The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

Are you voting for Biden to fix all of this like we’re all doing?
Haha Biden give me a break! He can't even remember his last breakfast lol! I'm not voting in a rigged system. I'm hoping for calculated full blown 1776 2! And not talking about a stupid BLM Antifia civil war. Thats actually what fat cat elites want you idiots to do! And ill add if any of you BLM members were promised money or power by these goons, be prepared to also be flushed down the toilet when their done using you. History repeats itself! Trump went along with this mask scam he also can go fuck himself! Fuck the Rhino Republicans and the KKK democrat party also! You wanna fix it get rid of the two party system and the superpacs. Clean congress out and start fresh and this time follow the constitution! Lots of congressmen, governors, politicians, royal family needs to hang! Too many are blackmailed and bought out, it's cease pool at the white house! Lots of special ops assaniations need to happen in heads of big corps, Rockefellers, Rothchilds, the Windsor family! I think the airforce and special ops could carry that out easily if the right person was in charge. Trump is a puppet in fact the presidents been a puppets since kennedy. Find who controls the president and you will be able to stop the manipulation.
Haha Biden give me a break! He can't even remember his last breakfast lol! I'm not voting in a rigged system. I'm hoping for calculated full blown 1776 2! And not talking about a stupid BLM Antifia civil war. Thats actually what fat cat elites want you idiots to do! And ill add if any of you BLM members were promised money or power by these goons, be prepared to also be flushed down the toilet when their done using you. History repeats itself! Trump went along with this mask scam he also can go fuck himself! Fuck the Rhino Republicans and the KKK democrat party also! You wanna fix it get rid of the two party system and the superpacs. Clean congress out and start fresh and this time follow the constitution! Lots of congressmen, governors, politicians, royal family needs to hang! Too many are blackmailed and bought out, it's cease pool at the white house! Lots of special ops assaniations need to happen in heads of big corps, Rockefellers, Rothchilds, the Windsor family! I think the airforce and special ops could carry that out easily if the right person was in charge. Trump is a puppet in fact the presidents been a puppets since kennedy. Find who controls the president and you will be able to stop the manipulation.
the kkk endorsed trump

You should vote for Biden. He will fix all of trumps fuck ups
The whole police department has had issues with racism for years.

regarding your question, only one cop was charged with murder, so, my original statement that Floyd was killed by a racist cop stands. You must be a real joy to be around.

Hey, now that we are talking,

What evidence is there that, as you say, doctors are why Scotland has the highest drug overdose rate in all of Europe? From your posts, it seems that your doctor is trying to kill you.
1 cop charged with murder and the other 3 were all charged with aiding and abetting 2nd degree murder.
Do you know what that term means? It means they're charged with deliberately helping him. Facilitating and allowing the murder to happen.
But because you think only white men are bad your refusing to even acknowledge that fact. Can't call him a racist if they were all charged with causing floyds death can you.
ALL 4 of them were fired, arrested and charged. That means all 4 of them caused his death.

