Well-Known Member
I can't really understand the rest of what you said honestly.
you would have to learn to speak troll.

I can't really understand the rest of what you said honestly.
So lets say you have a huge demand all of a sudden for Plutonium for Nuclear Reactors, think the poor people with no money saved up will be able to build a mine to get said plutonium? Perhaps the banks will overlook the fact that you are poor and have little income but are willing to lend a few hundred million to get your plutonium mine going? Demand creates jobs eh? Im pretty sure that employers create jobs and demand creates opportunity for employers to make a profit, without a profit there is no incentive to do anything.
Umm...whatever, we are not talking profit or no profit, we are talking income bracket taxation, in which your story applies precisely 0%
again with the reading comprehension, man. she ALREADY sold her own children, her own kin, into slavery. so, besides her kids that she had to sell into slavery due to lack of a minimum social safety net, what was so great that she gave up?
The $30 billion lending program would work by creating a fund that directly invests in “smaller” local and community banks (<$10 billion in assets) through purchasing preferred stock, which returns between 1% to 7% in dividends to the government based on how effective their small business lending programs are.
Those little Small business incentives are going to the banks, they will decide who gets the money, and it won't be your business. Any profit made will go to the government instead of the tax payers who put the original money up in the first place.
And why are you talking about the President? He has nothing to do with the economy, He can't pass any laws, he can't create money out of thin air, he has no control over the purse-strings of this country.
Are you insane? Did giving the Bush tax cuts create any jobs before. I think you take a position and then just talk out your ass with no acknowledgement of any outside information or, common sense, : IE bush tax cuts are good, end of conversation. Giving already rich people more money has never added jobs to the economy. They just rathole it away, take it out of circulation for regular people and turn it over to wall street, which makes them even more wealthy, but does buttkiss for the public and the lack of jobs.
Don't programs like those encourage lazyness and drunkeness? If your a drunk who works everyday and busts your ass just to pay bills buy alcohol for after work and maybe have enough left over for something to eat and you found out their was a shelter for you where you don't have to pay rent and they would feed you to and give you money to drink every month...would you be worried about losing your job? would you even bother working?
you might be heartless enough to be willing to risk having around 50 million elderly people living in poverty, but the economic impact of having such a large market niche decend into povety would really tear this country apart....
Yeah, so all you heartless people reading this better tell your kids to STFU and just pay the 60-80% in taxes required to support those poor elderly people because we cant have them living in poverty... Nice...
Yeah, so all you heartless people reading this better tell your kids to STFU and just pay the 60-80% in taxes required to support those poor elderly people because we cant have them living in poverty... Nice...
Has anyone called you delusional recently?
So, taxing millionaires and billionaires an extra 3% would send them to the poor house? I seriously doubt they would even notice an effect on their everyday lives. Cutting SS or welfare or foodstamps, would have a devestating effect on those people. For the last two years I have been denied a COLA on my SS, while the real cost of living has gone bonkers, example: my wifes health insurance went from 291.00 a month, to 531.00. That is a direct hit on my income, basically 30%. Now I'm not asking for a 30% raise, that would be rediculous, because I could refuse to pay the insurance and take my chances on my wifes health, something I'm not about to do, but a little 3-5% increase would work just fine per year. I believe the real cost of living actually goes up more than that. It is in the governments interest to lie about inflation for obvious reasons, because then they can give huge tax breaks to the wealthy and not pass on the COLA to us poor people.
The public option will not be cheaper unless it is majorly subsidized or you force people to pay into it.
Since forcing people to pay into it will ultimately be unconstitutional then the government will simply make you pay extra in taxes to cover the extra healthcare costs + the extra healthcare costs for 30 million people that dont pay for healthcare now.
You will never see lower rates no matter what happens...
Does anything work in your mind? You are against everything ever. No matter how much you have to ignore.
It is confirmed that it drives costs way down. Look at similar setups in Germany, France, Switzerland, and such. We actually pay more than twice what they do per capita on healthcare, and they do cover everyone. Here we let people die at an extravagant cost, or pay a ridiculous amount for so so coverage.
Wrong again...
You try to say the healthcare is equal yet the rich and leaders of those countries fly to the US for medical care... You cannot compare apples to oranges. I see you left out Britain and Canada's healthcare. They do it by rationing and long waits for medical care. Yeah, it could be cheaper if it was... well cheaper and much harder to obtain. And that is what you are going to end up with.
You want quality healthcare at lower prices? Tort reform would eliminate alot of frivilous lawsuits and lower the insurance premiums for doctors. Get rid of the ridiculous amount of paperwork that doctors have to do to comply with medicare and medicade and they could cut staff and save money. Hell, I want the government completely out of healthcare, and that would save alot of money.
If car insurance was treated like health insurance it would cover the maintenance and repair of the car along with routine checkups and would be one hell of alot more expensive than it is now. If we started treating health insurance like what it should be which is major medical and started paying out of pocket for our expenses instead of having a 3rd party pay for them it would get cheaper as well. And introducing competition and up front pricing would additionally cut costs.
You want to save a shitload of money tomorrow? Put immigration offices into the emergency rooms and deport any illegal alien after treating them for their illness... That would save billions tomorrow.