the police


Active Member

NEVER CONSENT TO A SEARCH: Most individuals arrested on marijuana charges could have avoided the arrest by exercising their Fourth Amendment rights. If a law enforcement officer asks permission to search, it is usually because: (1) there is not enough evidence to obtain a search warrant; or (2) the officer does not feel like going through the hassle of obtaining a warrant.
Absolutely goddamn right.

Please read the Bill of Rights and understand your rights under the Constitution. Not only that, study the state laws regarding Marijuana use / possession.


New Member
Hey, Popo ...

Quick! Run down to your local nursery and buy some tomatoe, pepper and herb plants. Put them all under your grow lights. When the cops come back, let the in to show them your grow. *lol*

On a serious note, we should all assume that LEO scouts out these cannabis sites. If for no other reason, just to garner information on what to look for in their daily routines. Hey, If I were LEO, I'd do that. That's why posting about sales, harvest amounts, plant amounts or mailing & recieveing product should be stealthy. Always post with the thought that LEO may be watching.



has anyone ordered seeds online an had a problem ,, can they trace you ,, you can't have the seeds sent to a p.o box ,, so what should you do


Well-Known Member
cops are not going to come and raid your house for 1-2 plants...... there looking for the farmers more like 60-200plants at more... they would have to do to much damn paperwork and bullshit for a couple of plants.