And you know how unintelligent your argument there was so your trying to change the subject whilst having a personal dig.
I don't mind though. I'll prove you wrong all day. Keeps me off Facebook.
Go actually do some research for yourself though.
Check our "drug related deaths in Scotland" information and it's pretty easy to find the breakdown of what causes them.
Something like 15% are from coke, heroine etc and the rest are all doctor prescribed pharmaceuticals. Mostly methadone.
Over here, if you tell the doctors you take heroine they literally say "don't worry buddy, here's a note from me. Stop going to your dealer and wasting your money on heroine. Just take this note to the chemist and they'll give you morphine every day for absolutely free "
I really wish I was exaggerating but that's the sad reality here. They do this for every illegal substance other than weed. Don't get any free replacements for that but for pretty much any other illegal drug they encourage you to start taking their legal versions.
The reason it's so bad in Scotland is because decades of English cuts to our funding. were only allowed to keep 40% of our govornments income. The rest is arrested. The English govornment tell us how much we have to spend on public funding.
That number drops and drops every year.
So our hospitals and doctors surgeries close every year.
We now have nowhere near enough local doctors or mental health services to deal with actual drug problems properly.
So they do what they can. And unfortunately the easiest way to get them "off drugs " is simply to give them a legal supply in the hope that it at least keeps them away from having to mingle with the same people.
Makes them less likely to commit crime to fund their habits so it's seen as a safer option for everyone.
That's why we blame the English for our drug deaths ( not our doctors) and that's why we're doing something about it. LEGALLY.
we're not rioting.
We're not looting shops.
We're not causing any damage whatsoever to anyone's property.
We're not physically attacking anyone.
We're not attacking the police.
When we protest the police don't need to intervene because if some asshole decides to throw a brick he'll be dealt with by the mob.
We know aggression will only hurt our cause.
We know that in order to get what we want and escape the lifetime of prejudice we experience then we have to do things properly.
Black people make up 12% of the US populous. And they're apparently fighting simply for people to be nicer to them.
We make up 8% of our population and were taking on the English royal family, one of the most powerful on earth and the entire UK govornment.
And we're managing to do it without calling anyone names and behaving like spoiled children.
.If black people want change, I'm not denying it might be needed in America. It's a fucked up place at the best of times. But if they really do want change then they're going about it in all the wrong ways.
The only outcome youll get when you walk around all day calling every one a racist is you will create racism.
Lots of white guys right now are getting sick of the black people's attitude towards this.
I never had the slightest thought towards anyone's colour untill this shit happened.
I was raised well so couldn't care less what colour you are.
Now that I'm seing what black people really think of us though and what their mentality is I'm definately becoming more inclined to think less of them.
It's not because of their skin colour though.
It's because of their actions.
The kkk disgust me and what black people are doing right now is not only very similar but will rather ironically boost kkk numbers through the roof.
There's groups of white supremacist assholes now finding each other more and more because of all this.
Things will get a fuck load worse for the black communities if they keep this up.
You call someone a racist often enough who isn't and eventually he's gonna consider you a racist. Therefor your worth less than he is and he has the right to hurt you.
That's all this shit is achieving because it's been went about in all the wrong ways.
Does anyone here realize retard BLM also destoyed and burned black buissnesses? Does anyone get other black are arming themselves against BLM tards?
Yup. The kicker for me is that they're actively deleting their own history.
Every trace of the slave trade ever happening is being removed from the history books. The statues are going, the museum's are going.
Why? Why do they want to make the world forget what their ancestors went though?
Yup. The kicker for me is that they're actively deleting their own history.
Every trace of the slave trade ever happening is being removed from the history books. The statues are going, the museum's are going.
Why? Why do they want to make the world forget what their ancestors went though?
I think the democratic party is trying to erase their past connections with the confederates and KKK by removing the statues. I think that was turning some new voters against voting Democrat. So they panicked like a bunch of tards and tried to get everyone to forgot those facts. I think they planned on taking this on much slower but their speeding it up I guess because of Trump. By doing this they're making themselves look sloppy and psychotic lol! Its easier to get people to accept something if you slowly implement an agenda, which they used to do! But I believe it will backfire cause people will not accept such a massive sudden change so quickly.
1 cop charged with murder and the other 3 were all charged with aiding and abetting 2nd degree murder.
Do you know what that term means? It means they're charged with deliberately helping him. Facilitating and allowing the murder to happen.
But because you think only white men are bad your refusing to even acknowledge that fact. Can't call him a racist if they were all charged with causing floyds death can you.
ALL 4 of them were fired, arrested and charged. That means all 4 of them caused his death.

