the police really fucked me

i just got out of jail last night
a few things

i have my medical marijuana recommendation

i work at a chevron extra mile

this happened in a rich suburb

on monday its just another day i go out on my lunch break and my cousin and oe of my boys were outside so we go in my car and my boy rolls up blunt and we smoke it. Then i go back in to work and start loading a cooler when my co-worker who looks terrified walks up to me and is like someone is on the phone saying that my boys are getting arrested behind the station (chevron). i stay in the store then a cop comes in and takes me out. next thing i know they're asking me if i have any weapons on me let me remind you im at work wearing a uniform. i look at the cop like hes retarded and say no then we get to the back and i see my boys sitting on the curb and my weed on the roof. then the cop ask me wheres the gun and i got pissed and started going bad on the cop because i was hella mad that they just pulled me out of work in font of everybody and now they where asking m about a gun that doesn't exist.

he asks me i its m weed i say ya he asks why i got a couple gram bags separate and a half oz so i explain that purple heart (my dispensary) will give you grams to add up to what you need if they don't have it. this is when i gave him my card and id and he got very very interested in the fact i live in Oakland so he writes it all down and goes away and comes back a min later and arrests me.

he says that on of my boys said that they had smoked my weed and that means im selling it and that's what i was arrested for. oh ya i had a total of $10 on me at the time.

now i got out after 72 hours because the DA didnt file charges but they kept my cellphone, my weed, and my recommendation.

can i sue them?

cliff notes

  • smoked a blunt on my lunch break with two friends
  • someone calls cops saying something about a gun and me smoking weed
  • they come find no gun but find a half ounce and a couple grams on the side.
  • i explain that it came like that from the dispensary
  • he finds out i live in Oakland and has a million ?'s about that
  • get arrested for selling weed because i smoked a blunt with my boys. and apparently that is selling weed.
  • 'i had $10 on me


Well-Known Member
Hell no, how are they gonna prove you sold weed unless it was a controlled buy.

Thats ridiculous..

You can most likely get your shit back if you wetn in front of a judge.

But, you will have to get a public defender, or a lawyer.

Sounds like more of a headache than what its worth.

But, at least try..

Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Bummer. Call NORML. They probably won't help you sue them but they might help you get your shit back.
you have your medical marijuana card and let "your boys" smoke your medicine? and now you are bitching cause you got caught? You deserve whatever happens to you. Having a card is a responsibility that some take for granted, youre a perfect example. If more people had self control and used this as a medicine and not a recreational drug then we as a community, NORML, MPP, MMMA, and others wouldnt have to fight such an upward battle against the general public who still thinks marijuana is for "stoners".
You did nothing to help our cause and I wish you the best of luck but you will get no empathy or sympathy from me. I do hold a medical marijuana card and am also a caregiver.
You understand that you are going to lose your card because of this right?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Well IDK what the rules are in Cali but here in CO you can't use it in public. You cannot even sit in your front yard if someone could see you using it is against the law. Do a search for Cali's laws regarding the possession and use of medical MJ and see what the penalties are. You might even lose your license if convicted of something. On the other hand, I know here in CO once we changed the laws that possession of less than an oz is only a ticket and you can "give away" weed to an adult as long as there is no money exchanged than I think it's not distributing.I could be wrong and being that it's medical marijuana there could be a different set of rules regarding sharing with non patients. I doubt they could get you for selling it but maybe using at work isn't the brightest idea. Lastly, how did you get involved in all this I mean if you get caught smokin weed don't incriminate your friends or especially family take the ticket and be done with it.
patient to patient transfers are legal as well as caregiver to patients. Non patients do not qualify for anything even if they are your boys. You might lose your car for this as well as a crime was committed inside. You didnt mention how you felt that one of your boys narced you out. NEVER admit to anything when you have a card and dont let the police know you have a card voluntarily. Youre fucked.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
patient to patient transfers are legal as well as caregiver to patients. Non patients do not qualify for anything even if they are your boys. You might lose your car for this as well as a crime was committed inside. You didnt mention how you felt that one of your boys narced you out. NEVER admit to anything when you have a card and dont let the police know you have a card voluntarily. Youre fucked.
good point that would have been a wise movew to just ommit that your a patient. You might have to pay a fine for using it but at least you would probably not lose your license but I don't think your going to be having it anymore since you abused the priveledge.


