The racist republicans are at it again

El Tiberon

Active Member
This state has literally been taken back to the days of slavery. It would be comical if it weren't so sad that there are people who actually support this. This is a total face-palm situation.

Hours after passing the country’s worst voter suppression law, North Carolina Republicans escalated their attempts to prevent students from participating in the political process.
• The GOP-controlled board of elections in Pasquotank County voted to disqualify Montravias King, a senior at historically black Elizabeth City State University, from running for city council, claiming King couldn’t use his student address to establish residency, even though he’s been registered to vote there since 2009. “The head of the county’s Republican Party said he plans to challenge the voter registrations of more students at the historically black university ahead of upcoming elections,” the AP reported.
• The GOP chair of the Forsyth County Board of Elections is moving to shut down an early voting site at historically black Winston-Salem State University because he claims students were offered extra credit in class for voting there. “He offered no proof such irregularities had occurred,” the Raleigh News and Observer noted.
• The GOP-controlled Watauga County Board of Elections in Boone, North Carolina, voted along party lines to close an early voting and general election polling place at Appalachian State University. Instead, the county limited early voting to one site in Boone and created the state’s third-largest voting precinct, with 9,300 voters at a precinct designed for 1,500, with only thirty-five parking places. It’s inaccessible by public transportation and over a mile from campus along a 45 mph road with no sidewalk. “I feel like the people (students) who really care might come all the way out here to vote,” said Ashley Blevins, a junior at Appalachian State, “but I know a lot of people who are like, ‘eh, it’s too far—I don’t think I’m going to walk that far,’ because they don’t really have another way of getting here.”

The attempt to prevent students from voting and running for office where they attend school is likely unconstitutional based on the 1979 Supreme Court case Symm v. United States. Nonetheless, the GOP board of elections in Pasquotank County formally prevented King from running for office today. King can then appeal to the state board of elections, which is also controlled by Republicans. If it refuses to accept his candidacy, he can appeal to the state court of appeals. But time is running short. The election is the second Tuesday in October, and ballots will soon be printed without his name on it. There’s no guarantee the courts will hear the case before the election.

“This is highly unusual,” says Anita Earls of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, which is representing King. “I was on the state board of elections for two years and we never had a case where a candidate was disqualified a few weeks before the election.” Earlier this year, Pasquotank County GOP chair Richard Gilbert also purged fifty-six student voters from Elizabeth City State University, all African-American, from the voting rolls, claiming they were not properly register to vote at their campus address. At King’s hearing, Gilbert was accompanied by Susan Myrick of the Civitas Institute, a right-wing group funded almost exclusively by Art Pope, the conservative billionaire who is now Governor Pat McCrory’s budget director.

The shutting down of polling places on college campuses could also draw a legal challenge. “If there’s an intent to stop students from voting, that should be grounds for an equal protections challenge,” says Earls. “Can we get a state or federal court to stop it? That’s an open question.”

There were at least sixteen early voting sites located on college campuses during the 2012 election (UNC-Asheville, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, UNC-Greensboro, North Carolina State University, Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, North Carolina Central University, Winston-Salem State University, North Carolina A & T University, Duke University, Johnston County Community College, Wake Tech Community College (2 sites), Stanly County Community College, Cape Fear Community College). Ten additional early voting sites are located within half a mile of a college campus (Boiling Springs Town Hall, Gardner-Webb University; Smith Recreation Center, Fayetteville State University; Franklin County Board of Elections Office, Louisburg College; Gaston County Citizens Resource Center, Gaston College; Oak Hollow Mall, John Wesley College; Morrison Regional Library, DeVry University; Randolph County Office Building, Randolph County Community College; Cole Auditorium, Richmond County Community College; former DSS Building, Catawba College; Old Library Building, Brevard College). Former North Carolina State Senator Ellie Kinnard, who resigned from office yesterday to fight the voter suppression law and help people get voter IDs, told Rachel Maddow that she believes the North Carolina GOP will try to shut down every one of them.

It’s also worth remembering that North Carolina’s strict voter ID law does not allow student IDs. “The depth and breadth of the anti-democratic policy is pretty stunning,” says Earls.

None of this would be happening if the Supreme Court hadn’t invalidated Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, which previously covered forty of 100 counties in North Carolina. As Rick Hasen noted, the extreme voter suppression measures adopted in the state are a clear reason why Congress needs to strengthen the VRA.

