The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.
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KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — The jury that will decide Kyle Rittenhouse’s fate will be allowed to consider some lesser charges in addition to those prosecutors originally brought against him, after fierce debate by both sides on Friday.

The arguments over what would be in the jury instructions were contentious at times, with attorneys rehashing debates they had earlier in the trial or in pretrial hearings. At one point, as the two sides debated about what a particular photo showed, Judge Bruce Schroeder lost his temper, snapping: “You’re asking me to give an instruction. I want to see the best picture!”

Rittenhouse, who was 17 when he fatally shot two protesters and wounded a third in August 2020 during a chaotic night of protests in Kenosha over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, testified that he had acted in self-defense. Jurors are expected to begin deliberating Monday in the case that has left Americans divided over whether the Illinois teenager was a patriot who took a stand against lawlessness or a vigilante who brought a gun to a protest.

Rittenhouse is charged with several counts, including homicide and attempted homicide, in the killings of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounding of Gaige Grosskreutz. Wisconsin law allows the prosecution and defense to ask that jurors be told they can consider lesser charges as part of the instructions they receive before deliberating the case.

With many legal observers saying prosecutors struggled to poke holes in Rittenhouse’s self-defense claims, Schroeder’s decisions on what to allow in terms of lesser charges could be significant.

The judge said he would issue his final rulings on Saturday, but he also made some findings from the bench and indicted how he was inclined to rule on others.

He addressed Rittenhouse directly at one point toward the end of the day’s proceedings, which took place without the jury present. He told the defendant that by having the lesser charges included, “you’re raising the risk of conviction, although you’re avoiding the possibility that the jury will end up compromising on the more serious crime. And you’re also decreasing the risk that you’ll end up with a second trial because the jury is unable to agree.”

Rittenhouse said he understood.

Rittenhouse, now 18, faces one count of first-degree reckless homicide in the shooting death of Rosenbaum, who was the first person he shot after Rosenbaum chased him into a used car lot. Prosecutors sought to add a second-degree reckless homicide charge, which would not require prosecutors to prove that Rittenhouse had shown an utter disregard for human life. After the defense objected, Schroeder said he was unlikely to allow the jury to consider the lesser charge because he thought a subsequent guilty verdict on second-degree reckless homicide would be overturned on appeal.

Rittenhouse also faces two charges of first-degree reckless endangerment: one for firing at an unknown man who tried to kick him in the face and another because a reporter was in the line of fire when Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum.

Schroeder said he was inclined to allow a lesser charge of second-degree reckless endangerment when it comes to endangering the reporter, but that attorneys shouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t allow it. He also said he wouldn’t allow the lesser charge in the case of the unidentified man who tried to kick Rittenhouse.

Rittenhouse also faces one count of first-degree intentional homicide in Anthony Huber’s death, which carries a mandatory life sentence. Huber swung his skateboard at Rittenhouse after the teen killed Rosenbaum.

The defense did not object to adding lesser counts of second-degree intentional homicide and first-degree reckless homicide as it relates to Huber. It did object to adding a charge of second-degree reckless homicide. The judge said he “embraced” that argument.

Rittenhouse faces one count of attempted first-degree intentional homicide for shooting and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz in the arm. Grosskreutz confronted Rittenhouse after Huber was shot and killed.

Prosecutors asked for adding lesser counts of second-degree attempted intentional homicide, first-degree reckless endangerment and second-degree reckless endangerment. Rittenhouse attorney Corey Chirafisi did not object to the second-degree attempted homicide count, but he did object to adding the reckless endangerment counts, saying he doesn’t believe someone can “attempt to be reckless.”

Schroeder said he would mull it over but was inclined to agree with prosecutors.

Rittenhouse’s lawyers rested their case on Thursday after putting on about 2 1/2 days of testimony compared to the prosecution’s five. The most riveting moment came when Rittenhouse told the jury that he was defending himself from attack when he used his rifle to shoot the three men.

