Im done talking Politics on this thread, nothing positive will come out of this at all...
I would look through this thread if I was you man. I am not saying shit hasn't happened where you are saying, but mixing the propaganda about the protestors that Trump's trolls have been amplifying is just not the reality in the way it is portrayed.

The same idiots that are throughout this thread causing the violence might be surprised when nobody falls for their re-runs.
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ANTIOCH, Ill. (AP) — The mother of an Illinois 17-year-old charged in the fatal shooting of two men during a protest in Wisconsin said neither her son nor the protesters should have been on the street that night and put much of the blame for what happened on police and the governor.

Kyle Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, is also charged in the wounding of a third person Aug. 25 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the demonstration to protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man.

“It’s a tragedy what happened to Mr. Blake. It is,” Wendy Rittenhouse told the Chicago Tribune. “But my son and everybody else should not have been in Kenosha.”

Rittenhouse said her son felt he needed to protect businesses in Kenosha from the looting that eruptedafter Blake was shot seven times in the back two nights earlier. Blake’s family says he is paralyzed from the waist down.

“The police should have helped the businesses out instead of having a 17-year-old kid helping him,” she said. “The police should have been involved with these people that lost their businesses. They should have stepped up.”

She stressed that she understands the pressure the police are under and said Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, should have deployed reinforcements.

A Kenosha County court commissioner determined that Kyle Rittenhouse would be a flight risk if he was released from jail and ordered his bail to remain at $2 million.

Wendy Rittenhouse, a single mother of three, dismissed any suggestion that her son could flee, saying: “I have $1.20 in my bank account. You think I can get on a plane.”

But the Rittenhouse case has attracted significant conservative financial support.

Her attorney, John Pierce, said a legal defense fund has raised nearly $2 million, and that Rittenhouse has received a total of $100,000 for personal expenses from an organization that supports gun rights and another that backs domestic militias. Pierce told the newspaper he has control of that money.

President Donald Trump has suggested the shootings may have been justified because it appeared Kyle Rittenhouse was trying to fend off violent attackers.

Full Coverage: Racial injustice

Rittenhouse and Pierce said the teenager went to Kenosha to help remove graffiti from a school. It was after they arrived that they offered to help protect a car dealership that had come under attack by looters the night before.

Videos show armed civilians arriving in Kenosha after a local militia group, the Kenosha Guard, put out a call to arms on Facebook. Police didn’t stop them as they walked down the street and, in one video, officers handed them bottles of water.

In another video, Kyle Rittenhouse, armed with an assault rifle, explained to a reporter that he was protecting a business from looting. His mother told the Tribune he doesn’t belong to the Kenosha Guard or any militia group and prosecutors also have not suggested any connection between her son and militias.

She declined to discuss how her son acquired the weapon that he used in the shootings.

Dominic Black, an 18-year-old friend of Rittenhouse, told authorities that he purchased the weapon at a hardware store in Wisconsin. On Monday, a court commissioner set Black’s bail at $2,500 on felony charges that he supplied a dangerous weapon to a minor, causing death.

According to police reports, Black told investigators that Wendy Rittenhouse had been planning to apply for a firearm owner’s identification card in Illinois so they could legally keep the weapon in Antioch.

Wendy Rittenhouse told the newspaper that she sees nothing wrong with teenagers possessing firearms.
Very detailed report on Washington Post (not on youtube yet) that interviewed Rittenhouse while he is in Juvie. Really worth the watch.

Turns out that he used the stimulus payment to pay for the gun his friend bought for him that he killed three people with (spoiler: He doesn't regret having a gun that night, and considers himself a patriot).

One of which is a clear example of someone with mental issues that a red state abandoned forcing a Democratic city to deal with.
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In a summer roiled by protests for racial justice, Kenosha, Wis., moved into the national spotlight in August after a White police officer shot a Black man named Jacob Blake seven times in the back.

Peaceful protests during the day were followed by rioting and civil unrest at night. Just before midnight on Aug. 25, tensions peaked when a 17-year-old named Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum. Moments later, Rittenhouse shot two other men, one fatally.

Rittenhouse was arrested and charged with multiple counts of homicide and weapons offenses, but right-wing groups have rallied to his cause, celebrating him as a hero who sought to protect Kenosha from destructive rioting and who fired in self-defense. The events have become a litmus test for a deeply divided nation.

