The PERFECT way to ABSOLUTELY kill any trip.


Active Member
Excuse my excessive swearing and anger, but I'm upset.

So, I dosed around 9 o'clock and it was supposed to be a GREAT night to try my 4 month project. Was SUPPOSED to be, boy was I ever wrong.

Around 10, the hallucinations and trips were starting to kick in, and well, so were the others around me drinking. My ex, started making another female in the room VERY uncomfortable by hitting on her (the woman was showing signs of PTSD flashbacks. So, I tried my best to get her to settle the fuck down). I'm STILL keeping dibs on her, trying to trip, but it's not working. She needs to pass out, so I can enjoy the peak of my trip (yay the screen is starting to move uncontrollably!!!).

This post is about to go all over the place, so bear with me.

I just had two drunks have sex in my living room, absolutely murdering my trip. And, they're fucking do it again, god damnit.

My ex is bipolar, and she takes meds. Wasn't the GREATEST night to trip, but it's making everything easier ;D. Good news is, the screen is still going everywhere.

And bad news; my tooth started hurting due to eating and apple and not brushing my teeth afterwards, had to see my buddy butt naked, full erection pointed right at me, hand flat on the walls (in a hallway). Can't say it bothered me, but it was definitely interesting. I'm currently awaiting him to bring me my tooth ache medicine, my half eaten apple and a drink of water.

Back to the buzz kill.

My ex was hitting on E V E R Y O N E. Male or female. I had to take her phone away due to randomly inviting people over the to house, and had to give her life lesson decrees and other fun shit. I've never EVER seen this woman THIS drunk before. She got mad at ME for not wanting to have sex with her and not being able to get hard (I have an aversion to drunk women because of my childhood).

But, my tooth ache went away WITHOUT medication (brushed my teeth!) She has finally passed out. It is time to now go outside and enjoy the night sky. Hell, I might even fall asleep outside!

Also, I have a really awesome idea for a grow environment for trays I'll be posting a pictorial for tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
go fuck that bitch whats wrong with you? lol, get a monster, that shit is as good as viagra.

enjoy you trip man.


Well-Known Member
I hope your setting improves man. I don't like being around drunk people on psychedelics. It's seems to highlight what a stultifying sloppy drug alcohol is.


Active Member
All in all, good things came from the night to be quite honest. Sloppy-blacked-out-drunken-ex came out of her stupor and realized her entire night was... well terrifying.

I am unfortunately pretty far through my come down and my blood pressure along with adrenaline through the night kept me fairly sober =(


Well-Known Member
You blew setting big time, and that pretty much hit your mind-set.

I'm kinda annoyed right now because I have a VERY STRONG inhibition against tripping until I can control setting, at least for a good PE trip. I've been waiting a couple of years for a PE harvest like this, and I have not eaten any in over a year. So there it is, sitting and laughing at me. Others have tried this batch, and ENJOYED, and I am just not ready yet. Need to deal with some set and setting issues before I trip. Oh well.

Far better to delay than set myself up for a difficult time.


Well-Known Member
I hope your setting improves man. I don't like being around drunk people on psychedelics. It's seems to highlight what a stultifying sloppy drug alcohol is.
That was supposed to say stupefying. Damn you autocorrect!


Well-Known Member
Know when to LEAVE, always know when and how to escape even if you are at your own house - when you expect there to be others that may not act harmoniously with your intent.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it funny how otherwise traumatic situations are sometimes easier to handle trippin? like, i've been pulled over tripping and handled it way better than if i was high on weed