The real chocolate thai?


Well-Known Member
i grew some seeds that came from nam when my old man was in the war thy was 40 years old and i had no problems at all my avatar is a shot of it!! there is a old thread with pictures about it here.


Active Member
Since it is still early into flowering and this strain is rumor to have a super long harvest time should I top it? so it will split and I will be able to to get a clone. before harvest?


Well-Known Member
if you top it after its started flowering you will not exactly get the desired results.... however if you have no other alternative you can top the plant and then clone the cutting, but you will lose the best part of the bud on the original plant by doing so.


Active Member
such a complicated plant, I wonder if I can cute a fan leaf and clone that lol, if i do top it, would that little nug get me high?


Active Member
Man I did some research on it and they say they use to be sold in sticks wrapped around in new paper.. that just gave me a hint that this dumb ass plant dosent branch out.

here is were i found it

The Chocolate Thai was one of the most difficult plants to grow. It was dark and very asymmetric, rarely sporting any kind of a definite main-stem for any length of time. It was difficult to clone and very hermaphroditic, producing small airy buds at best. The herb from the Chocolate Thai passed the test (the progeny were at least as good as, if not better than, their parent), but had certain problems otherwise (structural and hermaphroditic). It was also similar in potency to the Highland Thai regarding strength, length and type of high.


Well-Known Member
with all the bad stuff they said about it it makes me wonder if its really worth all the trouble, some strains dont take to cloning very well and this sounds like on of them. at the same time though it would be cool as hell if you got around all the problems and worked it out. I'm torn on the issue. like iamstoned said, you can cut and clone the top (or try at least, if its really hard to clone like im suspecting it might not work right) and you can root fan leaves, its easy. lol. i rooted like 6 of em my first grow just sticking them in water and leaving em, they all rooted withing days.......then i found out something i should of realized myself-fan leaves have no growth points, so while it can root and grow thats all it will ever be, a big rooted fan leaf. im still torn between trying to take a clone from the top or not. I guess for now i'd just wait and see if it does start devolping branches you can eventually clone from. if you can take a 3-5 inch cutting of bud and the bud leaves from the side (the branches of the top cola) and root it and revert it to veg it should work cuz like i said b4 you could take a flowering clone anytime, even at the time of harvest. just dont be alarmed when it pushes out fucked up looking leaves for a while, its totally normal and is not a sign of problems or anything.


Well-Known Member
i just re-examined the pic, for sure you can clone w/o fucking w/the top. see that bottom set of leaves and the new growth coming out of the nodes? that growth is a branch, which is exactly what you need/want. just give it time and clone from bottom branches, 4-5inches and imo its really to take the cutting..


Active Member
here is an update of the chocolate thai a week later under 600 watts LED, this time I put the lights higher like 1 and a half foot above the plants and crazy things are happening. like one is... the nugs arnt brown anymore it is covered in crystals so you cant really see the brown on the nuggets no more.

also the new branches arent really branches i dont think its going to branch out, probably become a fan leaf with nugs or something.

here was how it looked a week ago when i had it outdoors

i will keep you guys posted till the end! so far I'm starting to believe it is the chocolate thai or Thai stick.


Active Member
I feel so inpatient, I wanna cut a leaf that has lots of crystals on it and rub it on some chronic lol, but for the sake of the plant maybe not.


Well-Known Member
sounds good. organic pest control in action. lol. I know how you feel on wanting to try it so bad but yeah, its really best to wait.


Active Member
Sorry for taking long, been busy but here are the update, fucking small plant i think having it outdoor in the wrong season did this

the smell? Coffee like, more like the smell of mocha lol they should rename this shit to starbucks thai lol


Well-Known Member
how badly? have any pics? check the whole plant over very carefully, hopefully its still early enough to stop them seeding up by cutting any male flowers and correcting any stress so it doesnt keep making them and ruin the crop..


Active Member
Only saw 1 ball, rather than being upset im rather very happy becuase waiting for it to regenerate will take very long and i will probably be able to take 2 clones max. Now that it hermie on me i will let it keep flowering for another 2-3 weeks so i will have seeds and i can start doing a sog with the thai :) hopefully this will garantee the survival of the strain also i wanna collect the weed sperm to breed it with a autoflowerer mabe low rider or ruderalis if i can ever find one. Wat do u guys think? It is flowering out side with a box over it to ensure the 12/12 schedual