The Reactionary Left

Its all about to burn to the ground. Fed/state gov.con makes a great nanny with wonderful tits to suck on as long as she can steal enough money from productive people to keep those boobies filled with warm milk. But the bitch is barren and she already ate your 401 and your pension. She just has not told you yet. Get ready for hard times
Its all about to burn to the ground. Fed/state gov.con makes a great nanny with wonderful tits to suck on as long as she can steal enough money from productive people to keep those boobies filled with warm milk. But the bitch is barren and she already ate your 401 and your pension. She just has not told you yet. Get ready for hard times

Unless we unite as common people with common interests and instigate MASSIVE change immediatley. Continue to argue left vs right and continue to dig your own grave.
Unless we unite as common people with common interests and instigate MASSIVE change immediatley. Continue to argue left vs right and continue to dig your own grave.

all we have to do is vote for ron paul, right?

and all of a sudden, he will come swooping in, riding a turtle with wings made of gold a pseudo-faux-libertarian our way out of this mess.

afterward, he will clean your garage and fellate you.

all hail ron paul.
and all of a sudden, he will come swooping in, riding a turtle with wings made of gold a pseudo-faux-libertarian our way out of this mess.


As far as RP goes, abseloutly not. It has taken 100 years to build this house of cards. Its not going to be fixed in 4, or 8. He is however our only hope at a start. The Pizzaman and Obama aren't going to get the ball rolling.
2012 elections can't get here soon enough. The sooner we get this crazy bitch to stop talking for our country and into retirement, the better we will all be.

I don't care for her and I certainly don't like her flying all around the world, speaking on our behalf. I don't hate anyone, but I'd like to see her removed from her position, that's for sure.
I don't care for her and I certainly don't like her flying all around the world, speaking on our behalf. I don't hate anyone, but I'd like to see her removed from her position, that's for sure.

You are the definition of delusional and irrational hate
You are the definition of delusional and irrational hate

Yes, because anyone who doesn't agree with this administration and their agenda must be filled with hate. The libs are ALWAYS right and the conservative are ALWAYS wrong. And to make matters worse, the conservatives are not only wrong, they are hateful. While libs are filled with complete love and acceptance and don't demonize and run down people with views that differ from their own. How awesome it must be for you to be affiliated with a political party that NEVER has alterior motives and passes every piece of legislation and accepts every donation, not for their own gain or future reelection, but purely out of love for their fellow citizens.

I don't hate anyone you knob. I disagree with their politics and think what they are doing is actually hurting the very people they proclaim to be helping, but I don't hate them. I can't think of one person on this earth that I actually hate. I don't even have hatred for terrorists, I think they are sick and twisted and certainly hope they are vanquished, but I can't even muster true hatred for them. Maybe you have hatred in your heart for those who have differing political and economic views than yours and can't fathom that your opposition doesn't as well.

I don't hate you Duke, but I do pity you for the way you see this country and what you think you want for her.
Its not your views which are wrong. The greater harm is the fact you are detached from reality and mentally unhinged
Yes, because anyone who doesn't agree with this administration and their agenda must be filled with hate. The libs are ALWAYS right and the conservative are ALWAYS wrong. And to make matters worse, the conservatives are not only wrong, they are hateful. While libs are filled with complete love and acceptance and don't demonize and run down people with views that differ from their own. How awesome it must be for you to be affiliated with a political party that NEVER has alterior motives and passes every piece of legislation and accepts every donation, not for their own gain or future reelection, but purely out of love for their fellow citizens.

I don't hate anyone you knob. I disagree with their politics and think what they are doing is actually hurting the very people they proclaim to be helping, but I don't hate them. I can't think of one person on this earth that I actually hate. I don't even have hatred for terrorists, I think they are sick and twisted and certainly hope they are vanquished, but I can't even muster true hatred for them. Maybe you have hatred in your heart for those who have differing political and economic views than yours and can't fathom that your opposition doesn't as well.

I don't hate you Duke, but I do pity you for the way you see this country and what you think you want for her.

You are falling for their trap. You can't see the reality right in front of you. They want you to hate each other. They want you to fight the left or the right, your neighbour, your pizza delivery guy, your co-workers.

The reality is they are both on the same team. They are both working for the same people. They both want the same result. Don't be a fool. Its called Divide and Conquer. Its a stratgey that has been used for thousands of years to conquer and oppress people for individual gain.
I don't hate you Duke, but I do pity you for the way you see this country and what you think you want for her.

Im an Optimist
You want the USA to Fail

And you pity me? Save the pity for some Psych evaluations before you end up being another Loughner
Im an Optimist
You want the USA to Fail

And you pity me? Save the pity for some Psych evaluations before you end up being another Loughner

I tried. You are beyond hope. Keep disparaging me because you think you have a few cheerleaders on this forum. My views are far more mainstream than anything you've ever espoused. I fall right in line with many Independents that want fiscal conservatism but don't embrace the right's position on abortion, gay marriage, drug enforcement etc, etc. I have NEVER said anything that could be misconstrued as wanting the USA to fail, that claim is laughable at best. Wanting smaller government, lower taxes, more individual responsibility, all of which many of your fellow citizens believe will strengthen this country is far from crazy.

All of the open calls for rebellion, revolution and succession seem to be coming from individuals like yourself these days. Which is fine, but you're way off base trying to pin that bullshit on me. It's untrue.
I tried. You are beyond hope. Keep disparaging me because you think you have a few cheerleaders on this forum. My views are far more mainstream than anything you've ever espoused. I fall right in line with many Independents that want fiscal conservatism but don't embrace the right's position on abortion, gay marriage, drug enforcement etc, etc. I have NEVER said anything that could be misconstrued as wanting the USA to fail, that claim is laughable at best. Wanting smaller government, lower taxes, more individual responsibility, all of which many of your fellow citizens believe will strengthen this country is far from crazy.

All of the open calls for rebellion, revolution and succession seem to be coming from individuals like yourself these days. Which is fine, but you're way off base trying to pin that bullshit on me. It's untrue.

How myc lower do you want taxes as they are lower than in your and your parents lifetime. Maybe we should lower them until there is no more USA would that make you happy?