And you know how unintelligent your argument there was so your trying to change the subject whilst having a personal dig.
I don't mind though. I'll prove you wrong all day. Keeps me off Facebook.
Go actually do some research for yourself though.
Check our "drug related deaths in Scotland" information and it's pretty easy to find the breakdown of what causes them.
Something like 15% are from coke, heroine etc and the rest are all doctor prescribed pharmaceuticals. Mostly methadone.
Over here, if you tell the doctors you take heroine they literally say "don't worry buddy, here's a note from me. Stop going to your dealer and wasting your money on heroine. Just take this note to the chemist and they'll give you morphine every day for absolutely free "
I really wish I was exaggerating but that's the sad reality here. They do this for every illegal substance other than weed. Don't get any free replacements for that but for pretty much any other illegal drug they encourage you to start taking their legal versions.
The reason it's so bad in Scotland is because decades of English cuts to our funding. were only allowed to keep 40% of our govornments income. The rest is arrested. The English govornment tell us how much we have to spend on public funding.
That number drops and drops every year.
So our hospitals and doctors surgeries close every year.
We now have nowhere near enough local doctors or mental health services to deal with actual drug problems properly.
So they do what they can. And unfortunately the easiest way to get them "off drugs " is simply to give them a legal supply in the hope that it at least keeps them away from having to mingle with the same people.
Makes them less likely to commit crime to fund their habits so it's seen as a safer option for everyone.
That's why we blame the English for our drug deaths ( not our doctors) and that's why we're doing something about it. LEGALLY.
we're not rioting.
We're not looting shops.
We're not causing any damage whatsoever to anyone's property.
We're not physically attacking anyone.
We're not attacking the police.
When we protest the police don't need to intervene because if some asshole decides to throw a brick he'll be dealt with by the mob.
We know aggression will only hurt our cause.
We know that in order to get what we want and escape the lifetime of prejudice we experience then we have to do things properly.
Black people make up 12% of the US populous. And they're apparently fighting simply for people to be nicer to them.
We make up 8% of our population and were taking on the English royal family, one of the most powerful on earth and the entire UK govornment.
And we're managing to do it without calling anyone names and behaving like spoiled children.
.If black people want change, I'm not denying it might be needed in America. It's a fucked up place at the best of times. But if they really do want change then they're going about it in all the wrong ways.
The only outcome youll get when you walk around all day calling every one a racist is you will create racism.
Lots of white guys right now are getting sick of the black people's attitude towards this.
I never had the slightest thought towards anyone's colour untill this shit happened.
I was raised well so couldn't care less what colour you are.
Now that I'm seing what black people really think of us though and what their mentality is I'm definately becoming more inclined to think less of them.
It's not because of their skin colour though.
It's because of their actions.
The kkk disgust me and what black people are doing right now is not only very similar but will rather ironically boost kkk numbers through the roof.
There's groups of white supremacist assholes now finding each other more and more because of all this.
Things will get a fuck load worse for the black communities if they keep this up.
You call someone a racist often enough who isn't and eventually he's gonna consider you a racist. Therefor your worth less than he is and he has the right to hurt you.
That's all this shit is achieving because it's been went about in all the wrong ways.
wow, wall of text. I don't really care to argue semantics about how many cops killed Floyd. It's irrelevant, really.

The English are a horribly racist society. But, you know what? We kicked them out 200 odd years ago and then we became even more vile. I'm not going to throw rocks your way, I'm more interested in solving problems in my home country.

Racism is a very real and tangible issue in the US. We really only began to make changes 40 years ago after 400 years of race-based generational chattel slavery that was significantly worse than other examples of slavery throughout the history of civilization. Enforcing the civil rights act caused tremendous upheaval in certain areas of our country that depended on cheap or free black labor. We have yet to figure out how to remedy the harm we have caused on the black community. So, how about if you start worrying about the high rate of drug overdoses in Scotland and leave the US to muddle through. We don't need your advice.

