The Ramen Noodle Thread!!!


New Member
no man real deal actual korean noodles they are spicy. they are called shin raymun it think look it up. the japs and koreans have the best


Well-Known Member
Two packs ramen, save a small handful, Toss flavor packets in the trash. Cock as directed, when Al Dente "lol @ Al Dente Ramen" strain with cold water. Mix in a can of drained tuna, MAYO,some sweet relish, salt, and pepper. Crush the saved hand full of ramen over the top and you have a cold tuna caserol.


New Member
off the topic for a sec. you can get two can of tuna one tomato half of a onion, garilic and two jalepenos. dice up veggis add, oil cook onions and veggie till soft add tuna lower heat let it simmer serve over plain white rice this meal will cost you less the 5 bucks if you already have the rice and its a lot enough for 3 hungry ass men


Well-Known Member
Great news.

I've recently discovered my local bodega has some insane ramen that has no english on the package, only what i presume to be korean. It comes with 4 little packets. One with seasoning powder, one with what appears to be some sort of lard, one with dehydrated vegetables, and one with the tiniest bit of the insanely hot sauce. The noodles are almost like your standard mr noodles except they are a tiny bit thicker and have the texture of a rick stick noodle.
Its like falling in love all over again.

I'll go buy some more tomorrow so i can take a picture for y'all. Also so i can gorge myself on this new super ramen.