A Washington Post examination of video and police records, along with other documents, sheds new light on the mindsets of the two people principally involved — one a gun enthusiast who thought of himself as a medic, the other a homeless man with a criminal record who was discharged that day from a psychiatric hospital.

The Post found that Rittenhouse, who was too young to buy a rifle, had arranged for an adult friend to buy the weapon for him using money Rittenhouse had received from a government stimulus program.

The Post interviewed Rittenhouse, who spoke publicly for the first time since his arrest. He said he did not regret that he had a gun that night. “I feel I had to protect myself,” he said. “I would have died that night if I didn’t.”

One of Rittenhouse’s sisters told The Post that he supported peaceful demonstrations but objected to violence and called the rioters in Kenosha “monsters.”

The examination also reveals new details about Rosenbaum’s struggles with mental illness and includes the first on-camera interview with his fiancee, Kariann Swart. “I don’t think there’s any sort of self-defense when there’s an unarmed person in front of you, and you’re holding an assault rifle two feet away,” she said. “But yet on the other hand, you know, Joe, you shouldn’t have been down there.”

Watch the video to hear Rittenhouse talk about his intentions that night and to learn more about the paths that brought both men to a tragic encounter.
The video of the above Washington Post story.
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KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — A 17-year-old from Illinois who is charged with killing two people during a protest in Wisconsin and whose case has become a rallying cry for some conservatives posted $2 million bail Friday and was released from custody.

Kyle Rittenhouse is accused of fatally shooting Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz during a demonstration Aug. 25 that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. He posted bond through his attorney at about 2 p.m., Kenosha County Sheriff’s Sgt. David Wright said.

Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, told police he was attacked while he was guarding a business and that he fired in self-defense.

He faces multiple charges, including intentional homicide, reckless endangerment and being a minor in possession of a firearm. Wisconsin law doesn’t permit minors to carry or possess a gun unless they’re hunting. He is due back in court on Dec. 3 for a preliminary hearing.

His case has taken on political overtones. Supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement have painted Rittenhouse as a trigger-happy white supremacist. Conservatives upset over property destruction during recent protests have portrayed him as a patriot exercising his right to bear arms during unrest. A legal defense fund for him has attracted millions of dollars in donations, and his mother got a standing ovation from women at a Waukesha County GOP function in September.

Huber’s father, John Huber, asked Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner Loren Keating during a hearing Nov. 2 to set Rittenhouse’s bail between $4 million and $10 million. Huber said Rittenhouse thinks he’s above the law and noted the effort to raise money on his behalf. He also suggested militia groups would hide him from police if he were released.

Full Coverage: Racial injustice

Rittenhouse’s attorney, Mark Richards, asked for $750,000 bail.

Keating ultimately set bail at $2 million, saying Rittenhouse was a flight risk given the seriousness of the charges against him.
That same mayhem in that video played out every night in Portland for months. The only reason it's stopped is because the cold chased everyone away.

You say that the Portland Police did not follow the law. You're correct. But those so called protesters were breaking the law every night. Arson and vandalism is not protesting. There are hundreds of businesses and tens of thousands of Portland citizens that would say scenes like that were representative of what occurred over the summer. It was on the news live every night for months. Chaos and mayhem is what it was. There are literally hundreds of videos all from different nights showing mobs throwing bricks, frozen water bottles, and shooting fireworks at police. It was confined to relatively small areas but it was happening every night. There are dozens of people that were assaulted by the mob. People driving down the street attacked, cars vandalized, windows smashed. It was disgraceful.

I believe in reforming the police but the tactics used by these mobs has done nothing for that cause. If anything it's set that cause back and eroded the support needed to implement any significant change. Most Democrats in Portland are disgusted and wanted nothing to do with those anarchists hiding behind a BLM sign while calling Black Portland Police Officers the "N" word. Portland has a significant amount of Black Officers and a Black Police Chief.
You keep pushing the BLM and Defund the police propaganda that was designed to get Trump re-elected.

How can they say Black Lives Matter and then throw rocks at Black men wearing a Police uniform?
Because the protestors are infiltrated with a handful of online radicalized domestic terrorists that are out there pushing Trump and the Russian militaries agenda.
That same mayhem in that video played out every night in Portland for months. The only reason it's stopped is because the cold chased everyone away.