After closing arguments on Monday, names will be drawn to decide which 12 jurors will deliberate and which ones will be dismissed as alternates. Eighteen people have been hearing the case. The panel appears to be overwhelmingly white, like Rittenhouse and the three men he shot.

The protests were set off by the wounding of Blake by a white police officer. Rittenhouse went to Kenosha from his home in nearby Antioch, Illinois, with a rifle and a medical kit in what the former police and fire youth cadet said was an effort to protect property after rioters set fires and ransacked businesses on previous nights.

The case has stirred fierce debate over vigilantism, self-defense, the Second Amendment right to bear arms and the unrest that erupted throughout the U.S. over the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and other police violence against Black people.

When he testified about that night, Rittenhouse said he heard a gunshot directly behind him as he was being chased by Rosenbaum. Authorities said the shot was fired by someone else in the crowd.

The account Rittenhouse gave has largely been corroborated by a wealth of video and the prosecution’s own witnesses: Rittenhouse said Rosenbaum cornered him and put his hand on the barrel of his rifle, that Huber hit him with a skateboard and that Grosskreutz came at him with a gun of his own.

At one point Wednesday, his lawyers angrily demanded that the judge declare a mistrial and bar Rittenhouse from being retried — essentially asking that the whole case be thrown out. They accused the chief prosecutor of asking Rittenhouse out-of-bounds questions.

The judge lambasted the prosecutor but pressed on with the case.

Some obscure civil rights leader once said something that is 10% as bad as what your average Republican leader says every day.

Nice cover up. If somebody from the Proud boys or like minded group made that threat you would be screaming “ Armed invasion.” In fact if you or I made that threat it would be considered domestic terrorism. Even if you make a threat to burn somebodies house that’s terroristic threats and can land you in jail. But let’s give this guy a pass right?
Nice cover up. If somebody from the Proud boys or like minded group made that threat you would be screaming “ Armed invasion.” In fact if you or I made that threat it would be considered domestic terrorism. Even if you make a threat to burn somebodies house that’s terroristic threats and can land you in jail. But let’s give this guy a pass right?
Need I mention the senator who produced a movie about him stabbing Democratic Party leaders?

That's the thing with you right winger radicals. Any Democrat says anything and you piss your pants, get out your gun and start shooting. Meanwhile the white supremacists including Proud Boys, who are real terrorist threats, are told "we love you, go home in peace". Republicans committed hundreds of hate crimes in the past few years to maybe a single handful of them from the left. The threat comes from you and your kind. We know. We saw you on Jan 6.

I'll repeat. DOJ reports BLM does NOT represent terrorist threat while Proud Boys do. You have your priorities mixed up. If you continue along these lines, it will be clear that I'm giving you too much credit and your priorities are not mixed up, they are fucked up.
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How do you know he didn't mean when some black kid gets killed by these cops that it would lead to the things they said?

You do know that Rupert Murdoch's propaganda rags are not reliable right? I would trust them to give the full quote/context at all if they could mangle it into some edited click bait for you spam trolls to spread their hateful programming.

Nice cover up. If somebody from the Proud boys or like minded group made that threat you would be screaming “ Armed invasion.” In fact if you or I made that threat it would be considered domestic terrorism. Even if you make a threat to burn somebodies house that’s terroristic threats and can land you in jail. But let’s give this guy a pass right?
So again do you have anything that is actually evidence of violence from someone in "Black Lives Matter"?

And I would have no problem if there was a actual rally set up by BLM that the leaders then directed their crowd to do violence and then proceeded to do just that (like Trump did with the January 6th insurrection), for them to get arrested. Just because you troll on like that is not the case is not reality.
Nice cover up. If somebody from the Proud boys or like minded group made that threat you would be screaming “ Armed invasion.” In fact if you or I made that threat it would be considered domestic terrorism. Even if you make a threat to burn somebodies house that’s terroristic threats and can land you in jail. But let’s give this guy a pass right?
the defenses witness in the rittenhouse trial called for civil war and bloodshed.