UPDATE: The GOP elections chair in Forsyth County has walked back his vow to close an early voting site at Winston-Salem State University, for now. Reports the Winston-Salem Journal:
The chairman of the Forsyth County Board of Elections said Monday evening that the board will not make a decision Tuesday about an early voting site at Winston-Salem State University.
Ken Raymond told the Journal last week that he would try to eliminate the Anderson Center at WSSU as a site for early voting, and could move to do it as early as Tuesday’s meeting.
But Raymond, a Republican, said in an email Monday: “For the board to make a decision now would be very premature. And when we have the discussion, all of my concerns, which are well known, will be addressed.”
He said the decision would not be made by the board until next year.
Let's not leave out the racist Democrats:

The former Ohio poll worker who admitted flat-out to voting twice for President Barack Obama in November was convicted Tuesday of illegal voting, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

Melowese Richardson of Madisonville, Ohio was accused of eight counts of illegal voting in the 2008, 2011 and 2012 elections. She pleaded no contest to four counts in exchange for prosecutors dropping the remaining charges, the newspaper reported. A judge immediately convicted Richardson, who now faces up to six years in prison.

Richardson had admitted to Cincinnati’s WCPO-TV in February that she voted twice, after documents showed she first submitted an absentee ballot and told an official she later voted at the polls as well.

“Yes I voted twice,” Richardson told WCPO. “I, after registering thousands and thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count, so I voted. I voted at the polls.”
Among the charges she pleaded no contest to included voting three times for a relative who has been in a coma for 2003, the Enquirer reported.

The whole world is racist in one way or another It's just that Republicans seem to lean that way more than the average bear.
The whole world is racist in one way or another It's just that Republicans seem to lean that way more than the average bear.

I have voted for dems and repubs. I would disagree with you. Democrat party has always been the party of racism since its beginning by a pro slave owner named Andrew Jackson. Now it is extreme reverse racism. Jesse Jackson and sharpton and MSNBC have everything but the black hoods on. The latest would be the you white college kid killed by two bored blacks. Where is the outrage!!! from President O or Sharpton? Could you imagine if this was two bored white boys who did this??? Just be honest.
I know this much, white males in the US should be very afraid. Brown people will be taking over the US in the very near future and there is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening no matter how many minorities you stop from voting.

The best part? All of your white women will flock to the new powers and you will have to witness it happening. You are cutting your own throats and are too blind and ignorant to recognize it happening.

Eventually the undocumented immigrants will be allowed to remain in country and given a path to citizenship. This is the day you should fear most. 25 million potential votes for the left will be the nail in your coffin. You will never hold power again after this occurs.

People around the world will dance and celebrate your downfall. The days of imperialistic white rule by the US conservative far-right will be over forever.
A year and a half after Republicans were seized with zombie voter fever, a state police investigation found no indication that anyone purposefully cast a ballot using the name of a dead person in South Carolina.

But the news was not trumpeted on TV or elsewhere like the allegations were 18 months ago. Instead, the State Law Enforcement Division quietly wrapped up its investigation and only released its file to media after Free Times submitted an open records request under the Freedom of Information Act. SLED released the report July 3, one day before a federal holiday.

The agency found no indication of voter fraud.

But don’t expect the officials — or media — who put fear in the minds of voters to try and correct the record to the extent they trumpeted the claims. According to Justin Levitt, a law professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles who focuses on elections and is researching claims of voter fraud, the level of media attention hardly ever balances when it comes to allegations of such voter fraud and any eventual follow-up that might debunk it.

For a while last year, you couldn’t turn on Fox News without seeing S.C. GOP Attorney General Alan Wilson saying things like, “We found out that there were over 900 people who died and then subsequently voted.”

And Republican Gov. Nikki Haley said, “Without photo ID, I mean, let’s be clear, I don’t want dead people voting in the state of South Carolina.” The charges of possible voter fraud arose at the time the state’s Republican leadership was pushing an ultimately successful Voter ID law requiring voters to flash a photo ID at the polls.

Wilson was unavailable for comment about the released report, but his spokesman, J. Mark Powell, passed along a statement. “The initial claims reported to the Attorney General’s office were alarming,” Powell said. “They were not vague allegations, but contained specific information. The state’s chief prosecutor cannot stand by when presented with such a situation. So SLED was asked to investigate this matter. We appreciate SLED’s hard work in preparing this report.”
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I have voted for dems and repubs. I would disagree with you. Democrat party has always been the party of racism since its beginning by a pro slave owner named Andrew Jackson. Now it is extreme reverse racism. Jesse Jackson and sharpton and MSNBC have everything but the black hoods on. The latest would be the you white college kid killed by two bored blacks. Where is the outrage!!! from President O or Sharpton? Could you imagine if this was two bored white boys who did this??? Just be honest.

