The problem with libs/dems

8 months ago they’re out there preaching kill the unvaxxed, get your shot do as I and your government say, your bodily autonomy does not matter!!!
As of Friday… the government has no right to take away your bodily autonomy!! They’re taking us back to the dark ages!!! Women aren’t smart enough to use contraceptives and we rely one telling our girlfriends to get abortions so we can remove all sense of responsibility from our own neglect!!

Modern libs and dems are the most hypocritical Neanderthals the world has ever seen.
I commented in a thread today about the roe v wade that women as well as men need to act responsibly and practise safe sex if they don’t want conception, simple, concise, accurate. Not a single lib said yeah, makes sense. Instead it was women like sex how you gonna stop it, your daughters gonna get plowed, condoms break and pills fail. Honestly, why are libs/dems so fucking idiotic?? If you are one, please, for the love of everything and everything, drink turpentine by the gallon.
I am a person of faith and I can still see why abolishing Roe V. Wade was a terrible thing, there is no longer precedent for autonomy of body and being the ultimate decision maker in your course of medical treatment. They already put the news articles in place to say you can have had cowid and not know it, and it could have done brain damage... you might not be able to make these important medical choices since your brain is damaged... now we can make that decision for you if you NEED to take the wax or boosters. This is crazy.. I'd rather let women make that choice and likely pay for it in the end, than have zero legal precedent for autonomy of body and have idiots in butcher coats who can't think for themselves make the decisions in my life for my medical treatment. They gonna have to kill me first.
I am a person of faith and I can still see why abolishing Roe V. Wade was a terrible thing, there is no longer precedent for autonomy of body and being the ultimate decision maker in your course of medical treatment. They already put the news articles in place to say you can have had cowid and not know it, and it could have done brain damage... you might not be able to make these important medical choices since your brain is damaged... now we can make that decision for you if you NEED to take the wax or boosters. This is crazy.. I'd rather let women make that choice and likely pay for it in the end, than have zero legal precedent for autonomy of body and have idiots in butcher coats who can't think for themselves make the decisions in my life for my medical treatment. They gonna have to kill me first.
My entire point to this thread is it shouldn’t be a big deal because if women aren’t ready to be pregnant they have a wide array of birth control products, they can request their partner to use condoms, and they obviously know when a guys blown his load in them as over half runs down her leg the second she stands up and she has emergency contraceptives readily available at all pharmacies. If she doesn’t want to be a parent yet she has the means to prevent it it just takes responsibility. Abortion should be left to medical conditions that threaten her life, or for those fetuses with serious medical issues that won’t live a long life and termination is done as an act of mercy. Shouldn’t be used as an I fucked up but I still have 8 more years of party life left in me so scrape it out doc. Just saying women have equal if not greater responsibility to keep their own uterus baby free if they don’t want one given they have a plethora of ways to do so by being due diligent with their sex life and means of protection
My entire point to this thread is it shouldn’t be a big deal because if women aren’t ready to be pregnant they have a wide array of birth control products, they can request their partner to use condoms, and they obviously know when a guys blown his load in them as over half runs down her leg the second she stands up and she has emergency contraceptives readily available at all pharmacies. If she doesn’t want to be a parent yet she has the means to prevent it it just takes responsibility. Abortion should be left to medical conditions that threaten her life, or for those fetuses with serious medical issues that won’t live a long life and termination is done as an act of mercy. Shouldn’t be used as an I fucked up but I still have 8 more years of party life left in me so scrape it out doc. Just saying women have equal if not greater responsibility to keep their own uterus baby free if they don’t want one given they have a plethora of ways to do so by being due diligent with their sex life and means of protection
Once again regurgitated bs
Shampoo says lather rinse repeat
I am a person of faith and I can still see why abolishing Roe V. Wade was a terrible thing, there is no longer precedent for autonomy of body and being the ultimate decision maker in your course of medical treatment. They already put the news articles in place to say you can have had cowid and not know it, and it could have done brain damage... you might not be able to make these important medical choices since your brain is damaged... now we can make that decision for you if you NEED to take the wax or boosters. This is crazy.. I'd rather let women make that choice and likely pay for it in the end, than have zero legal precedent for autonomy of body and have idiots in butcher coats who can't think for themselves make the decisions in my life for my medical treatment. They gonna have to kill me first.
Remember, if a man fucks up and has a baby and isn’t ready to he is held accountable for his actions, in the very least women should have equally accountability in doing their part to not have accidental pregnancies
I didn’t realize you were making a joke. I guess I’m funnier than you. Go figure.
Couldn’t understand a simple innuendo, you know you might be the one shining example of why abortion might have a need in society. Maybe your mom shoulda stayed on the party train, but then we’d miss out on all your stupidity and that’d be a shame
Couldn’t understand a simple innuendo, you know you might be the one shining example of why abortion might have a need in society. Maybe your mom shoulda stayed on the party train, but then we’d miss out on all your stupidity and that’d be a shame
I posted this yesterday.
That face staring back at you in the mirror every morning is a perfect example of why abortions are necessary.
Great originality my man.