the race for my budz! , planted in late augest need it to hurry haha

Hi everyone i'm kinda new on rollitup and i'm kinda new on growing too haha :dunce: soo anyways i'm currently growing 2 unknown plants i just got the seeds from some mids that werent too too seedy . so anyways i germaneted them and planted them right in my backyard by some plants , a small bush and a vine like plant going up a fence. they are only about a foot apart i'm kinda concerned , but they are far enough from the plants to worry about . i'm not really super working on them i just want them to grow , i gave them a lil plant food and water and thats basically it , they get the morning sunlight from about sunrise to around 3 or 4 , so probably about 10 hours max .

now i've heard they cant grow in december so im kind of worried they wont make it.

here are some pics and dates ill be posting them through out the growing .

im just gonna put pics of 1 plant up and if it dies then ill do the other one

here it is when it first sprouted



and finally

so being how its growing , what do you think my chances are for getting it to grow nice ?

lol btw i just made some firecrackers outta some white berry sooo ;]


Well-Known Member
Depending on where you live I think you are way to late. Just let them go as long as you can and you may end up w/ a few small buds.
Depending on where you live I think you are way to late. Just let them go as long as you can and you may end up w/ a few small buds.
yeah thats kinda what i figured , umm is there anyway to maybe transport them inside and finish growing them that way or anything? i wouldn't think so but its worth a shot :P , umm yeah next time im definitley gonna start like jan or around there

but wait i live in las vegas so maybe? it probably gets to like at lowest 40? maybe 30 if your lucky haha

i didn't really plan on these even growingbongsmilie thanks


Well-Known Member
If you live in the Las Vegas area you should be all set. I live in New England and here you have until October (November if you are lucky)... Someone from Vegas would know the seasons better than me...
If you live in the Las Vegas area you should be all set. I live in New England and here you have until October (November if you are lucky)... Someone from Vegas would know the seasons better than me...

yeah well its very dry and in december i guess lows of 30s highs of 50s would be a good average , no snow if any its like 10 min lol ,

i'm just trying to atleast get some good trimming and maybe make like hash or something
idk if ill even bother to post another pic but i probably will it ll be when it starts to get big fan leaves , only 2 tiny leaves on the bottom to go , sorry i'm brand new to growing haha .
WOW guess what!!!? i got it budding!! haha i topped it a lil early to try and make it bud faster and i guess it worked? idk haha its only about a foot its female i killed the other one that turned male , and the buds on it are looking great haha probably only going to get like a quarter but hey its free :D haha ill post a pik soon