Well-Known Member
patient to patient transfers are legal as well as caregiver to patients. Non patients do not qualify for anything even if they are your boys. You might lose your car for this as well as a crime was committed inside. You didnt mention how you felt that one of your boys narced you out. NEVER admit to anything when you have a card and dont let the police know you have a card voluntarily. Youre fucked.
how exactly is he "fucked"?


Well-Known Member
you provided weed to a non medical person and he admitted it. the cop is in the right here..

even though hes WRONG


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how did you friends get caught and then how did they make the connection to you? Well I do agree that maybe it wasn't the best idea, being detained for the 72 hrs. seems like a good indicator to me that they were having a real hard time trying to figure how to charge you.[or they just really wanted to make it hard on you] Just to bad that everyone was so talkative. Know your rights and respectfully exercise them. I think you have already been given the best advice being 1. Retain an attorney 2. Contact NORML It is pretty hard to believe they charged you with sales tough break.


Well-Known Member
i just got out of jail last night
a few things

i have my medical marijuana recommendation

i work at a chevron extra mile

this happened in a rich suburb

on monday its just another day i go out on my lunch break and my cousin and oe of my boys were outside so we go in my car and my boy rolls up blunt and we smoke it. Then i go back in to work and start loading a cooler when my co-worker who looks terrified walks up to me and is like someone is on the phone saying that my boys are getting arrested behind the station (chevron). i stay in the store then a cop comes in and takes me out. next thing i know they're asking me if i have any weapons on me let me remind you im at work wearing a uniform. i look at the cop like hes retarded and say no then we get to the back and i see my boys sitting on the curb and my weed on the roof. then the cop ask me wheres the gun and i got pissed and started going bad on the cop because i was hella mad that they just pulled me out of work in font of everybody and now they where asking m about a gun that doesn't exist.

he asks me i its m weed i say ya he asks why i got a couple gram bags separate and a half oz so i explain that purple heart (my dispensary) will give you grams to add up to what you need if they don't have it. this is when i gave him my card and id and he got very very interested in the fact i live in Oakland so he writes it all down and goes away and comes back a min later and arrests me.

he says that on of my boys said that they had smoked my weed and that means im selling it and that's what i was arrested for. oh ya i had a total of $10 on me at the time.

now i got out after 72 hours because the DA didnt file charges but they kept my cellphone, my weed, and my recommendation.

can i sue them?

cliff notes

  • smoked a blunt on my lunch break with two friends
  • someone calls cops saying something about a gun and me smoking weed
  • they come find no gun but find a half ounce and a couple grams on the side.
  • i explain that it came like that from the dispensary
  • he finds out i live in Oakland and has a million ?'s about that
  • get arrested for selling weed because i smoked a blunt with my boys. and apparently that is selling weed.
  • 'i had $10 on me

come on people, pay attention. :)

call them and ask what it takes to get your property back. if they give you hassle contact a lawyer.

the worst is over. bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
He says no charges, then says selling weed, I think OP is confused what happened too =)
he was arrested for selling weed. the DA dropped it. who's confused? he said selling weed THEN said no charges. you got it backwards.

he wants his property back. that is all he's asking.



Well-Known Member
The laws are bs and some cops are old school.

You ran into the wrong kind of cop and then went off on him while admitting guilt at the same time, that's what got you 72 hours is being a dumb ass and not handling the cops correctly.

You can get your shit back, they can't keep any of it, but you'll have to really work on being smarter and that doesn't come easy. Read some books or watch some videos on how to handle cops/people in general.

It never works out in your favor to go off on authority figures while in the wrong. And your boy is a dumb ass too for saying you gave it too him, he should have taken the heat and left you out of it.

Also stupid to carry multiple small bags even if it's just a couple, keep all that at home and stay low key and use your head man.

You know the times we are living in, none of this end result should have been a surprise.



Well-Known Member
if there truly are no charges, and the DA did drop everything, then ya id side with FDD here. just call norml and an attorney and see if you can try to get your property back.

in case you think i mean everything, imho opinion, i would NOT try to get the pot back. i believe even to this day the us court has not done such a thing, the canadians did though, just recently (ok actually a google brought up a few cases, i wont bother linking, but i dont think any of them fit this situation). in my opinion the pot aint worth a fight, just go buy another bag. but the celly, the reccomendation, these are things i would fight for, for sure.


Well-Known Member
They have to return the meds in medical states but maybe not in his case because he already admitted guilt.