the pump stopped working!!! noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Hello guys!!

I got an AG deluxe and today the pump stopped working.

I've been reading the instructions to clean it. They talk about taking the plants off and emptying the water container.

But with the roots reaching everywhere I found that it is going to be impossible for me to do it without damaging the plants.

The plants need 6 weeks more as they just started flowering.

Is there anybody out there with some advice, please?

Can the plants make it without the pump?

Thank you very much!!!!!!

Big P

Well-Known Member
you can fill the place the roots are, with water and put an air stone in it with an air pump like they use in a fish tank, the air stone will keep your plants roots alive and oxygenated under the water. then you put your nutes in the water. basically your switching it from Aeroponics to DWC Deep water culture


Active Member
Thanks indeed for your reply!!!!!!!

Ok. I'll be getting the air pump ASAP.

Does that air pump need to be on 24/0?

Are there any disadvantages on switching to DWC?

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big P

Well-Known Member
yes 24 hours a day 7 days a week it must stay on at all times or your roots will eventually suffocate

not really any disadvatages, its easyer and less complicated. as long as the thing can hold water i think you should be good.


Well-Known Member
Hello guys!!

I got an AG deluxe and today the pump stopped working.

I've been reading the instructions to clean it. They talk about taking the plants off and emptying the water container.

But with the roots reaching everywhere I found that it is going to be impossible for me to do it without damaging the plants.

The plants need 6 weeks more as they just started flowering.

Is there anybody out there with some advice, please?

Can the plants make it without the pump?

Thank you very much!!!!!!
Two things: one, always have a spare pump on hand. They're ten bucks and only expected to last a year. When this happens, if you have one handy, it's no crisis.
Two: Big P gave you good advice. If you've been doing your homework you should already have a 5 to 10 gallons size aquarium air pump hooked up to an air stone and that should keep things normal until your new pump arrives from A/G. By the way, a word of warning: they'r not famous for fast delivery and the extra ten bucks they want for expedited shipping would be better spent on beer or cheap wine.
For what it's worth, I've disassembled, cleaned and reassembled my pumps between crops for the past five years and some worked and some didn't. And they were all working before. I've discussed this with customer service and they can't give me a rational answer why, but some fail after reassembly and some don't. All the more reason to have spare parts. They aren't things you can get at Wal-Mart or even at your local hydroponics store. there they've got us by the short ones.
Now for why it happened: what did you see inside the pump besides algae? Were there roots involved? That's what killed one of mine. Again, customer service and I talked it over and agreed the filters will only keep out big pebbles and boulders but they're still necessary. He tipped me off to the fact that a lot of A/G growers were wrapping their pumps in panty hose but I thought that was too much. My wife gave me one of her little nylon socks, like they wear with flat shoes and it covers the pump and tower assembly nicely. I've had no root related pump problems since. You can get a pump sock from the hydroponics store for five to ten dollars if you want to go first class but this works just as well.
Just be patient and careful and you'll untangle the mess of roots. If you're a fisherman it's no big deal as you've likely had worse back lashes with your reel. How many plants do you have in your A/G? More than three is asking for it. Let 'em soak in a bowl of nutes while you're cleaning the reservoir. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks guys!!

without your advices this task would be impossible!!!!!!

It's been 6 days since I followed your advice (big P), of using air pumps with air stones and I am shocked that the plants look stronger than ever. they have double its size. (they were small)

I also followed HSA's advice to get an spare pump!!!

I appreciate your help (HSA) but the reason I went for AG is because I thought that you don't have to take too much care about the plants. My case is far from that as I have a new problem every 3 or 4 days. I spend so much time searching for information

It is true I have learned a lot so, next time I'll go for a proper hydro system.

Cheers guys!!!!

Big P

Well-Known Member
Dude study up onn DWC its amazing how fast they grow and it as easy as making kool aid if you have a ppm meter

Its basically just gettin rid of the soil , I would recommend you get a good tupperware container put holes inthe lid for your plants and grow them further apart using a bigger light as long as you have the space to do such a thing

If your already riskin growin may as well get your monies worth out of it


Active Member
Yeah mate!

this aerogarden adventure/nightmare has been my first attempt to grow myself after 22 years buying it from the streets.

I think I have learnt a lot.

Next time I'll go for a DWC system. No doubt about it.

My plants look in good health for the fist time since I plant the seed.

now I just need them to start flowering. It's been more than 6 weeks and nothing.... I keep praying

cheers mates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!