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White nut lawyer going off about Rev Sharpton once again. Even evoking 'Warnock'. What a racist putz.

I think this idiot just wants to make the national news since the Rittenhouse trolls are making sure that case is taking up all the oxygen.

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Judge Bruce Schroeder defended his actions and attacked the media at a hearing on Wednesday after the jury asked an unrelated question about the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Schroeder went off-topic at the hearing to address criticisms he has received in the media.

The judge defended his decision to not allow the people who were shot to be called "victims" because he said it was unfair to Rittenhouse.

"How would you like to be put on trial for a crime and the judge introduced the case to the jury by introducing you as the defendant and the person who's accusing you as the victim?" he asked. "Is it so difficult to use the term 'complaining witness' instead of prejudging what the jury is here to determine?"

He also explained why he allowed the defendant to control the lotterydetermining which jurors would decide the case.

"I am now reading about how bizarre and unusual it was to have the defendant pick the [juror] numbers out of the tumbler yesterday," Schroeder said. "I would admit that I don't know there's a large number of courts that do that. Maybe not any."

"I do it because of an incident that I had in a case I tried in Racine," he recalled. "I think it was a murder case but I'm not sure. And there was a Black defendant and there were 13 jurors. One of them was Black. And when the clerk -- the clerk, the government official drew the name out of the tumbler, it was a Black, the Black, the only Black."

Since that time, the judge said that he allows the defendants to select alternate jurors so they "feel better."

"We talk about optics nowadays," he said. "That was a bad optic, I thought. I think people feel better when they have control."

Before finishing his rant about the media, Schroeder threatened to remove future trials from live television.

"When I talked about problems with the media when this trial started, we were there in part," he complained, "because of grossly irresponsible handling of what comes out of this trial."

"I'm going to think long and hard again about live television for a trial next time," the judge added. "What's being done is really quite frightening." Shot 2021-11-20 at 7.05.49 AM.png
On Friday, NPR reported that extreme right groups are rejoicing at the acquittal of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse — and are fantasizing about instigating more violence in their private channels.

"In one Telegram channel for the far-right Proud Boys, some noted they had taken the day off work to await the verdict," reported Odette Yousef. "'There's still a chance for this country,' wrote one. In another channel, a member stated that political violence must continue. 'The left wont stop until their bodie(s) get stacked up like cord wood,' he wrote."

As the report noted, "Rittenhouse himself is not known to be a member of an extremist group. But the trial, which from its beginning became a cause and rallying cry among conservatives who champion gun rights, has been particularly alarming to extremism researchers."

Rittenhouse successfully claimed self-defense after he crossed state lines to safeguard businesses with an AR-15 style rifle during the protests against the Jacob Blake police shooting, which led to confrontations that ended with him fatally shooting two people and injuring a third.

In addition to far-right groups, some Republican politicians are congratulating Rittenhouse, with Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) even suggesting he come work for them as an intern.
Someone in Portland kills a MAGA gang member with all kind of weapons on them out looking for trouble after rioting all day. The killer claims it was self defense and was in fear for their life after the far-right politicians and gang members all call for his head.

Get's called out by the twice impeached ex-POTUS on Twitter.


Which led to the marshals rolling in and shooting him up for over a minute.

And then that twice impeached ex-POTUS bragged about the killing by the cops. Shot 2021-11-21 at 11.16.24 AM.png

Then Killer Kyle comes along and kills someone with a plastic bag, another with a skate board, and blows the arm part of a third person with a gun that had his hands up after trying to stop the little active shooter. All of the victims then get the far-right treatment spamming these guys into being the worst people possible and the kid into being a white trash hero.
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And while the insurrectionist RINO's along with the twice impeached ex-POTUS are offering this killer their praise and jobs, Joe Biden who is the real POTUS steps up and tries to unite the nation and keep everyone safe under this verdict instead of dividing them.
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What a difference a year makes.