The problem with libs/dems

I’m all for equality which means they are equally as responsible to prevent unwanted pregnancies as are men, dome it up and chicks get on bc
Stealthing is a thing.

Its a womens body- not yours.
How about all men get vasectomies and they can have a reversal if they ever want kids?
As long as you support a women's right to make decisions over their bodies. If your wife wanted to get a abortion and you didn't support her decision is irrelevant. She has the choice is the debate.
Remember, regardless if you don’t want the child and she has it you’re fiscally responsible for that child until the child’s of mature age and working/post grad. If you want it and she doesn’t she can murder it and your stuck knowing your child was never able to get that unconditional love you wanted to show it. There’s no equality there. It’s just bullshit overpowering control.
If she had the choice to terminate the baby you want to raise nurture and care for then it’s not equality in the least
Its a choice, for both of them. You do realize that the majority of abortions there is no man that wants to be there?
As long as you support a women's right to make decisions over their bodies. If your wife wanted to get a abortion and you didn't support her decision is irrelevant. She has the choice is the debate.
In a sane world the only time abortion should be on the table is if there is harm to the mother or baby,incest,the rest is irresponsibility,inconvience and selfishness. The woman is not just making the choice over her own body,they are 2 seperate beings.


Non-consensual condom removal, or "stealthing", is the practice of a man removing a condom during sexual intercourse without consent, when his sex partner has only consented to condom-protected sex. Victims are exposed to potential sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS, or unwanted pregnancies. Wikipedia

And its on the rise.
In a sane world the only time abortion should be on the table is if there is harm to the mother or baby,incest,the rest is irresponsibility,inconvience and selfishness. The woman is not just making the choice over her own body,they are 2 seperate beings.
Actually it isn’t any of your business women are equal to real men
In a sane world the only time abortion should be on the table is if there is harm to the mother or baby,incest,the rest is irresponsibility,inconvience and selfishness. The woman is not just making the choice over her own body,they are 2 seperate beings.
is a fetus..its not a "being". Its not a baby.
I'm not sure why you are so bothered. I bet you crack and cook eggs all the time. eat some veal. I love a good veal schnitzel. Dont mind a nice lamb roast to.
Then it’s a good thing he’s wearing a condom isn’t it? And the likelihood of both failing is 0.01% so don’t play hypotheticals

Sort of like your hypothetical analysis of both parties using contraception at the same time?