You left out the white kid who was with them

I know this much, white males in the US should be very afraid. Brown people will be taking over the US in the very near future and there is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening no matter how many minorities you stop from voting.

The best part? All of your white women will flock to the new powers and you will have to witness it happening. You are cutting your own throats and are too blind and ignorant to recognize it happening.

Eventually the undocumented immigrants will be allowed to remain in country and given a path to citizenship. This is the day you should fear most. 25 million potential votes for the left will be the nail in your coffin. You will never hold power again after this occurs.

People around the world will dance and celebrate your downfall. The days of imperialistic white rule by the US conservative far-right will be over forever.

and so will our country! This will become another mexico if that happens. You will learn.
El T, you sound like a democrat racist "you should be very scared" Its ok, I already know the racists. It just proves it over and over.
El T, you sound like a democrat racist "you should be very scared" Its ok, I already know the racists. It just proves it over and over.
I have voted for dems and repubs. I would disagree with you. Democrat party has always been the party of racism since its beginning by a pro slave owner named Andrew Jackson. Now it is extreme reverse racism. Jesse Jackson and sharpton and MSNBC have everything but the black hoods on. The latest would be the you white college kid killed by two bored blacks. Where is the outrage!!! from President O or Sharpton? Could you imagine if this was two bored white boys who did this??? Just be honest.

You left out the white kid who was with them


WHY did you leave out the white kids involvement in the murder scott?
I have voted for dems and repubs. I would disagree with you. Democrat party has always been the party of racism since its beginning by a pro slave owner named Andrew Jackson. Now it is extreme reverse racism. Jesse Jackson and sharpton and MSNBC have everything but the black hoods on. The latest would be the you white college kid killed by two bored blacks. Where is the outrage!!! from President O or Sharpton? Could you imagine if this was two bored white boys who did this??? Just be honest.

The democrats in the days of slavery stood on the same platform that conservatives do today. Powerful state government and small federal government, complete totalitarian control of citizens, putting religion into government, etc. There was a flip in the parties during the days of the civil rights movements and southern racists migrated to the republican party because the democrats now supported minority rights. You know little to nothing about political evolution so be very careful with your spinning. It only makes you look uneducated. The republican party of today is nothing more than a redder shade of neck on a whiter shade of trash.
Well, they will find out who fired the shot soon. I guess we will find out. Once the one that did not shoot confesses, I sure hope democrat leaders get on the band wagon like the did for Trayvon. My bet is nothing close because it does not support the race card agenda of the left.
and so will our country! This will become another mexico if that happens. You will learn.

I could not give too shits less what happens to a bunch of imperialists who have done nothing but kill Colombians and poison the land and water. You made your bed and now you get to sleep in it. Caucasians are a vanishing breed and this is good news for the rest of the world. You are the most evil people on this planet.
The democrats in the days of slavery stood on the same platform that conservatives do today. Powerful state government and small federal government, complete totalitarian control of citizens, putting religion into government, etc. There was a flip in the parties during the days of the civil rights movements and southern racists migrated to the republican party because the democrats now supported minority rights. You know little to nothing about political evolution so be very careful with your spinning. It only makes you look uneducated. The republican party of today is nothing more than a redder shade of neck on a whiter shade of trash.[/QUOTE]

Another fact is that reverse racists are allowed to call racists names like "cracka". Its ok, I know your a member of the still racist party.
I could not give too shits less what happens to a bunch of imperialists who have done nothing but kill Colombians and poison the land and water. You made your bed and now you get to sleep in it. Caucasians are a vanishing breed and this is good news for the rest of the world. You are the most evil people on this planet.

VERY much like the old democrat KKK would say. You people cannot break the racism that infests your party. Lets not argue. Lets agree to disagree. I am not a Bush fan either. Bush/Obama the worst two back to back presidents in our history. I would love to see a good conservative black president but Jesse and the klan need the voters to keep the money coming in.
VERY much like the old democrat KKK would say. You people cannot break the racism that infests your party. Lets not argue. Lets agree to disagree. I am not a Bush fan either. Bush/Obama the worst two back to back presidents in our history. I would love to see a good conservative black president but Jesse and the klan need the voters to keep the money coming in.

Is that you Buck ?

Bored and creating a incredibly stupid, racist sock puppet?