You say that the Portland Police did not follow the law. You're correct. But those so called protesters were breaking the law every night. Arson and vandalism is not protesting. There are hundreds of businesses and tens of thousands of Portland citizens that would say scenes like that were representative of what occurred over the summer. It was on the news live every night for months. Chaos and mayhem is what it was. There are literally hundreds of videos all from different nights showing mobs throwing bricks, frozen water bottles, and shooting fireworks at police. It was confined to relatively small areas but it was happening every night. There are dozens of people that were assaulted by the mob. People driving down the street attacked, cars vandalized, windows smashed. It was disgraceful.

I believe in reforming the police but the tactics used by these mobs has done nothing for that cause. If anything it's set that cause back and eroded the support needed to implement any significant change. Most Democrats in Portland are disgusted and wanted nothing to do with those anarchists hiding behind a BLM sign while calling Black Portland Police Officers the "N" word. Portland has a significant amount of Black Officers and a Black Police Chief. How can they say Black Lives Matter and then throw rocks at Black men wearing a Police uniform?

The Portland Police Bureau is still run by fascists and the police who perpetrated violence this summer have not been held accountable. The police committed far more violence than you cite here.

I don't understand your argument. Yes, it is wrong that some people have perpetrated property damage during the protests. Yes, the police violated the laws and have not been held accountable. Both are wrong. What are you trying to say?
Police believe that Black Lives Matters protesters are terrorists intent upon violent revolution. Call it what you want, but the police have become a power unto themselves. It's time to take our streets back from them.

Police guide that calls BLM a terrorist group draws outrage

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — A prominent law enforcement training group is promoting a lengthy research document riddled with falsehoods and conspiracies that urges local police to treat Black Lives Matter activists as terrorists plotting a violent revolution.

The document distributed by the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association contains misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric that could incite officers against protesters and people of color, critics said. It alleges Black Lives Matter and antifa, an umbrella term for leftist militants, are “revolutionary movements whose aims are to overthrow the U.S. government” and claims they are planning “extreme violence.”

The association in October sent a link to the 176-page paper, “Understanding Antifa and Urban Guerrilla Warfare,” in an email news update to its thousands of members. The document, labeled “restricted to law enforcement only,” is one of the few publicly available materials on its website. The Associated Press learned of the document from one of the policing organization’s members.

The group’s executive director, Harvey Hedden, defended the document, which he called one member’s opinion and open for critique and debate. He said the association supports the exchange of ideas and strategies to improve criminal justice training but does not endorse specific approaches.

Hedden argued that fact-checking the paper ... would amount to censorship

Never mind the facts. Never mind that white ethno nationalists have been identified as the ones who cause the real harm, damage and have been arrested for revolutionary terrorist plots that include kidnapping Michigan's governor and daily executions of lawmakers. Facts have become censorship to some these days. Facts get in the way of fund raising.
Police believe that Black Lives Matters protesters are terrorists intent upon violent revolution. Call it what you want, but the police have become a power unto themselves. It's time to take our streets back from them.

Police guide that calls BLM a terrorist group draws outrage

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — A prominent law enforcement training group is promoting a lengthy research document riddled with falsehoods and conspiracies that urges local police to treat Black Lives Matter activists as terrorists plotting a violent revolution.

The document distributed by the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association contains misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric that could incite officers against protesters and people of color, critics said. It alleges Black Lives Matter and antifa, an umbrella term for leftist militants, are “revolutionary movements whose aims are to overthrow the U.S. government” and claims they are planning “extreme violence.”

The association in October sent a link to the 176-page paper, “Understanding Antifa and Urban Guerrilla Warfare,” in an email news update to its thousands of members. The document, labeled “restricted to law enforcement only,” is one of the few publicly available materials on its website. The Associated Press learned of the document from one of the policing organization’s members.

The group’s executive director, Harvey Hedden, defended the document, which he called one member’s opinion and open for critique and debate. He said the association supports the exchange of ideas and strategies to improve criminal justice training but does not endorse specific approaches.

Hedden argued that fact-checking the paper ... would amount to censorship

Never mind the facts. Never mind that white ethno nationalists have been identified as the ones who cause the real harm, damage and have been arrested for revolutionary terrorist plots that include kidnapping Michigan's governor and daily executions of lawmakers. Facts have become censorship to some these days. Facts get in the way of fund raising.
Ive never been a union guy, they screwed my dad hard in the 80's-early 90's because of nepotism, but never would have considered myself a 'union-buster'. But the police unions are in the way of the reform needed to get these racists out of their positions of power, and that needs to get fixed.