To me, a Scot is just another Brit anyway. It's an artificial classification. You are all the same. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
i subscribe to the KISS method of replying to racist dipshits. go smoke some more crack now and fuck some farm animals/your siblings
I like when trolls react the way you do mate. It's reassuring to know that I'm intellectually vastly superior. If I wasn't you'd actually have something to say in retort to my arguments.
Instead all you can do is shout racist.
You do it with others too as I've noticed.
Got a wee chip on your shoulder I think.
Closet homosexual maybe?
Or an open homosexual who's just embarrassed about it?
Am I getting close?
I think the democratic party is trying to erase their past connections with the confederates and KKK by removing the statues. I think that was turning some new voters against voting Democrat. So they panicked like a bunch of tards and tried to get everyone to forgot those facts. I think they planned on taking this on much slower but their speeding it up I guess because of Trump. By doing this they're making themselves look sloppy and psychotic lol! Its easier to get people to accept something if you slowly implement an agenda, which they used to do! But I believe it will backfire cause people will not accept such a massive sudden change so quickly.
I don't understand American politics as such. Your consevatives are completely different from ours etc so don't know if you are right about trump, the democrats etc but your point is the same.
It can only backfire in my opinion. Fuck it's massively backfiring already.
How many more white racists has the blm just created? Must be millions more of them now.
And how many white people (myself included ) are seeing what the blacks are doing as absolute racism.
Would I ever treat somebody differently because of their skin colour. No. Absolutely not in a million years...but... I'm now seeing that black people think it's perfectly acceptable to burn down our streets because they class themselves as above the law. So why should I respect them?
Why should anybody?
If white people behaved like this then the kkk headlines would be all over the world.
But for some reason black people think this is the way forward. That this sort of behaviour is not only justifiable but should also be encouraged.
wow, wall of text. I don't really care to argue semantics about how many cops killed Floyd. It's irrelevant, really.

The English are a horribly racist society. But, you know what? We kicked them out 200 odd years ago and then we became even more vile. I'm not going to throw rocks your way, I'm more interested in solving problems in my home country.

Racism is a very real and tangible issue in the US. We really only began to make changes 40 years ago after 400 years of race-based generational chattel slavery that was significantly worse than other examples of slavery throughout the history of civilization. Enforcing the civil rights act caused tremendous upheaval in certain areas of our country that depended on cheap or free black labor. We have yet to figure out how to remedy the harm we have caused on the black community. So, how about if you start worrying about the high rate of drug overdoses in Scotland and leave the US to muddle through. We don't need your advice.

To me, a Scot is just another Brit anyway. It's an artificial classification. You are all the same. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
First line of text says" I don't care how many cops killed floyd it's irellevant"
Well no it's not. It's entirely relevant because 4 cops killed him. One of them being a black man and one of the being of oriental origin.
You say all you see is racist cops but they can't possibly be racist cos one of those involved was black. He actually was. I'm not making this up.
So if anyone's racist here it certainly wasn't the cops.
It certainly isn't me.
You though. Well you seem pretty hell bent on proving that white man bad regardless of what the actual facts are so you must be a racist.
Therefor you do not deserve my respect or anyone elses and we have the absolute right to treat you with nothing but contempt.
You refuse to look past skin colour to identify what a problem actually is.
In this case, the problem is that a lot of American cops are assholes.
You can't handle trying to take on the establishment though so much like the majority of blm supporters your just stomping and calling everyone a racist thinking anarchy will work.
It wont.
All that's gonna happen is yours and their lives will become ultimately a lot harder.
People of all races will treat blacks with less respect.
If black people want change then they must first accept that their current situation is not white mans fault.
Yes white men enslaved their ancestors but there's not a single person alive today anywhere on earth that had anything to do with any of that so how's about you stick that in your pipe. Prick ;)
A whole lot of stupid as shit racist logic was flowing here last night huh.

You guys are just blinded by the bullshit you have been fed your entire life and are now comfortable spewing the racist shit that you have been pummeled with for over a decade now on forums like this. But you are incorrect.

9 of the 80+ statues were brought down by protestors during the last couple months. (one was already approved to be removed that was toppled)

And it is shown time and again that white people are causing much of the rioting by blending into these protests to cause damage. Which Dear Leader and his Foreign Dictator buddies like Putin uses to paint these protests as 'riots', so he has a bullshit reason to deploy his stormtroopers to beat up our citizens.


Also the actual damage during these protests are actually pretty minor.

The largest riot-related insurance losses came after the 1992 Los Angeles riots, according to the Insurance Information Institute, an industry-funded consumer education association. Riots flared after four police officers were acquitted in the beating of Rodney King, a black man.

Insurers paid policyholders $775 million at that time for damages, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Adjusting for inflation, that’s $1.4 billion now, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator.

Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was the nation’s most expensive insurance bill for a catastrophe. In the home, auto and commercial lines alone, insurers paid $41 billion to policyholders. That’s $55.1 billion adjusting for inflation now.

Just enough damage done though to get some great TV coverage for Dear Leader by these mostly white people who many have been shown to have been radicalized online.
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Trump is escalating the violence, using criminals like the ones in the post above as an excuse to attack these peaceful protesters with his illegal storm troopers.

A whole lot of stupid as shit racist logic was flowing here last night huh.

You guys are just blinded by the bullshit you have been fed your entire life and are now comfortable spewing the racist shit that you have been pummeled with for over a decade now on forums like this. But you are incorrect.

9 of the 80+ statues were brought down by protestors during the last couple months. (one was already approved to be removed that was toppled)

And it is shown time and again that white people are causing much of the rioting by blending into these protests to cause damage. Which Dear Leader and his Foreign Dictator buddies like Putin uses to paint these protests as 'riots', so he has a bullshit reason to deploy his stormtroopers to beat up our citizens.


Also the actual damage during these protests are actually pretty minor.

Just enough damage done though to get some great TV coverage for Dear Leader by these mostly white people who many have been shown to have been radicalized online.
Not saying the white infiltration thing isn't happening. I've seen certain things that kinda confirm what you're saying but my point about all this is that it's the blm movement itself that's causing white people to behave this way.
The blacks are all chanting your a racist cunt so quite rightly people are getting pissed off with it and will use it against them.
What did they think would happen ?
Blacks start kicking off all over the world and just expect us white guys to do what?
Take knee and apologise for our ancestors being cunts?
No chance. I don't kneel to god or the queen and I certainly won't kneel for what is at its core a racist ideology. The idea that us white men are to blame for all the blacks current hard times when quite simply we are not.
The idea that we all owe them something which we do not.
If black people want more respect they should be going about this thing respectfully.
Not doing what they currently are.
Now that there's violence at their protests apparently that's all the white mans fault too. Again, I'm not denying that some of it might be but certainly not all of it. And if the blm protests hadn't went the way they have then the whites wouldn't be sneaking in to fuck things up.
Not saying the white infiltration thing isn't happening. I've seen certain things that kinda confirm what you're saying but my point about all this is that it's the blm movement itself that's causing white people to behave this way.
The blacks are all chanting your a racist cunt so quite rightly people are getting pissed off with it and will use it against them.
What did they think would happen ?
Blacks start kicking off all over the world and just expect us white guys to do what?
Take knee and apologise for our ancestors being cunts?
No chance. I don't kneel to god or the queen and I certainly won't kneel for what is at its core a racist ideology. The idea that us white men are to blame for all the blacks current hard times when quite simply we are not.
The idea that we all owe them something which we do not.
If black people want more respect they should be going about this thing respectfully.
Not doing what they currently are.
Now that there's violence at their protests apparently that's all the white mans fault too. Again, I'm not denying that some of it might be but certainly not all of it. And if the blm protests hadn't went the way they have then the whites wouldn't be sneaking in to fuck things up.
You what?
Not saying the white infiltration thing isn't happening. I've seen certain things that kinda confirm what you're saying but my point about all this is that it's the blm movement itself that's causing white people to behave this way.
I am glad you are not blind to the online radicalization and coordination of these white people instigating this violence.

You get that white people have been radicalized against the BLM movement? That the last 7 years of confirmed reporting that the Russians have been using this as a platform of disinformation?
Screen Shot 2020-07-27 at 9.10.59 AM.png

People right now have a hard time seeing the entire situation for what it actually is, and that is by design. If people like yourself who are more easily swayed to believe what you do about these protests, you have been fed a steady stream painting it as what your worst thoughts of it are, even if it is not reflective of reality.

The blacks are all chanting your a racist cunt so quite rightly people are getting pissed off with it and will use it against them.
What did they think would happen ?
We have been taught online how to attack people verbally in ways that shut down conversations. You are right, it does shut down peoples ability to reason when they get called a racist (rightly or wrongly).

