The Producer Round 4


Well-Known Member
Okay here we go again.

Round 3 I actually got 5 ounces in total, the problem was using different plants which grew in every direction. 2nd I flowered way to late almost all of them were plastered against the glass with the tops burned. Lastly way to many plants I filled every spot and had literally no room.

I did not use any clones from the last batch this time it's a fresh start. I chose a bc strain endless sky, moderate to grow short flowering time and compact.

Vegetation was a breeze and went by quickly, I started to flower a week ago and have had nothing but problems with my temperatures but I am slowly dialing it in.

I decided to space the plants out a bit, I only put ten plants in my producer.

Now the pics.....yes a bit of heat stress but it's early and as I mentioned I have to dial my temps in better. I will be using co2 in one week if everything looks good.

The weird thing are the leaves take a look. I had three round leaves when they started out. Then the leaves started to kind of grow together really, really weird I would be concerned but all the plants share this trait.

Anyway as usual any input is appreciated.


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Here are some pics, 3 of my plants were not getting water so I cleaned out the spout no biggie they will get some extra water tonight once my ph nanny gets me to 5.6.

Since week one and week two nutes are almost identical I decided to let the nutes ride for a week topping up the water when need be but letting my nute levels rise to what was needed for week 2. Today is the start of week 3 and the co2 has been turned on! I missread the instructions and put 15g's of "bud blood" so I also added 15g's of big bud. I did not want to throw away the nutes as they are expensive so lets see what happens. I am in range of my nutes 1000 out of 1100 but as the week progresses that number will jump.

My temperatures are now dialed in 80 to 81 during the day 74 to 75 at night.

So far so good.



Well-Known Member
Update.... I just got off the phone with BCNL and they walked me through the timer for having the veg light timer set to my flowering timer :) Now both are on for the same time periods more lumens for the plants tyvm for your help.

tyvm as well proto fingers and toes crossed.



Well-Known Member
I got 5 ounces No drama in total, it was a jungle of different strains. I was bummed out but took the positive that I made it through a cycle.


Well-Known Member
I ended up changing the nutes last night. I left my ph nanny in the on position and brought the level down to 2.4 sighhhhh.

Temperatures are dialed in but watering was not I had a lot of yellow leaves which I removed. I have to water twice a day just to keep the rockwool from drying out completely.

Smallest plant is 9" tallest is 12"

It says this strain has one main cola here is a link I am by no means advertising for them but it's got the most detailed info on this strain. Also this other site explains why I am starting to smell mint when I go into the room.



Well-Known Member
Question please does anyone else have "clumping" of nutes on the root system? I am just wondering how you deal with it? I prepare my nutes stir them up well then pour them in the res. and I still get clumping :(


Well-Known Member
Weird day....plants are doing so much better but I decided to change the drip dohickeys on all ten plants to make sure each get equal water. Upon inspection my rockwool has receded and has huge dark brown stains so the roots are showing thus the plants are floppy. I did not figure this out till after the fact so all drip emitters have been swapped and the plants pushed down in the rockwool for now. I cut up some 3" rockwool cubes and will repack tomorrow as I do not have time today. I will post pics of before and after tomorrow!

Does anyone have any ideas about the clumping of nutes I mentioned above?

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
I broke my old digital camera I loved that camera......the new one is no where near as good or perhaps I need to spend some time using it. Two days into week four, tallest plant is 17" smallest plant is 13" I lost one plant that was closest to the door I have to use a portible ac during the day and it took the brunt of the cooling, mental note for next grow. Nine plants left and 33 days to go give or take.



Well-Known Member
No thank you zone for hoping aboard :)

I had to order new nutes last week I was almost out of vita boost so I decided to get some big bud liquid. Now I am following the custom feeding schedule to a tee, I figured now is the time that I would really need the big bud liquid. I really want to push them as now is the time to bulk up, I stopped using col. bud blast as a foliar spray, I can't say enough good things about that stuff it really perks up the plants. I ran out of co2 today but am ordering a second tank tomorrow this way when the well runs dry I have a back up, the tank is huge 5 feet and lasts a long time on top of that it only cost's me 10 dollars more then a tank half the size (and they deliver :) ). My roots still have brown guck on them but the plants look very healthly so I am not stressing over it as I am not about to clean off the roots and risk damaging them. I am hoping the plants grow a bit higher but it is what it is I would rather to short then to tall, the best decision I made was to grow less to get more, all plants have a lot of light as they have more room then clusterfuking them all together and filling all 18 spots. I started up the cloner two days ago with 12 cuttings, I had a busy xmas lol but it's nice that things are going my way. My temps are really dialed in now maybe a 4 degree variance from day to night. I will post new pics on Saturday when I swap out my nutes.


Active Member
lookin good homegrow. how far away are the lights from the plants? and how cool are u keeping ur water res temps? could be whats causing the root gunk. i froze gallon jugs of water and stuck em in my res before to keep it cool. kinda a PITA but it works. subscribed


Well-Known Member
Right now the flowering lights are 15 inches away (32" height in total), the veg light is 12 inches away. They cannot be moved as they are stationary.

You intrigued me about the res and bottles of ice. Does keeping it cooler help with the clumping I am experiencing? I honestly never took a reading of water temps all I know is very cold water goes in. I thought by having a second pump hooked up it would move the water more and I would have less clumping obviously I was wrong.

I really appreciate your post hgkdehs much appreciated.


lookin good homegrow. how far away are the lights from the plants? and how cool are u keeping ur water res temps? could be whats causing the root gunk. i froze gallon jugs of water and stuck em in my res before to keep it cool. kinda a PITA but it works. subscribed


Active Member
oh and the ice kept it cooler for about 6 hours or so, would have to put 2 in a day during flower. one in the morning at lights on and other bout halfway through. the ice is just to keep from getting root rot, caused by high res temps


Well-Known Member
Tyvm I only have the ability to add twice a day due to work so I figure that is better then nothing I will start that tomorrow again ty. :)


Active Member
no prob. but would u mind describing the clumping? color, texture, ect. a pic would help. also what size res are u using? keep in mind i was using a 1 gal jug for an 8 gal res. dont wanna make it too cool


Well-Known Member
Okay so I contacted bcnl and asked about the feeding schedule as I was confused now that I received my big blood liquid. On the schedule for flowering week 4 it says 80ml of big blood liquid "and" also 17grams of big blood powder? I did not get a definate answer from bcnl they said well keep it simple use the powder, then after I told them I had all ready added the liquid on top of the powder and asked about any damage they said no no no if the leaves don't turn yellow no problem. I am actually more confused by the answer then my question sighhhhhhhhhh.

So simple question for you producer users do you use both or just one and why?

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
hgkdeks I will take a pic tomorrow the ladies are sleeping so I do not want to disturb their beauty sleep :) tune in tomorrow for pics please and thank you :) The clumping is brown slime very very very slimey and washes off, I hate to use the term but it loks like diaherra sick I know but thats the only way I know to explain it . Everytime I change the nutes I have a brown film on the bottom of the res and on my airstones (which upsets me cause of the lack of pretty bubbles I have to clean them every nute change) so I am sure it is nutes. On top of pics of the roots I will take a few pics of the set up I have to give you a better idea. The res is fairly big the feeding schedule says as per "9 gallons" or "34l tub". I appreciate and thank you that 1 gallon of frozen ice in a jug for 8 gallons, I am gonna throw in 4 water bottles smaller and more compact starting the day after tomorrow :) I think what I will do is grab 12 empties from work and just keep reusing them by freezing them every day, cycling them so to speak.