This is bagseed dude. Have you ever checked a bud YOU grew and find a seed. I have and I dont grow male plants. I have found seeds in a lot of sinsemilla. These ARE worth growing
So you've found seeds in lots of sinsemilla.... Do you even know what sinsemilla is???
Main Entry: sin·se·mil·la
Pronunciation: \ˌsin-sə-ˈmē-lə, -ˈmi-; -ˈmē-yə, -ˈmēl-\ Function:
noun Etymology: American Spanish, from
sin without +
semilla seed Date: 1975
: highly potent marijuana from female plants that are specially tended and kept seedless by preventing pollination in order to induce a high resin content ;
also : a female hemp plant grown to produce sinsemilla
I'm not saying what you have is or isn't purple kush. I'm just saying that what NastyRudeDogg said could be the case. & if someone were growing purple kush because they got a female clone of it & then that weed ended up w/ a seed in it then that seed would not be purple kush unless they bought both male & female purple kush clones & intentionally pollinated them. otherwise it's a purple Kush cross w/ who knows what.