The person below me thread

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Well-Known Member
True, but i smoke anyway! (take that, reason!)

the person below me could talk their way out of a DUI


Well-Known Member
False, when I'm drunk I can't do shit

person below me has been busted for possesion before?

no need to appologize matcha it's all good!


Well-Known Member
if you mean posted in this thread before then, true

the person below me can recommend a GOOD stoner movie for me?


Well-Known Member
True... The Stoned Age... (what do you mean by "good"? The Stoned Age is funny as shit but not a "good" movie... Scanner Darkly is a good stoner movie... funny and serious at the same time.)

The person below me wishes that hydro supplies weren't so god damn expensive!


Well-Known Member
true ( I don't know I guess if you recommend it, it's probably good....just high)

the person below me watches "King of The Hill"


Well-Known Member
False, I wish there was one CLOSER to me.

The person below me is stingy with their weed and doesn't share, not even with close friends.


Well-Known Member
True, but it could just be hot flashes.

The person below me has grown and sold some of his/her harvest for profit.
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