Blacks start kicking off all over the world and just expect us white guys to do what?

Take knee and apologise for our ancestors being cunts?
Or maybe understand that the laws that people that look like you have been placing on minority communities have been systematically put our minority communities into a dangerous situation.

No chance. I don't kneel to god or the queen and I certainly won't kneel for what is at its core a racist ideology. The idea that us white men are to blame for all the blacks current hard times when quite simply we are not.
I don't know about black people in your country, but here you are incorrect.

Black people have over and over again been kept out of the success that white men have been able to achieve here. There are countless examples of anytime a black man would build something up for himself, they would get it torn down by white racists using some slight or made up offense to tear it down.

Nobody is asking you to 'kneel to a racist ideology' that I have seen. Just to wake up to the real issues facing these communities and not provide cover for the racist agenda trying once again to beat them down.

The idea that we all owe them something which we do not.
You are from Scotland right? Sure you don't owe anything to black or other minorities over here in our country, I can agree with you there.

Our government however does need to step up and invest in these communities to get their children in a place to be able to as easily thrive as much as any other child in our country, and right now they do not have that ability.

If black people want more respect they should be going about this thing respectfully.
Not doing what they currently are.
Uh huh, because that has worked so well. Ive seen Braveheart. William Wallace should have politely tried to talk things through with the English after they killed everyone, and as soon as he fought back, fuck him and all the Scotts right?

Now that there's violence at their protests apparently that's all the white mans fault too. Again, I'm not denying that some of it might be but certainly not all of it. And if the blm protests hadn't went the way they have then the whites wouldn't be sneaking in to fuck things up.
Ok so not all of it, 80%, 60%, 50%? Or so of the violence I have seen have had to do with white people causing/instigating the violence. And out of the relatively few outbursts of violence it is easier to just keep a contant repeat of these over and over to people who feel like yourself and all of a sudden all the hard work all these peaceful protesters in your information bubble get ignored and you paint these peaceful protests as 'riots' of black people, when they are not.

Think about the videos and conversations you have had about these protests across the platforms like Facebook you use, I would bet you are seeing a lot of fed propaganda showing it from one very specific perspective to get the more racist of your feelings to be fed over and over again.

Our police are really in need of de-escalation and training on going to deadly force.

They really are in need of understanding they are not hired to respond like this because they get their feelings hurt. There is no reason for shit like this.
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1 cop charged with murder and the other 3 were all charged with aiding and abetting 2nd degree murder.
Do you know what that term means? It means they're charged with deliberately helping him. Facilitating and allowing the murder to happen.
But because you think only white men are bad your refusing to even acknowledge that fact. Can't call him a racist if they were all charged with causing floyds death can you.
ALL 4 of them were fired, arrested and charged. That means all 4 of them caused his death.

