The problem with libs/dems

For me in the great white North I pay taxes for that fuck up. That money can be used for health care services not related to sally refusing to be responsible and using all the different forms of birth control available to her and rolling the dice after jimmys dripping down her leg. It’s not like they don’t know he busted a nut in her, pretty damn obvious once she stands up. If she’s not ready to be a mom at that point then drive to the pharmacy and grab plan b.
Who are you to push your morals on anyone else? Why do you think your beliefs should be legislated to others?

Believe what you want and shut the fuck up because nobody here gives a flying fuck about your feels.
Who are you to push your morals on anyone else? Why do you think your beliefs should be legislated to others?

Believe what you want and shut the fuck up because nobody here gives a flying fuck about your feels.
Still not willing to admit women bear as much responsibility to not having unwanted pregnancies as men eh. Must be frustrating to be so whipped you have to turn against your own instead of acknowledging equality means both sides participate equally
Still not willing to admit women bear as much responsibility to not having unwanted pregnancies as men eh. Must be frustrating to be so whipped you have to turn against your own instead of acknowledging equality means both sides participate equally
your equality is one sided.....blame the woman.
your equality is one sided.....blame the woman.
Nope I’ve stated throughout that dude should be domed. Ultimately though if she doesn’t want to be pregnant she has every means necessary to prevent it making it ultimately up to her to act accordingly. Ain’t like the guy can force her to take plan b or a pill or a patch or shove an iud up there, Stick her with a needle etc. it’s all assault. She has to make that choice, she has to take the responsible action, she has to keep herself from becoming pregnant if she doesn’t want a baby. She decides if he’s going in her raw or with a rubber, because she decides if they are having sex or not. So unwanted pregnancies is essentially all on her irresponsibility.
Nope I’ve stated throughout that dude should be domed. Ultimately though if he doesn’t want to be pregnant he has every means necessary to prevent it making it ultimately up to him to act accordingly. Ain’t like the guy can force her to take plan b or a pill or a patch or shove an iud up there, Stick her with a needle etc. it’s all assault. he has to make that choice, he has to take the responsible action, he has to keep himself from becoming pregnant if he doesn’t want a baby. he decides if he’s going in her raw or with a rubber, because he decides if they are having sex or not. So unwanted pregnancies is essentially all on his irresponsibility.
FTFY....again :roll: