The Rate The Song Above You Thread

Just quote me and look at the code.. What you do is use only a certain portion of the youtube url in between the youtube tags ( WITHOUT THE * 's > ) [*youtube*] [*/youtube*] .. If the youtube url is , you copy and past this part , the part I highlighted in red > .. Just copy paste the part AFTER the "=" sign from the youtube URL's and paste in between the youtube tags ( WITHOUT THE *'s of course ) > [*youtube*] [*/youtube*]

the finished code should look like this ( Again, WITHOUT THE *'s ) > [*youtube*]ZpM4G20Ltpk[*/youtube*]


Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Just quote me and look at the code.. What you do is use only a certain portion of the youtube url in between the youtube tags ( WITHOUT THE * 's > ) [*youtube*] [*/youtube*] .. If the youtube url is , you copy and past this part , the part I highlighted in red > .. Just copy paste the part AFTER the "=" sign from the youtube URL's and paste in between the youtube tags ( WITHOUT THE *'s of course ) > [*youtube*] [*/youtube*]

the finished code should look like this ( Again, WITHOUT THE *'s ) > [*youtube*]ZpM4G20Ltpk[*/youtube*]

Ahh awesome man, thanks.

essshhh, 1/10. I just refuse to accept rap as a music's nothing personal buddy.:-P :leaf:


This band is called The Answer and I seen them open for AC/DC in Moncton on the 6th. Amazing concert. Smoking weed with anywhere from 80 to 90 thousand people was amazing. Anvil was there as well opening.

PS - I Love ANVIL!!! Hate your comment about rap though :p


the vid above playback is sped up a bit ( i assume to avoid copyright detection )
.. but you get the idea LMAO

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member

PS - I Love ANVIL!!! Hate your comment about rap though :p


the vid above playback is sped up a bit ( i assume to avoid copyright detection )
.. but you get the idea LMAO
Haha it's ok dude, it's just where I'm from there isn't a whole lot of that culture around. City of about 10,000......9,995 of which are white lol. There are actually more white kids that think there black lol. We aren't a very diverse here but french and english are pretty much 50/50. In fact the world Acadian Congress is happening here this week.

I know I don't got a song but daaaaaamn I'm gonna take my time.

Im not a big Kanye fan ( at all ), but I did like this song however..


And Stacey Dash is looking yummy in this vid..


Well-Known Member

i fucking hate that arogant, self centered prick. his attitude sucks almost as bad as his music.


fast forward to like 55 sec...



i fucking hate that arogant, self centered prick. his attitude sucks almost as bad as his music.


fast forward to like 55 sec...
a million out of ten,..

how do you embed again