And you know how unintelligent your argument there was so your trying to change the subject whilst having a personal dig.
I don't mind though. I'll prove you wrong all day. Keeps me off Facebook.
Go actually do some research for yourself though.
Check our "drug related deaths in Scotland" information and it's pretty easy to find the breakdown of what causes them.
Something like 15% are from coke, heroine etc and the rest are all doctor prescribed pharmaceuticals. Mostly methadone.
Over here, if you tell the doctors you take heroine they literally say "don't worry buddy, here's a note from me. Stop going to your dealer and wasting your money on heroine. Just take this note to the chemist and they'll give you morphine every day for absolutely free "
I really wish I was exaggerating but that's the sad reality here. They do this for every illegal substance other than weed. Don't get any free replacements for that but for pretty much any other illegal drug they encourage you to start taking their legal versions.
The reason it's so bad in Scotland is because decades of English cuts to our funding. were only allowed to keep 40% of our govornments income. The rest is arrested. The English govornment tell us how much we have to spend on public funding.
That number drops and drops every year.
So our hospitals and doctors surgeries close every year.
We now have nowhere near enough local doctors or mental health services to deal with actual drug problems properly.
So they do what they can. And unfortunately the easiest way to get them "off drugs " is simply to give them a legal supply in the hope that it at least keeps them away from having to mingle with the same people.
Makes them less likely to commit crime to fund their habits so it's seen as a safer option for everyone.
That's why we blame the English for our drug deaths ( not our doctors) and that's why we're doing something about it. LEGALLY.
we're not rioting.
We're not looting shops.
We're not causing any damage whatsoever to anyone's property.
We're not physically attacking anyone.
We're not attacking the police.
When we protest the police don't need to intervene because if some asshole decides to throw a brick he'll be dealt with by the mob.
We know aggression will only hurt our cause.
We know that in order to get what we want and escape the lifetime of prejudice we experience then we have to do things properly.
Black people make up 12% of the US populous. And they're apparently fighting simply for people to be nicer to them.
We make up 8% of our population and were taking on the English royal family, one of the most powerful on earth and the entire UK govornment.
And we're managing to do it without calling anyone names and behaving like spoiled children.
.If black people want change, I'm not denying it might be needed in America. It's a fucked up place at the best of times. But if they really do want change then they're going about it in all the wrong ways.
The only outcome youll get when you walk around all day calling every one a racist is you will create racism.
Lots of white guys right now are getting sick of the black people's attitude towards this.
I never had the slightest thought towards anyone's colour untill this shit happened.
I was raised well so couldn't care less what colour you are.
Now that I'm seing what black people really think of us though and what their mentality is I'm definately becoming more inclined to think less of them.
It's not because of their skin colour though.
It's because of their actions.
The kkk disgust me and what black people are doing right now is not only very similar but will rather ironically boost kkk numbers through the roof.
There's groups of white supremacist assholes now finding each other more and more because of all this.
Things will get a fuck load worse for the black communities if they keep this up.
You call someone a racist often enough who isn't and eventually he's gonna consider you a racist. Therefor your worth less than he is and he has the right to hurt you.
That's all this shit is achieving because it's been went about in all the wrong ways.
I think the democratic party is trying to erase their past connections with the confederates and KKK by removing the statues. I think that was turning some new voters against voting Democrat. So they panicked like a bunch of tards and tried to get everyone to forgot those facts. I think they planned on taking this on much slower but their speeding it up I guess because of Trump. By doing this they're making themselves look sloppy and psychotic lol! Its easier to get people to accept something if you slowly implement an agenda, which they used to do! But I believe it will backfire cause people will not accept such a massive sudden change so quickly.

The kkk endorsed trump
Not saying the white infiltration thing isn't happening. I've seen certain things that kinda confirm what you're saying but my point about all this is that it's the blm movement itself that's causing white people to behave this way.
The blacks are all chanting your a racist cunt so quite rightly people are getting pissed off with it and will use it against them.
What did they think would happen ?
Blacks start kicking off all over the world and just expect us white guys to do what?
Take knee and apologise for our ancestors being cunts?
No chance. I don't kneel to god or the queen and I certainly won't kneel for what is at its core a racist ideology. The idea that us white men are to blame for all the blacks current hard times when quite simply we are not.
The idea that we all owe them something which we do not.
If black people want more respect they should be going about this thing respectfully.
Not doing what they currently are.
Now that there's violence at their protests apparently that's all the white mans fault too. Again, I'm not denying that some of it might be but certainly not all of it. And if the blm protests hadn't went the way they have then the whites wouldn't be sneaking in to fuck things up.
They supposed to be the better person? How about the people treating them like shit for hundreds of years start first. Seems fair to me.
Not saying the white infiltration thing isn't happening. I've seen certain things that kinda confirm what you're saying but my point about all this is that it's the blm movement itself that's causing white people to behave this way.

This says a lot about who you are as a person. So it’s the riots/BLM that’s causing the racism? Wow you’re really slow.
I am glad you are not blind to the online radicalization and coordination of these white people instigating this violence.

You get that white people have been radicalized against the BLM movement? That the last 7 years of confirmed reporting that the Russians have been using this as a platform of disinformation?
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People right now have a hard time seeing the entire situation for what it actually is, and that is by design. If people like yourself who are more easily swayed to believe what you do about these protests, you have been fed a steady stream painting it as what your worst thoughts of it are, even if it is not reflective of reality.

We have been taught online how to attack people verbally in ways that shut down conversations. You are right, it does shut down peoples ability to reason when they get called a racist (rightly or wrongly).


Or maybe understand that the laws that people that look like you have been placing on minority communities have been systematically put our minority communities into a dangerous situation.

I don't know about black people in your country, but here you are incorrect.

Black people have over and over again been kept out of the success that white men have been able to achieve here. There are countless examples of anytime a black man would build something up for himself, they would get it torn down by white racists using some slight or made up offense to tear it down.

Nobody is asking you to 'kneel to a racist ideology' that I have seen. Just to wake up to the real issues facing these communities and not provide cover for the racist agenda trying once again to beat them down.

You are from Scotland right? Sure you don't owe anything to black or other minorities over here in our country, I can agree with you there.

Our government however does need to step up and invest in these communities to get their children in a place to be able to as easily thrive as much as any other child in our country, and right now they do not have that ability.

Uh huh, because that has worked so well. Ive seen Braveheart. William Wallace should have politely tried to talk things through with the English after they killed everyone, and as soon as he fought back, fuck him and all the Scotts right?

Ok so not all of it, 80%, 60%, 50%? Or so of the violence I have seen have had to do with white people causing/instigating the violence. And out of the relatively few outbursts of violence it is easier to just keep a contant repeat of these over and over to people who feel like yourself and all of a sudden all the hard work all these peaceful protesters in your information bubble get ignored and you paint these peaceful protests as 'riots' of black people, when they are not.

Think about the videos and conversations you have had about these protests across the platforms like Facebook you use, I would bet you are seeing a lot of fed propaganda showing it from one very specific perspective to get the more racist of your feelings to be fed over and over again.

Our police are really in need of de-escalation and training on going to deadly force.

They really are in need of understanding they are not hired to respond like this because they get their feelings hurt. There is no reason for shit like this.
Yeah I get what you're saying bud. I don't disagree with a lot of it. You definately raise some valid points.
We certainly don't have "black problems" here for a start. They do in England but not up here.
We don't have black communities in Scotland so there are no problems that arise from them.
Black people here and all foreigners of any race are fully integrated into society.
There is no segregation. No white or black areas, it's all mixed.

England is different though. There's a lot of black communities down there.
People say oh they're forced to live there and whatever else but at the end of the day if you want a hand out house then you get what you're given.
They have a lot of problems with illegal, untraceable immigrants down there that can't be sent home and must be housed by law.
You can't have tens of thousands of untraceable people living all over the shop so they get put into specific areas so they're easier to find.
They're provided with adequate housing, plenty cash etc.
And it's not a dig at black people but almost everywhere in England where black communities are there are higher rates of crime.
Our cops all wear body cams etc so they simply cannot get away with being unprofessional.
It's getting dangerous for them though due to this blm movement.
Now whenever a black man is stopped in London there are crowds quickly gathering to threaten the police.
That's not on.
Our police not only have the right to stop and search us. But in built up black areas, due to the amount of knife,gun and drug crime from the black communities they have a responsibility to pull up loads of black people to search them.
According to the police, 1 in 5 stops result in further action being taken.
That's 20% of nothing more than random guesses results in the black guys being found to be carrying things they shouldn't be. Wether it's drugs, weapons or whatever else.
And as I said the cops are wearing body cams so they can't lie about this.
If the black people in England were to be listened to then it would be illegal for police to stop and search anyone.
Violent crime goes up massively.
Drug crime goes up massively.
And those who will be effected by that most are the black communities as those have a higher %age of it.
So what's the answer?
Do we stop arresting black people so the police can stop being called racists and just let them destroy themselves.
No we can't do that because that's also racist.
We have paradox.
An unstoppable force meeting the unmoveable object.
And what would happen if that paradox could ever actually happen?
Both sides would explode and that's what a gonna happen here.
Destruction on a mass scale from both sides and every angle.
A pointless war.
And from every angle I've seen it's the black people that are pushing for it.
White people may be retaliating but retaliation can always be justified.
Starting a fight cannot.